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The King of Fighters XIII 3rd |OT| Thread:Console Edition (UPDATE 8/26 1st page)

Started by Kane317, July 29, 2011, 06:17:26 AM

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In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on September 05, 2011, 01:34:07 PM
Can we expect SNKP on TGS? They don't appear in exhibitor's list...

I hope we do! TGS is the last big event before the release date.
Xbox live: Chipymax


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on September 05, 2011, 01:34:07 PM
Can we expect SNKP on TGS? They don't appear in exhibitor's list...

Damn. I was sure they were gonna show something there...

Well, whatever, I just pre-ordered the special edition from Play Asia so nothing can take away my happiness (even thou I had to pay a lot).
I take this oportunity to let everyone know that Play Asia is shipping outside the states, so anyone living outside Europe, USA or Japan can order it there (with the 4 CDs). I found out a couple of minutes ago and already pre ordered my copy.


Quote from: Nagare_Ryouma on September 06, 2011, 03:01:22 AM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on September 05, 2011, 01:34:07 PM
Can we expect SNKP on TGS? They don't appear in exhibitor's list...

Damn. I was sure they were gonna show something there...

Well, whatever, I just pre-ordered the special edition from Play Asia so nothing can take away my happiness (even thou I had to pay a lot).
I take this oportunity to let everyone know that Play Asia is shipping outside the states, so anyone living outside Europe, USA or Japan can order it there (with the 4 CDs). I found out a couple of minutes ago and already pre ordered my copy.

Damn, which is the price to import it?

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on September 06, 2011, 03:07:00 AM
Quote from: Nagare_Ryouma on September 06, 2011, 03:01:22 AM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on September 05, 2011, 01:34:07 PM
Can we expect SNKP on TGS? They don't appear in exhibitor's list...

Damn. I was sure they were gonna show something there...

Well, whatever, I just pre-ordered the special edition from Play Asia so nothing can take away my happiness (even thou I had to pay a lot).
I take this oportunity to let everyone know that Play Asia is shipping outside the states, so anyone living outside Europe, USA or Japan can order it there (with the 4 CDs). I found out a couple of minutes ago and already pre ordered my copy.

Damn, which is the price to import it?

I had to pay a lot because I chose an expensive shipping because I know what happens in my fucking country with the customs and stuff. But that's it.
You have also very cheap shipping rates also, I just donĀ“t chose them because I know the shitty country I live in.
If you are interested, check the page, there are shipping rates that go for less than 10 USD.
In my case I opted for FedEx and they charged me 40 USD. Only for SNKP....only for them.....


You were from mexico or argentina right? I recall that you spoke spanish

Better send you a PM in our native language

btw, nobody has the tracklist of the arcade version when you press start?

Waifu Material


Hey guys, I did the translation of the new stage interview, the link is here--
If I have any more time I may do other translation^^
The truth is a lie
The justice is an illusion
Do not accept the world as it is


Quote from: theodora on September 06, 2011, 07:50:16 AM
Hey guys, I did the translation of the new stage interview, the link is here--
If I have any more time I may do other translation^^

Thanks for the translation, but Toxico from MMCafe has been doing them too and they were posted a almost the same day. Yours is better formatted and nicer to look, so great job on that! But the basic information has already been translated.

Anyways, is weird to not see any new info here, specially from the last Japan Demo. Here is some info I saw at Cyberfanatix:

Quote from: 00Bear00 from Cyberfanatix
OK so I just got back from the play test in the area where I live so I will now try to break down what I saw. Sorry I didnt get any pictures but if they post picks of the event on their blog I am the giant black man with the thundercats t shirt (cause thats how I roll)

I got to the event around 12:35 there was about 9 or 10 people in front of me, at 12:55 they asked who wanted to play xbox and ps3 (only one person wanted to play xbox). So the way it went was you got one stage in arcade mode then you had to move on. Ps3 had billy Xbox had saki both systems had iori (you have to press select on iori to pick him)

So here are the few things I noticed

Iori -flame version

feels just right.
His ex fireball poisons and freezes the opponent like his old fire ball super.
EX HCB k becomes a command grab like kyo HCB K
Ex rekka was a bit quicker but on the last hit he jumps really far forward so I think this will be used to move people into the corner.

