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Who's getting 3SOE?

Started by LouisCipher, August 23, 2011, 01:27:50 AM

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SF3 3SOE Player matches pt79
SF3 3SOE Player matches pt81

Had some matches against darksydephil on sunday. I hadn't played 3s online in a few months so I was playing pretty bad, but I still got him mad enough to complain about lag the entire time. It was worth a few laughs for me.
Xbox Live: Austinm416


I don't like to smack talk over the internet but I'll make an exception for this one. That guy was such an asshole. Everytime the fights were going your way he cried "lag" instead of owning up to the fact he's not perfect.

This pisses me off so much that I have decided to express myself in electrician's terms (meaning a lot of curse words and absolutely no tact whatsoever). If you are easily offended I suggest not clicking the spoiler button.

[spoiler]If someone talked to me like that in person I'd knock their god damn teeth out. Only a limp-dicked pederass mother fucker can bitch at such an olympic level. It's cock suckers like this guy that embody everything that's bad about online gaming.[/spoiler]

Sorry for the outburst, but I am very, very drunk right now.


Quote from: LouisCipherAbout half the people who wanted 3SOE wanted rebalance on top of that, in fact a little more than half.

I'd say this is incorrect. I have no proof at the moment, but from my personal experiences? I saw interviews and polls and lots and lots of people demanding this game remain unchanged. I was also supportive of the idea, as a game this old and so well-liked amongst the community doesn't need a rebalance. But everyone has their own opinion. I'm willing to say half the community wanted things to remain unchanged but I'm not gonna go so far as to truly believe more people wanted a rebalance. Otherwise, we would have gotten it. All the interviews from Capcom-Unity implied more people wanted it to remain the same but its whatever.

Quote from: LouisCipherThey're reason against a rebalance is that it wouldn't be 3S, but what if Capcom delivered two versions of the game? I doubt this would still satisfy those guys.

Do me a favor? Go buy HD Remix and play original mode. Tell me how many players you find on there. I'll tell you how many: Zero. None. Nobody plays the original ST on PSN or XBL. If they created two versions of the game, everybody will play the new one and players who wanted things to remain unchanged will be forced to play the new version. This is not an answer to the problem, and again...like I stated. From my own experiences and based on interviews I read and polls on Capcom-Unity, I strongly disagree that this is the actions of a "vocal minority" and if it was? That's you and everybody's fault for not voicing your opinions to Capcom. Capcom doesn't just get lazy and listen to the small minority. They listen to the largest number of feedback so they will get paid more. Its a company out to make money. If they are catering to a "vocal minority" then that means the majority stayed quiet. That's the majority's fault. We've all ready seen proof that Capcom listens to the voices of its fans I.E. 2012 Rebalance, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Marvel vs Capcom 3, etc etc...so its not like they're not listening. The US office especially listens to us. So I'm going to say the community was either majority against a rebalance, or the community was split evenly on the matter. I'll give you that, but anything more is just not logical.

Quote from: MUSOLINIfirst of not beinng able to set the screen up the way you want it sucks. if i play it on a hd tv, i get lag. if i play it on a crt tv, the screen is too much to the left and either up or down. meaning i can never have a full screen with everything on screen in screen. the reason i made a big deal about this is cause capcom of japan though about this 10+ years ago, and capcom usa couldnt get their little minds for something this simple and important 10+ years later. i just think this shows how big the difference in competence between jpn and us capcom really is. capcom us could have made a name for themsleves by bringing out ts in a better and more complete package than the japanese could ever hope to pull ff, but no.

First off, I'll quote Christian Svenson from an interview:

"Why are the screen options so limited" �" Mr List

"Svensson: You realize there are 3 screen widths, 3 filters (well, 2 filters and off) and a scan line on/off toggle in each. That's 18 different combinations."

Of the three screen widths, I haven't had a single problem playing on CRT, HDTV, or a computer monitor. Yeah the edges aren't fully filled out with the screen on my computer monitor or HDTV but its not a huge deal. I'm sorry you're so upset about it. Go to capcom-unity.com and TELL THEM you want more screen options to make the screen go fullscreen/whatever. Capcom can only do things if you tell them its what you want. But personally...if we're gonna get into the talk of competence? Capcom of Japan is EXTREMELY incompetent man. That's a whole other can of worms in of itself, and I won't bring it up here. I'm willing to discuss the incompetence of Capcom of Japan in PMs if you'd really like to know some time. I have a lot to say on the matter...

