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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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I'm really glad to see EX Kyo however l will wait for a video on Mr. Karate so basically this means no Adel and no Oswald.

PSN: kimkaphan


Eh, I'll be a little disappointed if EX Kyo and Mr.Karate are the only other new characters (for now), but it's not too bad.  There's enough depth just with the base 33 characters (arcade 31 + Billy/Saiki) that the DLC is just extra icing anyway.  Plus, I like rekka Kyo  :)
Old man/bad player


If this turns out true then I have my first disappointment with the game, was hoping for new characters, not more EX versions. To be expected though, makes more sense to save new characters for KOFXIV.

I may make it my mission to master the XIII versions of the characters to take out any EX versions I come across.


disappointed- no not really
Hyped- F*** Yeah
For Adel and Oswald to be in kof xiii console they would have to appeared in kof xii or kof xiii arcade version, i really did not believe they were going to be kof xiii, its to late for that, should have appeared earlier, but whatever. Hope they do a season pass, would not mind paying 10 dollars for all three
who knows if this is the first batch for this year, theres always next year


I'm disappointed and I have a concern.

SNK said these chars will be "strong".  I'm worried about what might happen to the competitive balance of the game if these chars are overpowered and tourney legal.  I'm worried about Saiki also, less so Billy.  I'm doubly worried because of the good work SNK has put into rebalancing this game- I don't want something silly ruining that.

Basically my concern is what if these chars are designed to be like Orochi Iori/Leona or a Serious Mr.karate  (not supposed to be balanced)?   My other concern is that if action isn't taken, and these characters prove to be problematic- trying to ban the characters may prove extremely difficult given the US community's attitude toward bans (there's a kneejerk anti-ban attitude among the Capcom crowd). 

The LAST thing this community needs competitively is a banlist war.  I think we should have a community consensus beforehand on what the standards for the DLC chars (and Saiki's) inclusion should be, so we can avoid conflict later.  That's not saying we ban the characters beforehand, but that we come up with a consensus as to what should make the characters bannable.  I'd be interested to see what some of the community organizer types are thinking (I'm planning to try running some stuff myself should I be able to)

Also, should Billy have a different standard then the other characters?  (Here I'd say yes)


Quote from: Greenwood on September 09, 2011, 02:47:49 PM

I'm kinda' meh about it. I do share Arstal's concern too. I mean, Iori with Rekka's has almost always placed high tier. Hell, Iori was upper high tier even in CVS2. The fundamental design of the character is pure figthing game rapeage. Now you're adding Mr. Karate, who's probably going to be better than Takuma, and Kyo with Rekka's and god knows what other improvements he might have.

I totally get why they're going this direction. It's cheaper, easier, and fulfills the fan hype. But hey, I was in favor of them headswapping Kyo in order to get Rock into the game.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


seeing shiki in hd makesme sad, knowing where possibly never getting a hd 2d SS game.

also i had a feelig those 2 dlc's where pallette swaps, i actually thought one of them was ex kyo because of the osaka stage not being in the console versions (remember, 1 stage + 1 chara dlcdeal). i never expected mr karate to be the other dlc character though, this really sucks. as much as i like flame iori and rekka kyo, yamazaki, geese or oswald would have been preffered way over these swaps. never expectedmr karate though, least interresting looking one. well, hemight be interresting to play as. still, cant say im not a lil dispointed.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


XIII Iori was extremely solid as is (I say was b/c I'm not sure if he'll rank the same in console) so if EX is a good as that then it should be okay, anything beyond or significantly beyond may result in K'/Raiden arcade style bs (where most of the matches start with a freaking K' mirror match).

Hope SNK is not stupid, bad balance would send this game off to an early grave.


I'm really disappointed in the DLC characters. I'm still happy for a console release of the game, but that just was not what I was expecting at all. Atleast the changes to the system are worthwhile.


Quote from: LouisCipher on September 09, 2011, 04:26:54 PM
Quote from: Greenwood on September 09, 2011, 02:47:49 PM

I'm kinda' meh about it. I do share Arstal's concern too. I mean, Iori with Rekka's has almost always placed high tier. Hell, Iori was upper high tier even in CVS2. The fundamental design of the character is pure figthing game rapeage. Now you're adding Mr. Karate, who's probably going to be better than Takuma, and Kyo with Rekka's and god knows what other improvements he might have.

I totally get why they're going this direction. It's cheaper, easier, and fulfills the fan hype. But hey, I was in favor of them headswapping Kyo in order to get Rock into the game.

I'm not saying high tier is sufficient for a ban.  I don't want confusion on that.  

My worry is if these guys are let into the wild, and they're clearly broken, that we won't be able to put the "genie back into the bottle" without having the SRK crowd shit on the community and try to block KOF's inclusion into EVO.   If the SRK crowd was more intelligent and KOF's position was more secure in the American FGC I'd have fewer problems with experimentation, but I'm a little gunshy about it.

I'd trade banning Billy (who is one of my all-time favorite chars), if I knew that KOF would get a spot at EVO.  I think it's crucial that it gets in this year.

My other concerns, which are secondary, and may not be rational, is that they'll obsolete the regular version of Kyo/Ash/Iori/Takuma.  Also, I don't want to see DLC characters become standard unless they add something good to the game, since that is an extra charge for folks.  I think DLC chars do end up hurting a community in the long run, as it's an extra charge to play competitively, especially if you're not a mainstream community like SF or Soul Calibur.  This is a bad economy, and money's tight for some folks.  $65 is a higher charge then $50, and that might exclude some folks.  You can make the argument that if money's that tight you shouldn't be playing, but I think that's kinda a jerky thing to do/somewhat of a strawman.

I want KOF to thrive and be at EVO, I don't want to see it thrown into the ghetto like HDR was.


I hear you, but if the characters really aren't balanced, I'd have to say it's no different than playing against pre-console KoF XIII with K' and Raiden matchups.


Saiki might be the only one who's broken if early reports are to be believed and he remains unchanged on launch. But I'm not looking forward to dealing with an army of 98 Iori, Kyo with Rekka's, and K/Ryo. You know there's going to be SF4 players and you know they're going to pick Shoto. It's one of those indisputable facts of fighting games: Iori is awesome in every game. No such thing as ugly chicks in fighters. And Mashers pick Shoto characters.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on September 09, 2011, 04:52:46 PM
Saiki might be the only one who's broken if early reports are to be believed and he remains unchanged on launch. But I'm not looking forward to dealing with an army of 98 Iori, Kyo with Rekka's, and K/Ryo. You know there's going to be SF4 players and you know they're going to pick Shoto. It's one of those indisputable facts of fighting games: Iori is awesome in every game. No such thing as ugly chicks in fighters. And Mashers pick Shoto characters.

SAB CA mentioned on neogaf that Saiki has been nerfed according to No.17, he wasn't as strong in the JP loketest build as he was at the EVO build.


Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Be honest How many of you thought 95 Iori stage or 95 esaka stage was coming with Rock Howard or better yet Yamazaki?