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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri



Quote from: Phoenixazure on August 23, 2010, 02:24:42 AM
Any details from the tournament. Any spectators, anything of interest?

EDIT: First vid from the tourney has been uploaded.
the second.


Man, they can't just draw those sprites and then not put them in the game. That would be too cruel.


Full Translation of ye olde awesome blog update, provided by Toxico of MMCafe:

Suddenly, in an over use of Authority and almost in a violent tone the producer Kukino came out and said "How would this character look drawn in KoF XIII dotting style graphics", that's a daring plan.

- 5 months have passed since the start of this blog, there have been just so many difficulties but there is this deep feeling that something great was achieved.

With this summer intense heat has been really on season, specially with all of those heated battles of the Tougeki qualifers, Have you not fought on those? Even with that passionate feeling don't go there and forget to consume the right amount of water~.
Now, I wonder if it was just selfish from my part in the beginning and an extortion as an art director, "Everyone should see this character, why not draw them up a bit until they are completely cleaned up!" And even with that abuse of power, I also have been enjoying the results from this batch, and so this blog update took shape.
Now, let's check this exclusive footage.

Already in the Malasian stage Chang Koehan has a cameo appearance in dot graphics, due to Raiden and Hwa he could not make it into this game, however if we would have selected him we would have been aimed to such Volume that the whole screen would have been filled with Chang. Wouldn't have that been tasty?.

<reference: Cameo appearance from Chang>

Well, let's continue with Momoko and Malin

Malin and Momoko fans everywhere, are you happy right now?

The gorgeous Mai, the cool Leona ~ Elisabeth ~ King, the sadistic beauty of Mature & Vice, the Cuteness of Athena ~ Yuri ~ Kula is what we got, but what with these two? (Malin & Momoko). Doesn't Momoko give a weightlessness feeling with that appearance, and does not Malin give that impressive agile expression with just looking at her?

And now with Oswald.

It's a cool Irish Stout Bill, with this design these draws almost become my life time career hobby. Doesn't it look like there is no thing in heaven and earth more stylish that those fingertips? How manly~
As we drawn these, we couldn't help but to wonder what would have happened if these characters would have made the cut into the game. Would you have liked to used them? Oh, well, that would end up as homework for some other time...

- We thank mister Kukino for his over use of power, even though it meant that he had to go at it on a full nighter and now suffers from severe pains in his whole body.
Well, that was a great threat, but there is still juice out for this article, as we can still review something of the demo movie, let's pass some request to mr Nishimura.


Ladies and Gentlemen, it's Nishimura here.
From now on let's take a look into the characters introduced in the demo movie.

They became an important factor in the plot development of the story, [those who come from his distant land] (* Here are some of them) (Let's keep it as Harekushi for shorts); here are in casual clothes. We had that in the demo movie most of these guys where on robes, but we have that the director also had ideas on how would they look in casual clothes and how would that would speak to some extent of their personality. Some of these guy appeared previously in our past work (KoF XI) in some endings, but even those fellows got a new costume design just for today.

This one was among the core characters from the Harukeshi "Botan" and her set of illustrations, her design was to keep into account the ideas of [well endowed] , [meat on her bones] and [asian beauty] (it's actually 「むっちり」 「ぽっちゃり」 「アジアンビューティー」, for those who can tell the difference). Within the movements of the lip on the movie we wanted to keep that ぽってり feeling, specially in the movement of her lower lips. We aimed to make her waist a representation of her and her to be bathed in positive comments due to that body part.

In this previous set we have illustrations for Rose.
We wanted to give a big time organizer feeling as this is one of those characters that can put up a large tournament. This beauty has fallen into the control of the Harukeshi gang, just like the tournament itself was put together as a mean to achieve their own purposes. (we advise you to take heed on the game movie for those events). At the time of the creation of these sketches we had in mind to make her volume of her figure something terribly dreadful (they use 「縦ロール」 to describer her.... "important features")

The main morfit for her outfit is of course that of a rose themed get up. While her initial design was more or less inspired by red roses, with this new tournament sponsor design we wanted to capture more of a feeling of blue roses, and is exactly that roses the ones that can also be seen in the location meant for the final match and is where the base of operations of the Harukeshi is implied to be located. We think that these outfits are both, elegant and beautiful.
When it comes to these usually minor characters we always want to make a really big difference in appearance from the playable cast, and those introduced in this episode proved a wonderful opportunity which we hope that everyone enjoyed.

- To express our thanks to Mr Kukino and Mr Nishimura as this exclusive double feature proved to be filled with treasure!!
For the next time it's finally the time for our illustrator Ogura to step up into the plate, and find out all of those amazing stories of strong inspirations and sources that produced all of those "beam of getting ideas" to which all the rest of the staff could do nothing but be left in awe each time he did something.
Do not miss the next episode.