Quote from: MUSOLINIno training human dummy still sucks, how can you train for something like a hard parry with 1 characters and have the other player try the same on the other side with a different character? its not possible, you can do this on ps2 and even sf4 on ps3, but not ts on ps3. lazy programming and not something that should have been i an ultimate version of this game, so called ultimate that is.

I'll give you that one. That is something that should have been there, and even Svenson had to agree and said he is getting with the Producer and asking what the deal is. I expect this to be added in a patch soon. I think they were too focused on making sure the game was arcade perfect and running GGPO smoothly and didn't pay attention to specific details like this. But hey, its coming just give it a bit.

Quote from: MUSOLINIggpo, its really only worth shit when your playing people that are really close to you. some green bars, and especially yellow nd red bars suck ass. in sf4 ive had some yellow and even some red bars that where playable. not in ts though. rollback sucks when the opponent is further away and they start teleporting themselves and their moves.

Okay this response in of itself shows you REALLY have never played on GGPO much and do not know anything about it. I know your computer options are limited and you're stuck only on PS3...but SFIV's netcode IS NOWHERE NEAR as good as GGPO. Period. Your lack of experience with GGPO is showing here and I don't mean that in a negative way. GGPO is the best, most solid netcode that has come out in the last five years. It is not something that is "Only good for nearby players". I have played people all over the world with GGPO and not lagged. I've played people in Brazil, Korea, Japan, China, Mexico, California, Canada...with no lag. If you're experiencing lag? Its because of your own internet connection or the other player's internet connection. With all the information and previous links I sent regarding making sure your connection is as SOLID as possible, wired in, and with the ports forwarded for PS3, then you'll be good. But this is also dependent upon if the other player has made sure their connection is as solid as possible. If both people have made sure to do what they can to be sure the connection is as good as possible, then you have to question if your current internet connection is slow. I have heard Europe has bad internet quality compared to the USA and Japan. I am unsure of this but its something to consider. Of the Europeans I've faced on GGPO, usually it tends to lag.

Quote from: MUSOLINIthe sound, the volume of characters sucks ass. all the characters sound way off and way too soft, han all of a sudden some characters sound load and others cant even be heard. the music is too load compared to the characters and characters volume changes during gameplay. this should not have been an issue to begin with, and where the fuck are the sound options to change any of this? again, ultimate my ass. next to the tv we have the ts cab, and thats still so far the only truly perfect sf3ts game imo. this one does emulate the gameplay really well, its all the other shit that they dont even do half as well as they did 10 years ago on inferior platforms. there is nothing wrong with the sound on the cab, all the voices and music sounds beatiful out of the cab. it didnt have to sound like shit on 360 or ps3 imo.

Yes you've all ready stated this complaint before. And as I stated, I think its BETTER than the cab. I had a hard time hearing the things on the cab version and the voices sounded overly muffled and hard to pick up. I can clearly hear them more easily now. But this is all subjective to opinion and personal experience so lets agree to drop this one eh?

Quote from: MUSOLINIlast part, look at what theyre releasing for dlc, thats some big ass bs. who would even considering buying shit like this? their business model sucks, same as their fans that swallow everythig. none of these capcom fanboys even have the balls to look at the game like it really is.

I actually am happy about the DLC announced and intend to buy it. I like lots of color palettes for characters and am glad they're adding this and more music. What other DLC could they possibly bring?

Quote from: MUSOLINIoh and finally, ts balanced > ts now. these "fans" are fucking retards. that dick up their ass must have finally hit their brain and took some brain cells or something.

As I spoke to LouisCipher, from MY experience, the majority of fans wanted it to remain unchanged. I wanted it to remain unchanged. I am not a moderator of this board in particular, Musolini...but I'm going to ask you to please control your language and do not say such vulgar things. I'm among those "fans" you say such dirty things about, that wanted 3rd Strike to stay unchanged. I don't want people coming to DC and seeing comments like this and thinking we condone such behavior. We really don't. So again, I ask that you please control what type of language you use towards people. Believe it or not, we actually have people here at Dreamcancel that LIKE Capcom games and as such saying such things could be found offensive.

