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Street Fighter X Tekken

Started by FreeRunner, July 21, 2011, 11:56:41 PM

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巴哈姆特 15 週年站聚-快打旋風 X 鐵拳交流會四強戰 1-巴哈姆特GNN

Better yet, let's compare the earlier video I posted, to this one with the "newer" build (feels weird to say considering this build is like...2 months old still).

Nothing special really, combo disparity is completely crippled, meter is pretty much only saved for EXs, Supers and Cross Arts rather than before for Special Tag Canceling...it's pretty homogenized.

Though, it's probably not fair to put a video up with Guile, Sagat and Ryu and say look for excitement.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on December 24, 2011, 05:31:22 AM
It just screams Generic.

Exactly...though again, I will play Devil's Advocate of my own argument and video and say...probably not very fair to put up a video of three of the more generic characters in the game.  If I can get a video of people actually playing different characters for the build, I'll post that to hopefully strengthen the argument.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


You know, I haven't seen or heard much about SFxT besides the whole gem system that everyone seems determined to believe will be a failure and have nothing to do but crap on it for now.

but by all means, isn't Heroes and Heralds mode somewhat of precursor to what we will see in SFxT since supposedly it will be part of the main game and not just a side mode to fool around with?


Well Capcom has to be the only company in history to get me to want their product to fail, get me on board, and then get me to want it to fail again, all within a month's time.  Part of me hopes it doesn't get better because I don't think my brain can take much more flip-flopping.

And Heroes and Heralds is a precursor...if it were a main mode...and you could only use the C Rank cards...and you got awesome art to go with the Gems.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

I think the upside to this failing is that we won't see a butchered version of Darkstalkers.  :)


Quote from: Proto Cloud on December 27, 2011, 05:21:07 AM
I think the upside to this failing is that we won't see a butchered version of Darkstalkers.  :)

THANK GOD.  Like seriously, we don't need a new Darkstalkers, the ones we have are just fine thank you, and Capcom hasn't shown any ability to not bog down games with needless features and meh graphics (though the meh graphics seems to fall more on Ono's team, MvC3 is just fine stylistically for the most part).

Ono, I still thank you for helping bring back the revival of our scene with SF4, if not for that game, hey, who knows where KOF would stand right now?  But now you can stop, you've served your purpose, let the real publishers and designers take over thank you very much.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I can only accept a new DS game if it's done with sprites, but since this is Capcom...

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 27, 2011, 05:32:02 AM
THANK GOD.  Like seriously, we don't need a new Darkstalkers, the ones we have are just fine thank you, and Capcom hasn't shown any ability to not bog down games with needless features and meh graphics (though the meh graphics seems to fall more on Ono's team, MvC3 is just fine stylistically for the most part).

Ono, I still thank you for helping bring back the revival of our scene with SF4, if not for that game, hey, who knows where KOF would stand right now?  But now you can stop, you've served your purpose, let the real publishers and designers take over thank you very much.

I'm okay with Marvel, because it was done by Eighting, (Might remember them making the Bloody Roar series) and they actually managed to capture what made Marvel 2 good to an extent.

My real beef is with Dimps. They are an absolutely atrocious developer that if anyone remembers well, they were the ones that ruined Sonic's legacy and made the crappy DBZ games. The fact of the matter is that Ono and Dimps are a tag team of insanity. I'm also glad that they breathed new life into fighters, but I don't like how they're just poisoning the well faster than they can even make their games.

Darkstalkers can NEVER work with Dimps.


Not to mention, if we DO get a DS game, it will be by Ono's team since he's the one pulling the wagon.  I mean, don't get me wrong, Ono's heart tends to be in the right place.  He just outthinks himself too much.

Honestly, I don't even care too much about the graphics, it's the gameplay that matters to me (and should matter to almost everyone...unless you're color blind in which case...visuals might be a slight problem) and I don't trust Ono's team enough to pull it off without ruining it in someway.

And then there's the whole VHunt vs VSav thing.  While it seems the general public is in agreement that VSav is the better game, there's definitely a core group that will defend VHunt and it's "superiority" to the grave.

Idk, it's a hard line to walk making a new game of a old, seriously beloved series with diehard fans.  Even if Ono's team wasn't making it, idk if there's anyone I would trust TO make it, considering how VSav2 and such went down.  Think they should just leave the series alone completely.  It can still be played on GGPO.

My take on all this is this.  If you prefer older series or games, play them.  More often than not, there are ways to play them with others.  After the 3SOE debacle, we can't even trust our developers to make an accurate port that we want (though...honestly we never really could in the first place, that was never Capcom's strong suit...) so just leave the older games alone.  The ONLY game right now that needs a rerelease is CvS2 as...well, you can't play it online with others.  It has a legitimate beef to get one.  I'm pretty sure everything else that we would want is on GGPO or other media.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

I feel the same way about Ono. He has plenty of great ideas, but like many Japanese developers, they aren't really focused and well-thought out. This is where having other people balance it out by bouncing off these ideas from, so that filter out the bad and make the good even better, but this is Dimps and they're as talented and creative as a  pack of sloths.

But actually, I wouldn't mind seeing a re-release of VS or a collection of sorts, since there isn't much in the way of choices when it comes to DS ports. An HD Remix of it wouldn't hurt either. As long as they don't rebalance it, it would be a welcome choice.

As for CvS2, I really don't know what they're waiting for. It isn't on GGPO and it isn't very easy to acquire now. But as it stands, it wouldn't hurt for this game to have a rebalance. Man, a lot of the great character choices just flat out suck.


Yeah, I could live with a CvS2 rebalance...it's not even like the 3S where you can work hard and make anything work.  Nah...anything lower than maybe...Rock Howard tier, and good fucking luck.  Not to mention P-Groove and all that.

But honestly, no, no rerelease of VSav.  You wanna play it, get on GGPO, they won't bite...they'll just body you free for a long time.  But at least you can make a ghetto training mode on it.  If they fuck up the netcode, or it turns into another 3SOE debacle, and VSav is taken from GGPO like 3S (only with less Karnov's Revenge), people will riot.  Do not even risk it.  If it's on GGPO, do not touch it, at all, ever.  If it's on Supercade, don't touch it.

As for the Japanese developer thing, yeah, quality there is really bad these days.  Hell, to reinforce your point, let's look at Metal Gear Rising before Platinum took over.  The ENTIRE game was built around cutting everything and the mechanic.  They thought of that mechanic, and built everything around it, without thinking clearly.  Shit hit the fan, and they had to hand it off to a developer that actually knows what they're doing.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I think if anything they would just need to nerf A* Groove. Because as-is Dictator, Sagat, Blanka aren't really broken. But A Groove makes them broken.

That, and if they fix the Negative Edge window. Seriously that is the most lenient window this side of SF4.

*Note: A Groove.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on December 29, 2011, 05:12:11 AM
I think if anything they would just need to nerf P Groove. Because as-is Dictator, Sagat, Blanka aren't really broken. But P Groove makes them broken.

That, and if they fix the Negative Edge window. Seriously that is the most lenient window this side of SF4.

Louis...you haven't ever played CvS2 have you?  Because if you had, you would know the grave error in your post.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I played your mom last night.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.