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Street Fighter X Tekken

Started by FreeRunner, July 21, 2011, 11:56:41 PM

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psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


Quote from: darkTown2 on November 19, 2011, 01:50:33 AM
Quote from: Xxenace on November 19, 2011, 12:59:46 AM
wait nilcam was trolling?

what are you talking about?
its rather self explanatory unless you dont know anything about trolling


Quote from: Xxenace on November 19, 2011, 02:00:45 AM
Quote from: darkTown2 on November 19, 2011, 01:50:33 AM
Quote from: Xxenace on November 19, 2011, 12:59:46 AM
wait nilcam was trolling?

what are you talking about?
its rather self explanatory unless you dont know anything about trolling

i understand what trolling is

what i meant was ( sarcastically) that he wasn't trolling.
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


...anyway, anyone check this out?

Street Fighter x Tekken Announcement - Thousand Pounds

Looks like Harada and Ono are rubbing off on people. But once again, the promotions of the game look the best.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


that was a pretty useless video to make, ( not talking to the person who posted it on the forums) i mean it's just people fighting over their favorite character then a guy who has everything he said censored.
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Proto Cloud

I think this is going to be a huge blunder for Capcom, much like MKvsDC was for Midway. It's a half-baked crossover that is going to get sales and hype but is going to fizzle out quickly and everyone is going to see that it isn't really all that great to begin with.

From what I've gathered:
- Top players have largely ignored, criticized or fail to even recognize this game.
- Gem system is already causing controversy due to pre-order/DLC setups and will either be banned or made optional. Effectively ruining an entire that they made for the game to spice up the gameplay.
- The system is riddled with way too many systems, most of which aren't even well conceived. (Like Pandora mode, that may even be scrapped)
- Rumors that even Seth Killian doesn't think this is any good.
- Dizzying camera angles

All I can say after this is that it will probably give KOFXIII a nice shot at being on the main stage at EVO.


Well I personally don't think the MKvDC comparison is really a fair one, for two things.  One, while a bad game in a lot of rights, at least idea wise it was an improvement over the PS2 games, and was the half way mark to getting to MK9 in terms of actually being a capable fighter.  Secondly, DC basically making them lower the rating to T...didn't really help matters when most if not all casuals only get MK games for the gore.

Capcom's barely being affected by Namco, and they're doing too many things, rather than not enough with the other game.

But yeah, if this game gets universal panning by players on release, it will not make it to EVO as a main game.  Gem system's likely banned at UFGT and at CEO, which means most other TO's will follow suit effectively ruining the online for tourney players even before we find out the netcode since there's no way to make sure others won't use gems so they can't practice honestly for tourneys.

And since the entire game seems to have been made from the ground up with Gems in mind...yeah, not good.  I'm sure S-Kill doesn't like it at all, if nothing else, because they did so many things to piss the FGC off.  Even if the Gem System didn't have the Preorder/DLC controversy, the way they implemented it in order to build and use it for a match (at least from what I could tell from that stupid X the Line video), the building is in a completely different menu and not at character select, and you have to select a build for the character at character select.  If anyone's watched any early MK9 Tourneys on stream...putting an important system in another freaking menu slows down...everything.

But with Gems banned and Pandora sucking right now, the game would be on its way...you know if the actual gameplay were any good.  Which it could be with ONE SIMPLE CHANGE.  Just bring back the ability to cancel into specials off of Cross Rush chains.  That's it.  Do that, then at least the game would be decent.  As of now, it's just a flashier SF4 with Tag Team Mechanics and Tekken Characters.

I did say on release that making this game was a huge mistake...just didn't think that a completely new mechanic outside of SF and Tekken would mess up the game.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Eh, the comparison is kinda' just. I don't remember many people clamoring for this kind of crossover. Capcom vs SNK?  Hell yeah! Ryu in Smash Bros? Hell yeah! Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat? Fuck Yeah (and you know you'd play it out of curiosity). But Street Fighter vs Tekken... not so much.

It's vindictive but I really hope the game bombs. I don't want to see it at Evo (neither do I want to see more Tekken but that's besides the point) and I don't want to see it constantly being streamed. I'm tired of dumbed down Capcom fighters with easy comeback mechanics.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I only hope the game bombs if they continue to go down this shitty road with the game.  In that case, yeah i hope it goes to hell so better games have a shot at EVO.  It'd be nice to see some TO's take the initiative and say that this game won't even be on a main stage at their majors.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

I think that it was bound to fail, because it's still not a crossover that really works or was well thought out. I'm pretty sure all they were thinking at the moment was they're both the most recognizable fighters and they're going to make money no matter how bad it is.

I'm still surprised they didn't just naturally go with Capcom vs SNK. Was KOFXII really that detrimental to their relationship? Just about everyone, even casual players were asking for it to come back to life just about as much as Marvel. Hell, I wouldn't even mind an SvC Chaos 2. :P

What really should've happened was Capcom vs. SNK and Tekken vs. Virtua Fighter. Now that would've made for a hype 2012.


Yeah, because Capcom vs. SNK with SF4 graphics and dumbed down gameplay would've been SO great...yeah, honestly for the time being we're better off.  Hopefully this teaches Capcom a lesson so they stay away from crossovers for a long damn time. 
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

Yeah, that would've sucked, but it would've been worth it just to see SvC2. Admit it.


on the topic of a CvS3 anyone find it odd that ever since XIII came out people have been asking more and more for a new CvS yet and still they refuse to play KoF XIII