Also: Yeah Darksydephil is known for his...behavior. I'm not surprised he cried lag when he was losing but its still rather poor of him to do.


Quote from: steamwolf on September 02, 2011, 05:26:37 AM

Do me a favor? Go buy HD Remix and play original mode. Tell me how many players you find on there. I'll tell you how many: Zero. None. Nobody plays the original ST on PSN or XBL.

That's because they're playing it on GGPO my friend. ;)

@Icewater. Solid Dudley. Too bad you're not on PSN.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

The Fluke


There is a huge difference between countries and regions therein in europe when it comes to quality of internet connections, here in sweden most people have at the very least 8/2mbit for example. I don't know how good connections you generally have over in the states, but personally i've managed to play pretty much lagfree against japanese people in the sf4 series of games, and playing against you in kofxii wasn't all too bad either i guess, though it was clearly laggy if i recall correctly.

I've found that ggpo is misleading when it comes to what games will lag. I noticed when my computered was turned off most lobbys i saw where green or yellow (good) and when i turned it on most of them turned to yellow or orange. The thing for me is that the yellow games are generally good. But the orange games can sometimes also be completely lag free, i've even come across red games that where fully playable at my lowbie level.


Watch till the end. Gonna send this to Dandy J for inclusion in the Homo-Genius series:

barsandhooks dun goof'd
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipherThat's because they're playing it on GGPO my friend.

Pretty much. However, HDR's netcode from what I recall, was based off of GGPO Rollback netcode. I don't know how it stands up next to GGPO, but its very solid. No excuse to really play ST on GGPO when HDR Classic Mode is solid. But everybody plays on PC GGPO so anyone who wants to play HDR Classic mode cannot because the players won't go play it. But even if the game was removed from GGPO, you'd have the same problem. Look at the video I posted in my first post regarding 3rd Strike players using the save state glitch on GGPO.

Quote from: The Fluke
There is a huge difference between countries and regions therein in europe when it comes to quality of internet connections, here in sweden most people have at the very least 8/2mbit for example. I don't know how good connections you generally have over in the states, but personally i've managed to play pretty much lagfree against japanese people in the sf4 series of games, and playing against you in kofxii wasn't all too bad either i guess, though it was clearly laggy if i recall correctly.

I can say that Northern Europe has been pretty good for me. I've played God 2.0 from over in Norway and had mostly lag-free games. When you say you get 8/2mbit, are you saying 8mbps Download Speed and 2mbps upload? Or what? For download speed, I'm usually clocking in between 15 and 20 Mbps and upload speed is normally about 3 Mbps. That's pretty much standard high-speed internet here in the states. However, Japan has a MUCH higher download/upload speed than us, even if we have extremely fast high speed with like 20 Mbps upload. If you were playing a Japanese player, that's a good reason as to why it would have been fine. Try playing Canadians, Brazilians, Mexicans, North Americans, etc...people clear across the ocean with lesser quality internet than Japan. You'll see a completely different situation in SFIV, trust me! I can say KoF XII was pretty bad. It was tolerable with you, but certainly not what I would call playable. Unless I was up against FameDouglas or someone with a very high upload speed (FameDouglas has 15-20 Mbps upload) I just ended up mashing what seemed good at the right time.

Quote from: The FlukeI've found that ggpo is misleading when it comes to what games will lag. I noticed when my computered was turned off most lobbys i saw where green or yellow (good) and when i turned it on most of them turned to yellow or orange. The thing for me is that the yellow games are generally good. But the orange games can sometimes also be completely lag free, i've even come across red games that where fully playable at my lowbie level.

If your connection got worse when the computer was on, this means you had something going on your computer using up the internet connection. Please understand, I've had three computers, two consoles, and my handhelds running all at once and GGPO running just fine. I don't recommend this, but I was curious. This is of course PC GGPO. Again, this is all dependent upon your internet connection and the opponent's. Most people on 3rd Strike OE do NOT know how to set up their internet connection properly and are playing wirelessly. This is a bad idea. If you download PC GGPO, you will find a higher amount of good connections to play. Why? Because people playing PC GGPO have been playing for a long time, the download website is a large resource of information how to properly set up your connection, and overall its just easier to find out stuff. This console release of 3rd Strike OE is not a good example of how GGPO is working because all these people are playing wirelessly or possibly just have bad connections/have downloads going or something on their end. Trust me, play the PC GGPO and you'll see its not the netcode that's the problem. I'll even play 3rd Strike OE with you and we'll see how it goes. I'm sure if we both have made sure there is nothing going on that could interfere with the connection, everything will be solid.


