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Anyone watch wrestling? TNA/WWE discussion here!

Started by Dojo Destroyer, May 05, 2011, 04:38:20 AM

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Dojo Destroyer

This is for those who still watch wrestling. I still do. Not a big fan of WWE these days as they keep force feeding the fans with John Cena and Randy Orton. I'm more of a TNA fan just because they focus more on the wrestling part rather than the entertaining part. Feel free to hit this thread up with all your knowledge of the industry, and oh yeah... Keep it classy!


My wife and I watch Smackdown every Friday because it is more focused on wrestling and less on entertaining. I've tried watching TNA and did not like it despite Freeman, I mean Jeff Hardy being on the show.

Dojo Destroyer

Not a Jeff Hardy fan? I guess he has lost a lot of fanbase because of his personal issues. I like guys like Kurt Angle, Sting, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles. Another reason why I like TNA. I also try to watch Smackdown whenever possible, but it's hard to catch it every Friday. Undertaker's still a hit with me. I also like CM Punk too. 


Nah, I like Jeff Hardy a lot. He just wasn't enough to get me to watch TNA. The episodes I watched were pretty boring.


I used to be such a big wrestling fan back in the day(seriously though, who the hell wasn't?) and I just find it hard to get into WWE's product these days. I still don't know who half the roster is besides the main guys like Cena, Orton and The Miz. I do recognize some guys from the indy circuit like CM Punk and Bryan Danielson who seem to have pretty much fallen into the "we don't know what to do with them" pool of wrestlers that are just there. It's such a shame to cause if you know those guys, they can easily put on 5 star matches any night.

I haven't watched Smackdwon in years but do know that Kane, Taker and Mysterio are there. And when I look back at it, it's funny to me that these guys are still going at it. I mean hell, I grew up watching those guys entertain us fans for years and I just think it's amazing that they are still doing what they are doing. Shit, I remember watching Rey Mysterio Jr when he was just 19 years old in the AAA(Mexican wrestling) and then going from there, to ECW to WCW and now the former World Champ at WWE.

Then again, guys like HHH, Mysterio, Taker and the others that are still around are pretty much the ones who have no demons in their lives. Reaosn I say that is because it's sad to me that guys like Scott Hall and Lex Luger are pretty much done in so many ways. I recently read about some of the stuff Hall has been through in his life and it's just so sad. And let's not get started on Luger.

But anyway, with the current wrestling business, I try to catch whatever I can of it. It's not the best but when I do watch it I sorta feel like a kid again but we know nothing will ever match those great years when wrestling was the thing to watch on TV.

I've watched some of TNA and I just feel like the writing, if it were to improve, could easily make TNA the wrestling show to watch. Like I said though, the writing and the storylines are too boring and it seems like there are too many heel turns.

Dojo Destroyer

Quote from: nilcam on May 05, 2011, 04:55:07 AM
Nah, I like Jeff Hardy a lot. He just wasn't enough to get me to watch TNA. The episodes I watched were pretty boring.

That's cool. TNA's not for everyone. I like it cause it's finally something different that gives wrestling fans an option again. It's not like the Monday night wars by any means, but I think it's decent product that's up and coming.

@Cibernetico: I agree with you all the way about the ex-indie talent not being used properly. It's basically all about sales and merchandising these days and too much about what the fans want. Yeah, I've watched many of those wrestlers start from the beginning like Triple H ( Not a big fan of ), Undertaker, and Rey Mysterio. I never caught any of Rey Mysterio Jr's AAA days, but I can go as far back as ECW with him because it was on t.v. 

It's also sad to hear about Hall and Luger and the issues they've been facing these days. Luger was one of my all-time favorites. I think what the fans want is something fresh these days instead of someone winning the world title for like the 10th time. It was only cool when Flair was doing that.


Speaking of Lex Luger ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOwDEhOLXIk

One of the greatest nights in Monday Night Wrestling history. I remember watching that with my brother and we were going CRAZY! You honestly cannot get that sort of emotion anymore from watching wrestling.

And btw, the Lex Luger theme from WCW was ridiculously epic.



Well, all I can say is that it's no tthe WWE's fault for what it is right now. Seeing as there is no such thing to them as serious competition, they can get away with being 100% PG. It just means that wrestlers will be safer and have to take less bumps which means longer careers if they decide to do this as long as they want.

If people really want to see great wrestling again, they better hope a company like TNA gets its act together and put together a show that is worthy of being a competitor to the WWE.

Dojo Destroyer

Yes! True classic stuff with Luger! :) I think TNA's doing a fine job so far, but there's always room for improvement. WWE is now an empire that has more money and production value and also it's a household name. They don't even consider themselves in the wrestling genre. They've absorbed so many companies such as WCW, ECW, and AWA. It would be very hard for TNA to compete on the level WCW once did. And it even took WCW many years and millions of dollars to get compete with WWE. Rome wasn't built in a day, but I think it might happen again. Either way, I'm still happy there's a different product out there besides WWE to watch.


Very true. I'm happy aswell that I can turn to TNA whenever I want an alternative but again, I seriously wish they would get some better writers in there cause that show needs it badly. they have all the talent in place, they just need that next step to move further.

And if TNA is not cutting it for me, during the weekends we get AAA and CMLL tv here which are the two biggest Mexican wrestling promotions right now. You just gotta get used to the way Mexican wrestling is since their shows are a lot like the Japanese promotions.

And hell, if that stuff is not to your liking, there are so many independent promotions out there that have been running for years that put on great shows all the time. Ring of Honor is the one everyone knows about and they are great.

Dojo Destroyer

Yeah, I'm quite familiar with RoH. I just gotta watch more of it. I heard they have some awesome matches. Don't they have internet PPV's or something? I need get more info on that. We definitely don't get AAA down here. You're lucky. I have to check out more indy shows they even have some local promotions over here. CM Punk got started working for a indy promotion in Minnesota.


I'd be surprised if you don't have the channel that AAA and CMLL come on. I'd imagine that it's one of those spanish channels that needs to be on since it's so big. The channel is Galavision.

and speaking of RoH, I have heard that they have ppvs but I don't know when. To tell the truth, I only really pay attention to them when they come to NYC. I don't know if they have broken away from being nothing but east coast but I'd imagine they have since it's a pretty huge indy promotion.


Impact Wrestling (formerly known as TNA) has been really good for the past 4 weeks and it can only get better from here because of the Bound for Glory series matches and the Destination X contract matches. I suggest everyone start paying attention.

Also AAA Triplemania is today and they'll be going up against some of Impact's guys.


yup still fan

I love wrestling for the stupidness that came along with it, this fantasy world with characters that are realally over the top, rw is a very good show this last months since r-truth has made an amazing character, alex riley it seems to start getting over, and overall lots of things, maybe isn't that balanced like smackdown, but there's still lots of matches IMO.

Smackdown is a better match, but I don't watch since I only end reading the spoilers

I love Impact Wrestling just for Russo, at times the show it's ''so bad that is good'' but there are lots of errors there, at least besides the ''wrestling matters here'' I had feeling that in smackdown Wrestling matters the same or even more than IW

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