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East Coast Throwdown 3 - Morristown, NJ - June 25-26

Started by jt4mtb, June 20, 2011, 02:28:47 AM

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So East Coast Throwdown is coming up next weekend. Is anyone here going to be there? While there's not any SNK games as part of the tournament, I wanted to see if we could organize a meet up there for some casuals and whatnot.

I was already planning on bringing at least one of my Neo Geo supergun setups with me with Garou. If there's interest, I can bring other stuff with me like my second supergun, KOF 98 & 2k2 OG, Last Blade 2, Real Bout 2, my PS2 with 98UM and KOF XI. Whatever you guys want to play really.

So post up and let's get something going! Hope to meet and play with you guys there.


I'm going to be there, along with 3-5 other canadians going for AH3 and BBCS2 who don't play SNK games *laughs* .  I'm not entering any tournaments, though (just helping with transportation for the others) (might consider entering AH3, but I'm still pretty bad at that game, so probably won't), so I'd be interested in playing stuff on Saturday for sure.  Sadly, probably won't be staying long on Sunday, since I have work on Monday.

Haven't played Garou in ages (and I used to play Freeman, so that makes things even worse *laughs* ), and I know you're hardcore into that, so I wouldn't want to waste your time kicking my ass in it unless there's really nobody else willing to play you.  I'd be most interested in 2002UM, if possible (can bring it along with my PS2 if someone else can't bring it on X360, as long as someone lets me know before Friday), but happy to try out anything else.
Old man/bad player


Cool. Funnily enough, I'm going for BBCS2 myself; I'd consider entering AH3 too if it weren't for the fact that I haven't really touched the game in well over a month (and I haven't evolved beyond week one gimmicks :/).

It's alright about not played Garou in awhile. I'd just enjoy playing the game regardless of who I'm playing. Besides, we could take turns kicking each other's asses in our respective games  ;) since I haven't really spent much time actually playing KOF semi-seriously yet let alone 2002UM. Hopefully we can get a little group together and just play.


I actually liked BBCS2 more than I thought I would, from the bit of it that I've played (since it seems to have finally broken BB far enough from GG to not make me think "I'd rather be playing GG" every time I touch it...Makoto combos are still too long, though *laughs* ), but I've got basically no time to practice between working full time and learning AH3/XIII/2002UM.

Well, I'm not particularly good at 2002UM yet either, but I'd probably be more competitive in that than any other SNK game *laughs* .  But yeah, the important part is to just hook up and have fun playing.  I just learned that there's a Vampire Savior side tournament, so I'll be getting in on that (even though, just like Garou and non-2002UM/XIII KOF, I haven't really played against anyone in that in about 8 years *laughs* ), but aside from that, maybe some HnK (because that game is a lot of fun when neither player knows any infinites), and maybe trying to get a picture with Arturo Sanchez (because one of the guys I'm coming with keeps saying that I look like him), I don't have any other plans, so I'm almost all free for SNK stuff.

The guys coming with me had a lot of fun playing 2002UM a couple of weekends ago even though they hadn't played a KOF before (closest game they'd played was CvS2), so I might be able to pull some of them over when they don't have tournament matches going on.  Then again, they might just want to focus solely on CS2/AH3 (understandably), so hopefully we get more than just the two of us on SNK stuff.

Edit: Since it seems like nobody else from here is coming, I'll bring my PS2 for 2002UM.
Old man/bad player


I'll most likely make it out there considering the drive is only an hour. Although I probably won't be much of a challenge cause I've been very very busy at work and have had virtually no time to play anything for 3 months now.


Do you think you'll be streaming from the event like you did last time?


I would have went but I already had tickets for a show on the 26th ):


Quote from: Cibernetico on June 22, 2011, 11:26:13 PM
I'll most likely make it out there considering the drive is only an hour. Although I probably won't be much of a challenge cause I've been very very busy at work and have had virtually no time to play anything for 3 months now.
Nice. It'll be good to see you again. Don't worry about not having played in awhile, I'm still pretty much free when it comes to anything not Garou. You can slap me silly in some KOF if you want.

Quote from: Giby on June 23, 2011, 12:51:20 AM
Do you think you'll be streaming from the event like you did last time?
Not sure yet. I still don't know what the internet service at the hotel is like, and I'm not sure if the guys I'm splitting the room with are planning on doing as far as casuals outside of the tournaments. You can be sure if I end up streaming something, I'll post up about it.


I'll be there to play almost any SNK game like garou, kof, last blade, real bout, etc. It'll feel good to play extinct SNK games i miss again haha


So if any of you guys see some asian dude wearing a dreamcancel t-shirt playing BlazBlue on this stick on Saturday, that's probably me.  ;)


First of all, "are you okay"? *laughs*  That stick is nice ;)

Sounds like a plan.  I'll be the hairy white guy in a plain vomit-colored shirt (because the damn canadian postal service went on strike while my dreamcancel shirt was in transit and hasn't gone back to work yet  :( ) , probably using a standard-looking SSF4 TE to play either SNK stuff or PS2 Vamp Savior.
Old man/bad player


So are you going to go *cough* postal on your postal service for not being considerate to dreamcancel shirts? Also, I know at least two other guys that'll be at ECT who'd be down for some SNK fun; it should be a good time... well, it will be once I prove how FREE I am in BB and get knocked out. Haha.


Omegaryuji and Braver, it was nice to meet you guys in person.
Cibernetico, it was good to see you again.

Sorry this little meetup didn't get far off the ground. Saturday was crazy with how many people there were in the tournament area and how crazy late all the pools went. I really wanted to get some games with you guys. Hopefully we can get together in the future at another major. If anyone is coming down here to Philly for either Summer Jam in August or NEC in December, hit me up and we can try for something then.


Yeah, cool to see you too, even if things didn't really get popping.  At least I got to have some scrub 2002UM casuals back at the Holiday Inn with the guys I came with (on something like 4 frame LCD lag *laughs* ).  Also, planning around 10+ hour drives sucks.  One of the guys I was with was in top 4 for AH3 and ended up having to forfeit because MK9 was taking too long to finish, which was also around when the VSav side tournament got started, so I had to miss the only event I would've entered (though that's not too bad because I was getting blown up in it during all of the casual play anyway...damn so many years of rustiness *laughs* ).
Old man/bad player


Yeah, nice meeting you guys. I remember losing to omega in VS.

jt4mtb, I wish I brought Garou. I regret it so much as weird the ps2 version is. :/

Nice meeting you guys. I'll try to find a way to get to Summer Jam. Around that time, I'll be in Bethlehem, PA so i'll try to find a ride somehow to Philly.