I was messing around with his HD mode and tried rekka x2 -> hcb k -> rekka (but this rekka would wiff)
rekka x 2 --> dp --> rekka (also didnt work)
but dp -> hcb k -> dp ->hcb k worked just fine. (also Dp into command grab)

No one could get his super (qcf hcb P) to connect to his other super  (qcf x2 p)
His NM is done by qcb hcf PP. Now the weird thing about it is when you see the flames come out that just when he lands doenst mean the move actually connected. So thats going to be a pain in the ass because when you do the move you cant see the characters because of the fire so who will know whats going on.


Didnt see too much with him, his high school outfit was there so I dont know if he is going to have an EX version

feels like his Dp K is a bit faster

like other sites have stated ex rajinken (qcf p) stays out a little longer so you can follow up (it freezes them like ioris ex fireball but not as long) if you dont follow up them fall to the ground.

EX air raijinken stays out for a good amount of time so I can see this being abused more.


cr.B -> cr.A -> cr.C takes no effort at all (its harder to combo cr.b ->cr.a with Ralph) a lot of the japanese players were staying that this is going to make terry really dangerous.


Saw the ex Screw upper super WAY faster and like everyone else said goes across the screen

Heard he got toned down (mostly cr.D) but he is still dangerous. His dash elbow still lets you put a ton of pressure on.

his HD combo still worked too. C -> A -> hcf B BD -> db f A x2 (I also finished it with his neo max)

One of the good Japanese players was able to do his long as drive cancel combo (got 57 hits I think) but it doesnt build as much meter and it didnt dizzy the opponent either.

Same guy who used Takuma played as K he can still do some pretty mean HD combos but toned down a bit.

Only thing I saw that surprised me is it looked like her jumping C  hit box got smaller (by that I mean the ice she hits you with looked smaller)

Felt the same but did get a new property for his punches super. It now has a guard break (before the whole move would come out no matter what) but I assume that you cant combo into the guard break.

Iori regular
felt the same didnt see anything different

Gatling punches knock down on 2nd hit which sucks because I used to use that for my HD combo. Other than that he felt the same.

Other shit

Tried billy once but didnt really care too much about him, I didnt try Saki, I stayed so long that the people running the event allowed me and some other guy to have a couple of matches I was on a stick he was using a controller. Our first set ended in a double KO on the last round, it now gives you a round after a double KO with 25% health (I won btw) Then we played again he whooped me. Time out games now have new animations (before both characters would just stand there).

Thats about as much as I can remember if you guys have questions I will do my best to answer them.

You guys won't see much from me, since I'm out of town. =P

Rex Dart

Quote from: DarKaoZ on September 06, 2011, 09:40:37 AM
Quote from: theodora on September 06, 2011, 07:50:16 AM
Time out games now have new animations (before both characters would just stand there).

Just a nickpick, but characters did have time-out animations in XIII (and XII for that matter). It's just that they weren't very elaborate and most players skipped them. It's cool if they expanded on them a bit.


You guys should check out Cross Counter TV tonight at 8PM PST, I hear there's going to be some KOF XIII related topic.



Quote from: Rex Dart on September 07, 2011, 12:21:58 AM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on September 06, 2011, 09:40:37 AM
Quote from: theodora on September 06, 2011, 07:50:16 AM
Time out games now have new animations (before both characters would just stand there).

Just a nickpick, but characters did have time-out animations in XIII (and XII for that matter). It's just that they weren't very elaborate and most players skipped them. It's cool if they expanded on them a bit.

Yes, although I find that to be kind of useless. I rather have them work on the win poses (wich are also skipped a lot).


Quote from: THE ANSWER on September 07, 2011, 01:42:24 AM
You guys should check out Cross Counter TV tonight at 8PM PST, I hear there's going to be some KOF XIII related topic.


Double whamming. I believe Frame Trap airs tonight at 7pm PST


So DC at SoCal Regionals in December with Console version of KoF XIII? Sounds nice!


Quote from: a11111357 on September 07, 2011, 05:05:18 PM
snkp won't attend tgs2011.

Does it really surprise you? SNKP has not been able to get their act together in years, who cares.

On the other hand ATLUS will be in the house showing their new P4 fighter!!!!!! So HYPE!!!!