Quote from: steamwolf on September 02, 2011, 05:26:37 AM

First off, I'll quote Christian Svenson from an interview:

"Why are the screen options so limited" �" Mr List

"Svensson: You realize there are 3 screen widths, 3 filters (well, 2 filters and off) and a scan line on/off toggle in each. That's 18 different combinations."

Of the three screen widths, I haven't had a single problem playing on CRT, HDTV, or a computer monitor. Yeah the edges aren't fully filled out with the screen on my computer monitor or HDTV but its not a huge deal. I'm sorry you're so upset about it. Go to capcom-unity.com and TELL THEM you want more screen options to make the screen go fullscreen/whatever. Capcom can only do things if you tell them its what you want. But personally...if we're gonna get into the talk of competence? Capcom of Japan is EXTREMELY incompetent man. That's a whole other can of worms in of itself, and I won't bring it up here. I'm willing to discuss the incompetence of Capcom of Japan in PMs if you'd really like to know some time. I have a lot to say on the matter...

I'll give you that one. That is something that should have been there, and even Svenson had to agree and said he is getting with the Producer and asking what the deal is. I expect this to be added in a patch soon. I think they were too focused on making sure the game was arcade perfect and running GGPO smoothly and didn't pay attention to specific details like this. But hey, its coming just give it a bit.

Okay this response in of itself shows you REALLY have never played on GGPO much and do not know anything about it. I know your computer options are limited and you're stuck only on PS3...but SFIV's netcode IS NOWHERE NEAR as good as GGPO. Period. Your lack of experience with GGPO is showing here and I don't mean that in a negative way. GGPO is the best, most solid netcode that has come out in the last five years. It is not something that is "Only good for nearby players". I have played people all over the world with GGPO and not lagged. I've played people in Brazil, Korea, Japan, China, Mexico, California, Canada...with no lag. If you're experiencing lag? Its because of your own internet connection or the other player's internet connection. With all the information and previous links I sent regarding making sure your connection is as SOLID as possible, wired in, and with the ports forwarded for PS3, then you'll be good. But this is also dependent upon if the other player has made sure their connection is as solid as possible. If both people have made sure to do what they can to be sure the connection is as good as possible, then you have to question if your current internet connection is slow. I have heard Europe has bad internet quality compared to the USA and Japan. I am unsure of this but its something to consider. Of the Europeans I've faced on GGPO, usually it tends to lag.

Yes you've all ready stated this complaint before. And as I stated, I think its BETTER than the cab. I had a hard time hearing the things on the cab version and the voices sounded overly muffled and hard to pick up. I can clearly hear them more easily now. But this is all subjective to opinion and personal experience so lets agree to drop this one eh?

I actually am happy about the DLC announced and intend to buy it. I like lots of color palettes for characters and am glad they're adding this and more music. What other DLC could they possibly bring?

As I spoke to LouisCipher, from MY experience, the majority of fans wanted it to remain unchanged. I wanted it to remain unchanged. I am not a moderator of this board in particular, Musolini...but I'm going to ask you to please control your language and do not say such vulgar things. I'm among those "fans" you say such dirty things about, that wanted 3rd Strike to stay unchanged. I don't want people coming to DC and seeing comments like this and thinking we condone such behavior. We really don't. So again, I ask that you please control what type of language you use towards people. Believe it or not, we actually have people here at Dreamcancel that LIKE Capcom games and as such saying such things could be found offensive.

thing is that on a crt tv playing on a next gen console youd at least expect them to add options to make sure people can have the full screen viewable, just bad finishing of a product imo. should have been on there, it was on the ps2 version.

same for the training dummy option.

also i was notplaying this on my ps3, i was playing this on a friends 360. this friend of mine has 50 mb or 100 mb internet he payss huge bucks for. so the connection can not be bad, we got one of the best connections in the world on par with the best japanese connections. with yellow or red ping when the teleporting starts, slowdown seems much more prefferable because even slowed down you can at least see whats happening.

