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Philly/Southeast PA

Started by jt4mtb, May 27, 2011, 12:03:20 AM

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Current regular sessions:
The Hubbs': 2nd and 4th Mondays each month barring holidays
JT: 3rd Friday of each month

Any other players in or around the Philly area?

I'm currently right outside of the city by the airport. I've started running a monthly Garou night at my place, at which I usually get about 4-5 other friends/players over to play. A few of them come over the bridge in NJ to play. There's also a stream I'll run during these gatherings if anyone wants to check it out or watch some of the recordings: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jt4mtb. If there's interest around here, I can try organizing gatherings for other games too.

I'm always up for some games. I mainly play Garou, but I'm willing to dabble into some other fighters if anyone wants to show me stuff. God knows I keep buying fighting games despite how I don't even come close to keeping up with many of them. As far as SNK fighters go, I've got here to play:

Neo Geo MVS: AOF2, Garou MotW, KOF 98 & 2002, Last Blade 1 & 2, RBFF2, and SamSho 2.
PS2: KOF 98 UM, KOF XI, and SamSho Anthology.

So who wants to get together and play?


In case anyone reads this, I'm having my next Garou night this Friday (6/17). Let me know if you're thinking of coming by and I can give you the details. Otherwise, I should have a stream running.



Good evening Philly, lets fight like gentlemen


Teach me how to play these games.


Quote from: AJSmith325 on June 24, 2011, 09:38:48 PM
Teach me how to play these games.
The only one I could really teach you something more than basics in is Garou MotW. Everything else I've only dabbled in here and there. We just need to sit down sometime and press buttons.


Monthly Garou night is this Friday (7/15). Who wants to come by and press some buttons?


Hey, JT

We Spoke once before. In the Greeting thread. It would be cool to someday get some matches in with you. My Garou skills are 4/10 lol. But I never mind playing anything.  Problem is, im always 9 times out of 10 broke lol, wont be able to catch any buses anytime soon to south Philly to get some matches in. Im in Strawberry Mansion

Once, i get things running and get a good job (which sadly wont be anytime soon), I'll try to start joining your Garou Sessions.

Also if you going to Summer Jam, Have fun man.


Yo Philly players what's going on over here? http://www.necphilly.com/archives/northeast-championship-nec-xii-dec-4th-5th-in-philadelphia-pa-a-new-life/

No mention of KOF 13 at all?! Like it doesn't even excist! Come on guys get your act together and let's make it happen. Last time I was at NEC I enjoyed my self so I would like to go again this year.


Quote from: biggdaddycane on August 27, 2011, 11:42:12 AM
Hey, JT

We Spoke once before. In the Greeting thread. It would be cool to someday get some matches in with you. My Garou skills are 4/10 lol. But I never mind playing anything.  Problem is, im always 9 times out of 10 broke lol, wont be able to catch any buses anytime soon to south Philly to get some matches in. Im in Strawberry Mansion

Once, i get things running and get a good job (which sadly wont be anytime soon), I'll try to start joining your Garou Sessions.

Also if you going to Summer Jam, Have fun man.

Hey, it's cool man. We all start from somewhere. A lot of the guys who come by to my sessions are just getting into the game, and I'm willing to show everyone what I can. So whenever you can make it down, it'll be fun.
Quote from: THE ANSWER on August 31, 2011, 10:17:28 PM
Yo Philly players what's going on over here? http://www.necphilly.com/archives/northeast-championship-nec-xii-dec-4th-5th-in-philadelphia-pa-a-new-life/

No mention of KOF 13 at all?! Like it doesn't even excist! Come on guys get your act together and let's make it happen. Last time I was at NEC I enjoyed my self so I would like to go again this year.

Don't worry. I personally know Hubbs, and I can get in contact with Big E. I will get KOF 13 happening one way or another at NEC; even if I have to run it myself ;)


^^^That's what I'm talking about!!! Making shit happen!!!

Per the SRK thread it looks like they've reconsider their decision and are adding it to the main lineup ;). I wanna see the Rocky Statue again!!!!!!!

Help with housing anybody? :D

The HuBBs

Its not that we reconsidered it.  Its more like we forgot about the game and immediately added it. lol

BTW i'm looking to whoop some ass next session jt.


Uhhh i was asked on Homingcancel if I'm going to be hosting sessions for this, and yes. I will be hosting for this game when it drops. Figured I'd mention it on the forum that actually deals with this game


My monthly Garou session is coming up this Friday night (9/16). As usual, hit me up for details if you want to stop by.

Quote from: msfAegis on September 11, 2011, 11:55:03 AM
Uhhh i was asked on Homingcancel if I'm going to be hosting sessions for this, and yes. I will be hosting for this game when it drops. Figured I'd mention it on the forum that actually deals with this game

Good shit. As I talked to you about before, I'll try to help out with whatever I can.


Yeah, I'll pick this up and whenever I'm in town, I'll come by.