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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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Quote from: The Gentleman on September 09, 2011, 03:57:27 AM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on September 08, 2011, 05:23:53 PM

-figurine of Mai playing at the beach with enormous tits bouncing > UNNECESSARY.
-KOF Maximum Impact official website: you can see Lien and Mai in swimsuit if you click them > UNNECESSARY

Which Max Impact site was this? I never remembered this. I can definitely see your point, but the card pictured, at least for me wasn't bad. I just hope someone takes the time to scan all of them in a nice resolution so I can save them to my computer. ;)

Has anyone found anymore character changes in the gameplay yet?
think there is a vid about changes on the main page


Quote from: The Gentleman on September 09, 2011, 03:57:27 AM
Has anyone found anymore character changes in the gameplay yet?


QuoteFrionel's podcast complied by Sparkster of SRK.


• hcb+K is unsafe on block.
• EX Air Orochinagi added. Completely invulnerable and very fast. Beats most everything as an air-to-air.
• qcf+D will connect after df.D midscreen.
• Sidenote: Since Kyo can no longer delay the second kick (both hits of qcf+K are automatic) there's always a gap that can be punished with an invincible reversal after blocking the first upkick.


• qcf+AC locks opponent in air for a juggle. This can lead to crossup/under resets or more damaging combos.
• Neomax is much faster, but not invulnerable.
• dp+K was reportedly faster


• dp+K (DC) hcf+C works anywhere but has an odd timing.
j.CD may only cause a counterwire against a grounded opponent?


• Real Bout style cr.A cr.C chain combo added. The chained cr.C cancels into specials and DMs, but not command normals.
• Crack Shoot is roughly -1 against standing opponents, +1 against crouching opponents.
• All hits of Neomax connect properly now. Terry is fully invulnerable during the DM.


• Cr.D starts up slower but has the exact same hitbox.
• Cr.C hits twice like 02UM Andy. Can easily be hitconfirmed into HD mode or specials.
• A version Zaneiken is now safe on block. I'll note that I was able to punish this buffed version at the EVO build with Duo Lon's qcf+AC so it can only be punished by certain fast moves.
• Andy had a 100% guardcrush blockstring for 1 meter and full HD mode, but this no longer guardcrushes in the console version.
• Kept his invincible and safe hcf+BD. One of the few remaining safe reversals.


• dp+D has a lot of invuln like in XII, but it's still starts up really slow. DP+B is very fast but not invuln.
• EX Screw Upper will launch the opponent into the air and deal damage when the opponent falls down? No longer should drop the opponent out on hit and always gets full damage.
• Screw Straight Neomax has faster startup. Joe isn't invulnerable though.
• Screw Upper can be MAX Canceled into Screw Straight Neomax. Joe will wait and automatically time the Neomax to connect as the opponent falls down from the tornado.


• dp+A starts up faster and is difficult to punish on block. Think of O.Ryu's old dp+A in '98.
• f.B parry starts up faster. There was no mention of the df.B parry.
• hcb+BD starts and travels faster. Confirms easily off of st.D and should punish harder than the standard B version. Should be good for punishing moves that are safe on block by spacing.


• f.A is a launcher if uncanceled.
• The last kick of Robert's EX Ranbu does 100 damage, up from 50.


• Stun combo is tighter and requires more hits. Landing it builds less meter than before.
• hcb+BD used to let the player run through the opponent to switch sides or escape the corner though this is now fixed.
• The wakeup frame infinites on him are fixed.


• qcb+AC is no longer invuln.
• dp+AC launches the opponent higher on hit and can be followup up with new juggles.
• Iori can no longer cross up a standing opponent with a short hop.
• qcb+D still safe on block


• dp+AC is still invuln but now unsafe on block.
• qcb+K is + frames on block to the point where you can do cl.C as a frametrap afterward.


• st.D xx st.D is a new chain combo. The second hit can't be canceled outside of HD mode, but it should be BC-able.
• qcb+AC starts up faster.


• qcf+A builds little meter.
• qcf,hcb+P damage toned down.
•qcf,qcf+AC explodes on hit, meaning it no longer pushes the opponent back and can be punished more easily on block.
-qcb+AC counter followup recovery can only be canceled into a special.
• Older qcf,hcb+P combos didn't work in the newest build, but it may have been possible from the EVO build. May work from different timings or setups.
• New move: qcf/qcb+BD command dash. Faster, projectile invulnerable and has lower body invuln. If you cancel this EX dash into a special, it becomes an EX special for free (i.e. costs no Drive or Super Meter).