the sound issue is NOT better than on a cab, you must have played on a broken down cab or something. we have the cab next to the crt tv, and the difference in sound is huge. the sound in the arcade version is always good, same sound and same volume constantly, beautiful sound btw compared to this mess. whats worse, in oe the sound and music is good in the menus. in the game its ass.

dlc is not worth it imo,it can be for you. id rather have seen a reballance mode or bg'sfrom previous games as dlc.

and didnt mean to offend you or any of these "fans". id just like to add, a better balanced game is BETTER than a game that is poorly balanced. an arcade perfect kof xiiiis great, but a kof xiii withimproved balance an tweaking would shit on xiii arcae making it absolute. and without any disrespect or any cursing, i dont vallue the opinions of peoplewho want a game releasedpiss poor. some fans might like it arcade perfect, but at the same time these fans ruined itfo everyody else that wanted a BETTER game than arcade perfect. everbodycan have their own opinions, but asking for the game to be releasedin a shittier fashion instead f an uograded and better balanced game imo just doesnt make any fucking sense. no disrespect to you or any of these other fans, but you people just fucked this game up from being a better game instead of just an arcade perfect port. and that my friend, just doesnt make any fucking sense.

and without cursing or anything, i think very poorly of people with this opinion regarding ts. everybodycan have their opinions and have them respected. but i sue as hell wont repsectan opinion that basically means were getting a game that could have been better but its not because of these people and their opinions.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: IceWater on September 02, 2011, 04:19:03 AM
Had some matches against darksydephil on sunday. I hadn't played 3s online in a few months so I was playing pretty bad, but I still got him mad enough to complain about lag the entire time. It was worth a few laughs for me.
That Urien play made me want to vomit.

As far as complaining about lag, it can be annoying, but since it affects both players (as far as I'm understanding), I think it's rarely the deciding factor in who wins.  Lag spikes are what really irritate me with online play, but they come with the territory, so...yeah.  Some tongue-in-cheek bitching is fine, but people need to learn2lolonline *laughs* .
Old man/bad player

The Fluke

Quote from: steamwolf on September 02, 2011, 01:32:02 PM

If your connection got worse when the computer was on, this means you had something going on your computer using up the internet connection.

I may have been a bit lazy writing my last post. The change in icon colors started as soon as i started my computer, i think it is my router that makes ggpo confused. I didn't notice a change in quality of online play, just the change of colors in lobbys etc. Nothing important.

Quote from: steamwolf on September 02, 2011, 01:32:02 PM
I'll even play 3rd Strike OE with you and we'll see how it goes. I'm sure if we both have made sure there is nothing going on that could interfere with the connection, everything will be solid.

I've recently had to switch a router so i might need to check those links and my settings. But i can gladly take you up on that offer, though i have to say, i'm not very good at third strike.


Quote from: LouisCipher on September 02, 2011, 11:42:01 AM
Watch till the end. Gonna send this to Dandy J for inclusion in the Homo-Genius series:

Raging demon ain't shit. Does Dandy even do homogeniuses any more? There's only been like one new one in the last 6 months or so.
Xbox Live: Austinm416


People still don't know Phil does the raging just for subscribers?


Phil is like that in real life too. I've asked people who know him.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: IceWater on September 02, 2011, 04:19:03 AM
SF3 3SOE Player matches pt79
SF3 3SOE Player matches pt81

Had some matches against darksydephil on sunday. I hadn't played 3s online in a few months so I was playing pretty bad, but I still got him mad enough to complain about lag the entire time. It was worth a few laughs for me.

It's sad when a hand cam gets a better recording than the featured direct feed option in the game

Waifu Material


In other news: Ranked still sucks dick. I assume when the DLC comes out on the 6th or 7th we'll be getting a patch. What's worse is that I keep getting paired up with the same 5 or so dudes with Red or Orange connections.

I did try Player matches again. And ya' know, you go into a room that has a Green connection and everyone comes up Yellow except for one guy who's Orange/Red. Shouldn't the room be a Yellow connection? Anywho, I played one where it was best 2 out of 3 and because I joined late I had to wait around for 5 minutes and not spectate.

I finally get in and it's some guy trolling with Sean and wanting to parry everything. I beat him twice effortlessly. I get to the next guy and what do ya' know? He picks Gill. Fuck that.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.