Additional Notes on Botan by the Prof:

QuoteThe second half of the blog shows off documents for the Kanochi team, such as how they look like without their robes, and details on how Botan should look like. The small notes on Botan reads "puffy eyelids", "thick lips", "plump but not fat", "asian look", "leather costume", "ass showing out".


Chang looks pretty respectable like that but still Raiden>>>>>Chang.

And teasing people with Oswald.  That's just cruel.
-K'/EX Kyo/EX Iori
-Benimaru(Duo Lon)/Robert/Takuma(Iori)

Might controls everything.

Dark Chaotix

Did they revert it back to 2k2 style and have 1 frame grabs?

In saying that, is kula dp+C still unsafe to a recovery roll grab?


Quote from: Dark Chaotix on August 26, 2010, 03:25:30 PM
Did they revert it back to 2k2 style and have 1 frame grabs?

Command grabs are back to the old sexiness.
Quote from: Dark Chaotix on August 26, 2010, 03:25:30 PM
In saying that, is kula dp+C still unsafe to a recovery roll grab?

I'm assuming so, the dp+C looks the same.

Lol, I just noticed that Chang's foot is like 1/3 the body of Momoko or Malin (Half of Malin's body!).  Also, they drew Chang pretty buff.

Quote from: TYRANNICAL on August 26, 2010, 02:01:33 PM
And teasing people with Oswald.  That's just cruel.

Yeah.  Can't wait for them to take another 6 months to finish one character :)

Dark Chaotix

Quote from: Kane317 on August 26, 2010, 03:42:54 PM
Quote from: Dark Chaotix on August 26, 2010, 03:25:30 PM
Did they revert it back to 2k2 style and have 1 frame grabs?

Command grabs are back to the old sexiness.
Quote from: Dark Chaotix on August 26, 2010, 03:25:30 PM
In saying that, is kula dp+C still unsafe to a recovery roll grab?

I'm assuming so, the dp+C looks the same.

possible to confirm this?


Chang and Momoko look awesome, I actually feel like using him with that take. Hope they go through with making him as huge as they say when they eventually do at him to the roster. They gotta give his gameplay a major overhaul though, its pretty friggin boring as it stands.

Malin should die in a fire. Oswald is a must for XIV or, better yet, a XIII console surprise.


personally i cant stand chang or choi. especially chang who is boring and too easy to play as. but we do need some giants back in the game. there are no chang or mukai sized characters left in kof anymore. the biggest characters are around the 2 meters, when chang and mukai are 2,30 or even 2,30+ meters. theyd be huge.

but then again theres a whole lot of characters people want in the next game. 96 Boss team, oswald, yamazaki, mary and vanessa. shit i wouldnt mind i raiden went to another team and hwa got lost (only to give some moves to joe), and hon fu along with bob wilson joined kims justice heros team. both momoko and malin can die for all i care, same for hinako, chang and choi.

i dont like cvhang but the sprite does look fucking awesome. if they actually reinvented him like chin he migt actually become awesome (though id still rather see kims justice friends from the ff series, bob and hon). and chang is suposed to be buff, hes like 200kg +maybe even cvlose to 250. its been a really long ass time since i watched my neo booklets, but he was huge.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: MUSOLINI on August 26, 2010, 07:45:35 PM
personally i cant stand chang or choi. especially chang who is boring and too easy to play as. but we do need some giants back in the game.

I wouldn't call Chang easy to use, he's easy to pick up but you'll get destroyed by the faster characters if you use Chang (I'm a Chang user), Iori and Kyo walk all over him.  Hell they can do easier combos (and in Kyo's case) and even more hits on him.  There's definitely something satisfying when you win with him, since it does take work (kinda like Chin).  Choi on the other hand is a little more user friendly, but his flying poke wall combos take some skill at least.


Malin and momoko would be a great addition, Chang and Oswald not sure. I will not be surprised at all if we see some DLC or added characters to the console version, actually I'm expecting some extra characters in the game. Now let hope that new PS3 Modchip doesn't ruin game sales here in America.


Quote from: THE ANSWER on August 27, 2010, 12:55:24 AM
Malin and momoko would be a great addition, Chang and Oswald not sure. I will not be surprised at all if we see some DLC or added characters to the console version, actually I'm expecting some extra characters in the game. Now let hope that new PS3 Modchip doesn't ruin game sales here in America.

I spit on you, Oswald less interesting than Malin?!!!?!  Oswald is Gator Pimp (anyone watch The Other Guys?)

Maybe it's about time Jhun makes good on his word (or was it Kim) and they train Choi and Chang!


Oh by the way Kane, is it true that you can change the music when pressing start button before the fight begins ?


Quote from: Chlorophylle on August 27, 2010, 04:01:15 AM
Oh by the way Kane, is it true that you can change the music when pressing start button before the fight begins ?

I saw RJ doing that.