Duo Lon

• EX f.A leaves player at larger frame advantage. Links easily into heavy normals now. Possible to hitconfirm into f.AC, link cl.D and BC into HD combo.
• HD combos last longer. Probably means that f.A cancels normally instead of being a HDC.
• Neomax does more damage.
• qcb+A startup is faster. Feels like a normal projectile's startup.
• (corner) qcf+P x3 (DC) qcb+A, qcf,hcb+P no longer works due to faster qcb+A speed.

Shen Woo

• qcf+C builds miniscule meter and does 50% guard damage from a full charge.
• Command grab is drive cancelable

Mai (now the captain of the Women Team)

• j.2B safer on block.
• Musasabi no Mai is really safe. If spaced at the enemy's feet even 3 frame moves can't punish.
• EX Air DM is fully invulnerable. Like V-Slasher it beats everything as an air-to-air.
• qcb+A has a higher hitbox and anti-airs better.
• Neomax tracks the opponent and moves faster. Air OK. Startup invincible.
• st.B st.D chain combo. Not cancelable, but can be used to hitconfirm into HD mode.
• Possible to combo after EX air DM.


• df.D always cancelable
• Neomax does full damage if it connects.


• Has an instant version of hcb+K command grab. Connects from cr.B st.B hitconfirm.
• hcb+K is drive cancelable
• Can't cross up a standing opponent.


• j.B cannot crossup, period.
• Cannot crossup standing characters, but j.C and j.D can crossup crouchers.
• Outside of corner K' can't do cl.C f.A xx qcf+A f+D; second shell will whiff. This means no long midscreen hitconfirms unless you want to spend a meter for EX Ein trigger which makes the f+D connect.
• Narrow Spike recovers slower. Less safe abare tactic. Only dp+A links afterward in corner BnBs.
• HD combos are still intact.
• Basic bnbs are weaker.
• Ein trigger is not neutral on block. If feels near 02 OG status on block though not quite as negative. Meaty Ein Trigger pressure is gone.
• Normal Air Minute Spike is an anywhere juggle. The recovery is huge though.


• qcb+BD is not invulnerable. It can hop over low attacks kinda like the XI version but it will lose to meaty attacks. All combos are intact.
• hcb,hcb+AC is faster and connects in juggles. While the damage is low it travels fullscreen fast and makes Kula invincible while doing so.


• Air qcb+C makes Maxima land with air trajectory. Can be used more offensively to get in on the opponent instead of pushing him out as in the Arcade version.
• No longer possible to cancel a backdash into air qcb+A to build meter.
• Neomax is faster!
• Damage nerfed just slightly, though he can still do simple fatal combos.
• Frionel didn't mention anything about EX Maxima Press though at the EVO build it didn't push Maxima back on block and was easier to punish.


• Can do qcb,hcf+BD in the air.
• qcf,qcf+K could start up faster.


• Level 4 dropkick requires 32 seconds.
• Cannot combo after midscreen dropkick.
• Level 4 dropkick is still safe on block. Weaker versions are punishable.
• AA Bomber grab freezes the screen for a second.

Hwa Jai

• New st.CD. He jumps up and move forward before attacking. Makes Hwa Jai unthrowable.
• dp+B has a long window of invincibility. Strong anti-air.
• qcf,hcb+A is an instant grab DM. Deals 300 damage when drunk.
• Can only land one qcf+P before ending a juggle with DM.
• If hit out of the drinking DM's recovery Hwa Jai stays drunk.
• qcb+B is faster and works as a combo ender. Seemed safer against command grab punishes.


• cl.C f.B xx Phoenix Arrow connects against all crouching opponents.
• EX Teleport can be canceled into any Special, DM, or Neomax at any time. Doing so costs no drive meter.


• qcf,hcb+P is an instant grab DM
• st.B st.C chain combo. Hitconfirms into HD mode: cr.B cr.B st.B st.C BC...
• qcb+A projectile moves slower.
• Air qcb+P is safer on block.


• qcb,hcf+P shoulder tackle deals a little less damage.
• Instead of countering with a cancelable kick Chin attacks with a backward roll. Better against projectiles, though worse for close ranged counters.
• EX counter has a shorter counter window.
• His Neomax can be directed at any direction from the startup instead of the default forward angle.


