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Keep America Beautiful - The Rick Strowd thread

Started by steamwolf, March 06, 2011, 03:57:38 PM

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Gameplay Overview

Gameplay Notes

-A damn combo machine.

-Can do obscene damage off a jab.

-Is incredibly fast.

-Has a great all-around moveset, an unblockable that leads into combo, a ranged, projectile-eating super that hits low, and to top it all off, an infinite (though it is pretty tough to do).


-Rick excels in just about everything, but where he truly shines is his damage potential from anywhere, and his zoning, pressure and mixup games.


-Rick's a boxer, so his lows aren't anything to write home about. A lot of his moves can easily become victim to breakshots.



Far st. ;c

-Good Reach

-Decent Poke

-Can be used as a Breakshot? (Broken English in google translate is rough...)


cr. ;a

-Comes out fast

-Short reach

-Good for close-range mostly


Jumping ;a

-Strong jumping attack with good range

Jumping ;c

-A strong downward attack

-Works well against smaller opponents


Punching Bag
;fd/ ;bk + ;c (Close)

Command Moves

Punisher - Rick performs his far st. ;c animation, but with more range
;fd ;fd + ;c

-Cannot be used for a Breakshot?

Chopping Right - Rick leans forward with two jabs in a downward angle
;fd+ ;a

-Two Hits

-Both hits are overheads

-Can be canceled into a Special/DM/SDM by performing the Special/DM/SDM before Chopping Right comes out

-Appears to have bad frames on block?

-Best used for rushing down and punishing a low block.

Sword Smash - Rick does an uppercut
;df+ ;a

-Can be used for anti-air

-Hits pretty hard

-You can connect a variety of combos with this

Step Punch - When used right as he's about to be hit, Rick will dodge the attack and counter-attack
;a+ ;b

-Small reach

-Don't use as a dillusionary tactic

-Good as an anti-air?

Shooting Star Fake - Rick ducks and performs the initial frames of his sweep
;fd+ ;a+ ;c

-This move is actually improperly named, as Rick does not fake his Shooting Star at all, but instead fakes his standard sweep.


-Can be comboed off of

Shooting Star - Rick dashes forward and delivers four punches to the stomach and face.
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a


-Must reach opponent to execute this maneuver

-Comes out faster than the  ;c version, but doesn't knock down

-Doesn't travel as far as  ;c version, nor does it launch opponent into the air

-Rick's most useful move

-Very safe

-Combos off of any normal from any range

-Does great damage

-Leaves Rick at frame advantage

-Rick will not do the punches if missed

-By whiffing a dash, you can instantly go into a throw, which is a good confusion tactic

-Easiest move to eat a Breakshot with.

EX Shooting Star - If you don't have meter, Rick will do a six-hit punch series
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c

-If you don't have meter, Rick will do a six-hit punch series

-Which is unsafe

-And the punches come out even if the dash whiffs

-If you DO have meter, Rick does a series of punches that ends with a massive uppercut

-Combos from anything

-Chips away at the bigger characters like crazy

-Can be juggled with a Hellion or a Punisher afterwards

-Still unsafe

-Causes decent stun

Divine Blast - Rick leaps back about 2/3 of the screen distance, whistles, and delivers a sliding punch that travels about 3/4 screen distance
;dn ;db ;bk+ ;c


-Knocks down unless you hit with the very tip of Rick's fist

-Can be used for a breakshot

-Which shouldn't even be bothered with, as he has other, better, Breakshots

-Press  ;d while backdashing and Rick will cancel out of the attack

-Which is a good way to help maintain distance between you and the opponent

-Decent stun

Full Moon Fever - Rick sways back and forth and goes "wahoo!".

-Rick will continue swaying for as long as you hold  ;b

-If not holding  ;b, move will drop automatically after five seconds

-Bad recovery

-Completely open to lows and throws during the animation

-Dodges high attacks

Hellion - Rick swings his left fist across his body, and then swings his other fist upwards, with both swings leaving behind a gold trail.
;fd ;dn ;df+ ;a

-Very fast

-Great priority

-Good as an anti-air

-Great as a Breakshot

-Can juggle from his sweep

-If done right after  ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c (Both versions), this can be done as an infinite combo

-Good stun

Blazing Sunburst - Rick leans back for a moment and then delivers a huuuuge blow to the opponent's stomach.
;dn ;db ;bk+ ;a


-If used when opponent is knocked down, opponent can backdash or reversal so use it sparingly

-If you do manage to land it, however, you can cancel it into Rick's  ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c with meter, which means about a bar and 1/3 worth of damage.

-Rather slow, so it can be hard to combo with

Gaia Breath - Rick's DM. Rick delivers a huge punch to the stomach, followed by a giant right cross that sends out a giant typhoon.
;fd, ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b+ ;c

-Cancels projectiles

-Great damage for a DM

-Safe as long as the opponent doesn't Breakshot

-Has almost zero range, but still has combo options

-Has good stun

Howling Bull - Rick's SDM. Rick delivers a series of barely-visible punches ending with a huge fireball.
;fd, ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c

-Punches have 2/3 screen range

-Fireball has full screen range

-Combos from anything

-Quick start up

-Great damage

-Good invincibility

-Zero recoverys

-Eats fireballs

-Hits low

-Possible to juggle with this, but it can be a little tricky

-Of course, good stun



friends dont let friends use bosses


Quote from: DeadlyRave-Neo on March 10, 2011, 10:29:43 PM
b fwd c dwn c is a target combo

Great, I'll add it once I get a chance to get back to Rick's thread. Anybody else with input, feel free to contribute as well!


How I play Rick:

My favorite combo is ;a, ;c, ;dn ;df ;fd ;a. It hits both far and close, and doing the longer close combo strings do a little more damage but there's a bigger chance you can mess them up.

If you insist on it though, you can do things like close ;a, ;dn ;a, ;a, ;c, ;dn ;df ;fd ;a. If you've got them cornered, you can slap another ;a in front of that.

For low hits, I use  ;dn ;b, ;dn ;c, ;fd ;dn ;df ;a. This can lead into his infinite if you got the opponent placed right but I don't use the special more than twice because I'm fair. :X

;fd ;fd ;c, ;fd ;c, ;dn ;df ;fd ;a is a really strong combo, but you have to catch your opponent off guard for it to hit.

Whatever you do, DON'T open the round with ;dn ;db ;bk ;c. It's probably the most predictable round starter in the game.

His S Power is almost useless. For his P Power, try to combo into it(;a, ;c is an easy starter for it). If you use it on wake up or randomly, the opponent can go into the back plane before the attack starts.

For any combo that ends with ;dn ;df ;fd ;a, when you have a S Power or P Power you can swap it for ;dn ;df ;fd ;c for more damage. Plus after that you can use ;fd ;dn ;df ;a if you're positioned right(this also can lead to his infinite but don't do that).


 ;fd ;fd ;c,  ;c, the  feint and combo on is even better, especially continuing with  ;b,  ;c, feint,  ;b,  ;c  ;dn ;df ;fd ;a or  ;c.

instead of feinting twice you could feint once and do the  ;b,  ;b,  ;c into special.

also his  ;dn ;b,  ;dn ;c into  ;fd ;dn ;df ;a combo, when your not in infinite range hit the special a little late so you will still be able to do 2. this might seem like not a big deal, but for such a simple combo it does pretty good damage and huge stun. not to mention leaves you in a great position after the knockdown. timing his  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a after that can be tricky to get out of for your opponent, and if you do hit them you can continue with  ;dn ;df ;fd ;c and onwards.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!