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Street Fighter X Tekken

Started by FreeRunner, July 21, 2011, 11:56:41 PM

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Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 28, 2012, 01:10:57 AM
Gary Lake is the Director of Technology at Capcom (I believe, I think he still is.).

However back in the past, he used to work for Sega.  He's known for purposely writing in a file in the Sega Smash Pack (the game released on the same day the Dreamcast was announced to be discontinued and thus, dead) that allowed Echelon, the biggest known pirates of the DC era, to unlock every Sega Genesis game in history and play them on the Dreamcast, hidden on that disc.

Seems interesting when you consider how surprisingly easy it was to unlock the 12 Vita characters of SFxT.
well thats certainly surprising


In any case, Proto, there's not much to worry about for SFxT at EVO.  It's OFFICIALLY going to be a 2v2 tournament with no gems.

Which means once again it will between AE and Marvel as the main event most likely.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 28, 2012, 12:06:22 AM
You do realize UD also hates UMvC3 right?  So are we dropping that from EVO too?

Also, the whole DLC on Disc thing?  It all makes perfect sense when you remember who Gary Lake is.  My god why didn't I see it before?

But Marvel is different. It's just not for everyone and he's never exactly been a Marvel player.

The 2v2 is pretty interesting, guessing Mr. Wizard being as hateful as he is to the game thought he could just do whatever to at least keep things entertaining.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 28, 2012, 01:43:28 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 28, 2012, 12:06:22 AM
You do realize UD also hates UMvC3 right?  So are we dropping that from EVO too?

Also, the whole DLC on Disc thing?  It all makes perfect sense when you remember who Gary Lake is.  My god why didn't I see it before?

But Marvel is different. It's just not for everyone and he's never exactly been a Marvel player.

The 2v2 is pretty interesting, guessing Mr. Wizard being as hateful as he is to the game thought he could just do whatever to at least keep things entertaining.

He also hates Third Strike.  Besides, just saying it's not for everyone can apply to every game.  Now, that's not saying that UD doesn't have great points, he obviously does and it seems the game isn't that good anyway.  But to say to get rid of something just because someone hates it...meh.

And yeah...honestly I wish they'd just drop it from EVO, but it'd probably still have a 2v2 side tourney there for fun so they might as well cash in on it, so I'm cool with it.  Like I said, this probably leaves the door open for Marvel or AE to take their spot as Main Event.  Just wondering which will win out.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

It all depends on context. I'd have to see why exactly he dislikes UMvC3 and 3S. Because there's definitely issues with both, because I'm not a big fan of 3S myself and I'd rather play Garou instead.

But honestly he isn't the only one, there's plenty of people in the community that don't like and the reasons why people like it are very tepid at best. ("It's fun" and "At least it's not boring like SFIV") Even before the game came out the entire reaction to the game was a universal "meh" (I hate that fucking word). But because of Evo people have to respect in some form and apparently Mr. Wizard's hands are tied on that decision from what I gather.


Like I said, I have no problem with him hating it and I believe his points on the matter are very sound.  I just don't think UD hating on it is the straw that broke the camel's back.

I doubt Wiz's hands are completely tied to the matter, but honestly this is enough to completely destroy any credibility SFxT has, though it seems the decision was actually made more on a basis of time than anything, which actually makes sense if you think about it.  It's hard for someone to change the format of a game or completely get it abandoned by everyone in such a short time since there's no guarantee the quality of the game won't change in the future, however it seems that as the game grows the matches will only get LONGER as a result.  Infiltration's win at NCR was proof of that ironically.  While he beat Chris G pretty quickly, it showed a fundamental problem in the game system other than the ones we've already seen...tagging is too damn good.

Let me explain to form context on the problem of time.  Infiltration won quite easily due to the fact that he kept switching thus raising the already solid health of Ryu and Rolento to an extreme high.  With such quick health regeneration, tagging is always amazing.  On top of that, there's absolutely no downside to raw tagging that discourages it until the end points of a match.  In Marvel, you have snapbacks, or the fact that you can kill pretty much any character off of one touch and a raw tag that's predicted is almost always a free kill.  From what I can gather with my limited experience in Tekken, in TTT/TTT2 if you tag at a bad time you lose 60% or higher pretty quick (Rage, and other characters notwithstanding).  In SFxT...you lose 50% max, which normally would be solid enough but with the health regen of the other character being so fast AND the fact that it takes FOREVER to actually finish the 50% combo, it only proves that it's not that big of a deal, especially considering the resources you burn.

When people realize how good tagging in and out constantly is when getting tagged, the timeout issue we see now will only grow in size.  The 2v2 seems to be in preparation of that immediately cutting down on a minimum of half the matches they would've had otherwise.

And I have no idea why I just typed all that when I could've just said timeouts are gonna get worse, the tourney was changed with that in mind at the forefront while the fleeting opinions of the game being quality are the deeper issue...
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

To add on to that, TTT2 has a safe tag (but you have to sacrifice rage or  in system, but due to how much sheer damage you can do, slower health recovery and how fierce oki games are in Tekken, it's not a real problem.

I just think that they should've done what they did with Capcom Fighting Evolution and waited to see if it was worthy to be on the stage.


Well with how the EVO point system worked, they kind of had to rush to decide on it, since if it was going to be present they needed to get the points ready for EVO season tourneys so I don't blame them in this case.  And I guess dropping it at this point would be a big fuck you to all who put in the work already and got the game for EVO (though I would contend that if you bought the game for that one purpose alone, you deserved it).
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

I guess I forgot about the new "Road to Evo" junk. Guess there isn't really much Mr. Wiz could do besides hope for the best and make sure gems stay banned.


I recall reading somewhere that Daigo didn't liked that much SF IV

that didn't make a difference in the end of the day

Waifu Material


Daigo has a lot of conflicting interviews on that.  There's also some that says that he likes SF4 the best of all SFs.

However what happened then is meaningless.  In this day and age where you have options of games you can play there's no excuse for playing ones you don't like.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Have you been reading cracked.com lately? Because i think you did, same as me. Good site, good site.


>_> <_< I did no such thing.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Street Fighter x Tekken was so bad that Gootecks retired from the FGC


Waifu Material

Proto Cloud

That's not funny. I'm going to miss him, he had some great chemistry with Mike Ross. 'Tis a sad day. I do hope they still compete together for Evo for old times sake.