• The startup speed of EX Excalibur is improved and can be followed up on the ground and in combos: cl.D f.B qcb+AC, run forward cl.D... Instant overhead nj.D xx qcb+AC for a combo or big frame advantage.
• Midscreen HD combo doesn't work anymore. Possibly removed, or maybe just more difficult as reported at EVO. Works in the corner.
• Baltic Launcher starts up faster.
• V-slasher still good for flying through attacks. EX version auto-angles at the opponent.


• Vulcan Punch launches the opponent out after two hits.
• qcf+AC is faster.
• Galactica Phantom is chargeable. Becomes unblockable at full charge and does 500 damage. Unlike earlier versions a player can let go early to punish a roll or jump.
• Air qcf+P hits twice. Only the first hit is an overhead.

• hcf+B has guardframes and works as a delayed grab.
• There was some trouble trying to do an older combo into airgrab.
• Sidenote: There is no reversal superjump to escape his setups, unlike in 2002 UM.
• Sidenote: You can't option select his air grab with j.A+C like you could in 2002 UM.

-qcb+AC/qcb+BD kiss launches a grounded opponent instead of hitting three times for lockdown. The new launch allows for midscreen followups and resets. Also the flame will automatically lock on to the opponent's location now.
-Germinal (the sealing DM) costs no meter in Sans-culotte mode!

The Gentleman

^Thanks. I saw those. I've been out of the loop a bit lately, and I wasn't sure if there was an event since the last time I checked.


Hmm... they are using KOFXII artwork now? So that means they had Hwa artwork for XII already? That one looks really cool.

Running Wild


SNK why the hell everytime you do something regarding the "online" experience is pure 屎!?!

Silver Shadow

Hey everyone. 1st post.

As mentioned earlier the update for kof-i is available. What I can see so far is:
- Elizabeth, Shen & duolon added
- Iori, vice, mature added
- more artwork/illustration
- a soundtest (with added old music mostly from kof xi)
- More backgrounds (Sky noah, backstreet, TFTP mansion etc..)

SNKP have done well. I'm really appreciating the fan service that they've given us.

I live in the UK and there is a KOF XIII event on today for console. If there is anyone wants to check something out/try something out, I'll do my best.




Quote from: Dale on September 09, 2011, 10:23:15 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on September 09, 2011, 09:31:47 AM
What's Adon doing in KOF?

Adon is nowhere near that ugly...or bald.... or actually somewhat Thai looking.
Only Thai looking fighter in fighting games is Payak Sitipitak from Buriki One.
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

Want to stalk me on Twitter?


Mr. Karate!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh damn, EX Kyo. Could've used that slot for some other character. Like Ramon.
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

Want to stalk me on Twitter?


I'm (kidda) happy for Ex Kyo but I don't really care for Ex Takuma, I'm guessing hes gonna play like 2002 Takuma?


... SO where did this get this leaked image? SNKP site? Spek? The Moon?

I love playing Mr. Karate Takuma, but... well, we'll have to see how he turns out. NEED SOME MORE WOMEN! What's with Fighters lately, making their Additional characters all men? (-_-;;)

So does that mean all the DLC, comprises of somewhat pre-made characters? No one fully new? Are there more hidden on disk? Gahhhh, so confusing! Hope this means we get some proper info soon!


Quote from: SAB-CA on September 09, 2011, 02:59:56 PM
... SO where did this get this leaked image? SNKP site? Spek? The Moon?

I love playing Mr. Karate Takuma, but... well, we'll have to see how he turns out. NEED SOME MORE WOMEN! What's with Fighters lately, making their Additional characters all men? (-_-;;)

YES! I was hoping at least 1/5 of the new characters was female...I guess there is always DLC (?)

The Gentleman

Quote from: DarKaoZ on September 09, 2011, 08:22:28 AM

Hmm... they are using KOFXII artwork now? So that means they had Hwa artwork for XII already? That one looks really cool.
Hwa looks awesome in that picture. Does this mean that KOFi had a gallery update as well? I totally wish someone would rip the XII art someday.


so, this means that Kyo will have 3 cosutmes now? regular one, kusanagi one and Ex Kyo one... fiu! Lot of efforts on kyo.

well, I don't care about this ex versions, but I hope people like it and they sell well. And they don't broken the game, of course, this is the most important part for me.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature