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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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@LouisCipher:  Thankfully they have decided on making KOFXIII $49.99 from the very start. So that's one less thing for you to worry about.


Quote from: LouisCipher on September 27, 2011, 04:17:37 AM
Thing is guys that the people genuinely interested in KOF make up very low numbers in the U.S. I can't speak for Mexico or the rest of South America or China but the number of Americans who would run out and buy a copy on release would probably number in the hundreds, maybe. You absolutely need to have the casual fighting game players on board. And if they're busy playing Marvel (and they will be considering the very active tournament scene) then they don't have much reason to play KOF except if they're in an area with a very active tourney scene, and that area is So Cal.

I don't know anything about Tekken so I can't speak for that, but bottom line is that if this releases alongside UMVC3 it will fail. It might do better for December, ya' know? They might have to cut the price to $50 if it isn't already in order to compete. Also keep in mind that we're in the midst of the 2nd Great Depression and yet another Recession is coming. So joe schmoe who likes fighters but doesn't have a lot of cash has to be very choosy now. Does he go with a $40 dollar upgrade to something he may already have but features more shit and he knows tons of people and friends of his are going to be playing? Or does he go with a more obscure fighter that retails for $60? The outlook isn't looking good.
been saying that forever


I'm thinking the game could do 250K units if all goes well and for it to be considered a success.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


250k doesn't sound so good, snkp is still scrapping by again with these numbers, this is just 130,000 more units than 12, 250 k is hard for me to stomach and count as success, they got to step it up if they want to continue making games with that number for one more year, this is like living to paycheck for snkp


I seriously doubt that SNKP is expecting more than 250 k sales, they are not that stupid

Waifu Material


You're right, that was an over estimate. I just read that Catherine did about 100K units. So one can hope similar numbers at least for KOF13.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: Ashspiralingblood on September 27, 2011, 05:22:05 AM
250k doesn't sound so good, snkp is still scrapping by again with these numbers, this is just 130,000 more units than 12, 250 k is hard for me to stomach and count as success, they got to step it up if they want to continue making games with that number for one more year, this is like living to paycheck for snkp
thats actually pretty good for a lesser known dev im sure you guys have heard of the game demons souls right? at the time when it was coming out atlus only expected it to sell 75,000 copies of the game and after a while those sales just about tripled so 25,000 copies sold is actually good depending on the game

edit: derp i didn't look at the zero but i think my point still kinda stands


Quote from: Rex Dart on September 27, 2011, 04:23:33 AM
Let's be honest. The initial sales of XIII were never going to be very high. Most people who are on the fence about the game are waiting for reviews on the netcode. That doesn't mean the game can't be a success, however.

I'm personally hoping for sales that exceed Blazblue's levels. That seems like a surmountable goal (I hope). Also, I think KOF's market is different enough from UMvC3's market that they won't be completely at odds with one another.

I don´t agree.
There is a reason they are offering the 4 CD pre-order bonus. Why would they do that? Because they just want us to listen to some nice themes?
No. This works similar to the box office of the film market. I mean, it´s not exactly the same but kinda close.
The first weeks sales determine the level of success you had on the market. A game eventually can make a lot of money throu time, but it is not really advisable to bet on that. No company would actually bet on that.

You said KOF's market is different from Capcom's. That is correct. But like LouisCipher pointed out, the real problem is there is no real "market" in the US for KOF. THAT has to change.
That is why, releasing the game with no competition on the genre, is the best scenario. That will guarentee attention from gamers who like the genre but don´t have anything new to play for the time being.
If there is nothing else on the market, they will try it. Some might even turn into fans and ditch their previous fighting game. But if the usual shit they like is on the market, why try something new? To make things worse Kof is anything but a user friendly game but lets save that for another discussion. Point is, if the usual KOF fans are the only ones who will get this...it will fail.
They need to make themselves a place in the market, and for that, they don´t need the support of the usual kof-ers, they already have that, they need new people.
Imagine you released a film, and the only people who go and see it are your friends. It will make you proud and you might enjoy that, but in terms of bussiness....YOU ARE FUCKED.
Remember I am speaking in terms of bussiness, not of quality.
Hope it was clear, it is difficult for me to type about this type of stuff in English.


Clam down guys. If we have time to say this things here, why don't we do something? Try promote KOF to your friends or somewhere you can get to interact with people. I have a video game fair in my college and I am going to promote KOF there. I hope you all can give KOF a hand, I know you guys can do this.
The truth is a lie
The justice is an illusion
Do not accept the world as it is


Quote from: theodora on September 27, 2011, 06:18:32 AM
Clam down guys. If we have time to say this things here, why don't we do something? Try promote KOF to your friends or somewhere you can get to interact with people. I have a video game fair in my college and I am going to promote KOF there. I hope you all can give KOF a hand, I know you guys can do this.
yeah not like we haven't tried already im sure most of the people here have tried to introduce KoF to friends family co-workers etc we pull a few in every now and then but to be honest its hard to get people into fighting games if they dont have to much knowledge of them especially if the game happens to not be popular


Quote from: Xxenace on September 27, 2011, 06:34:02 AM
Quote from: theodora on September 27, 2011, 06:18:32 AM
Clam down guys. If we have time to say this things here, why don't we do something? Try promote KOF to your friends or somewhere you can get to interact with people. I have a video game fair in my college and I am going to promote KOF there. I hope you all can give KOF a hand, I know you guys can do this.
yeah not like we haven't tried already im sure most of the people here have tried to introduce KoF to friends family co-workers etc we pull a few in every now and then but to be honest its hard to get people into fighting games if they dont have to much knowledge of them especially if the game happens to not be popular
Then start from the basic. Just try to have fun with them, don't think about combo or who win who lose, just try to have fun get beating up. When they feel comfortable with it, introduce them with this site and all the people around here, show them the KOF video of all the cool combo, show them how powerful they can become in this fighting games.
Don't say "I can't" before you did it. Even if you failed, try again! KOF need new players, and you guys all fighting here, nothing will change!
Try to do something!
The truth is a lie
The justice is an illusion
Do not accept the world as it is


Quote from: theodora on September 27, 2011, 06:41:28 AM
Quote from: Xxenace on September 27, 2011, 06:34:02 AM
Quote from: theodora on September 27, 2011, 06:18:32 AM
Clam down guys. If we have time to say this things here, why don't we do something? Try promote KOF to your friends or somewhere you can get to interact with people. I have a video game fair in my college and I am going to promote KOF there. I hope you all can give KOF a hand, I know you guys can do this.
yeah not like we haven't tried already im sure most of the people here have tried to introduce KoF to friends family co-workers etc we pull a few in every now and then but to be honest its hard to get people into fighting games if they dont have to much knowledge of them especially if the game happens to not be popular
Then start from the basic. Just try to have fun with them, don't think about combo or who win who lose, just try to have fun get beating up. When they feel comfortable with it, introduce them with this site and all the people around here, show them the KOF video of all the cool combo, show them how powerful they can become in this fighting games.
Don't say "I can't" before you did it. Even if you failed, try again! KOF need new players, and you guys all fighting here, nothing will change!
Try to do something!
as ive said before ive done all that and ive tried to get a few of my friends to join though they all passed on the offer and ive never said i couldn't introduce anyone to KoF i said its hard to get people into fighting games over all these days since they require time and effort


Well, here's the ESRB description for the game. Doesn't prove anything about the release, save for the fact that there is a chance to see something from user-modifications that could be aganist ESRB standards! ;)

Rating: Teen  

Content descriptors: Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence  

Rating summary: This is a 2D arcade-style fighting game in which players compete in one-on-one/three-on-three combat with a large international cast of selectable characters. Players mostly kick, punch, and use special abilities (e.g., fireballs, electricity, energy beams) to drain opponents' life meters; battles are highlighted by impact sounds, cries of pain, and colorful explosions as fighters are hurled across the screen. Some female characters are dressed in revealing outfits (e.g., thong bikinis) that reveal large amounts of cleavage and portions of their buttocks; their breasts sometimes jiggle during combat. The dialogue references alcohol and drunkenness (e.g., “I'm used to being around people when they're hammered” and “Mai and Yuri just can't hold their liquor very well . . .”), and one wobbly character drinks from a bottle during matches, using a “drunken master” fighting style. The words “a*s” and “bastard” appear in dialogue.  

Online Notice:
Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated content (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)


We know there's a blog update from SNKP this week, and most likely, the Atlus official site will get it's bi-weekly style update too. Both good times to announce any potential delays, changes of plans, or any possible ways they plan to "make up" for the potential delay.

Would be a nice way to try and gather sales, if there is a real delay. Maybe add Iori WTPOF to Preorders in the US, and Japan could add the soundtrack to theirs?


Problem is that with fighting games is not that easy

For example, with a FPS, a racing game, or a sports game, is actually easy to hook up a friend to play along and that they get slightly hyped, those look cooler and moe easy to pick that lots of fighting games, hell, some people don't realize this, but for lots of guys, doing a simple qcf is like the most complicated thing ever, plus they get the feel that is not worthy since they could get raped for better players and don't see th investment of time worthy.

That being said, I'm not honestly that worried for sales, the game has his followers, not every capcom fan loves marvel, some of them are really expecting XIII, you had the atlus faithful who really loves the atlus brand, then you had the anime geimus fans, who love how the game looks, and some other guys. Even they could just save their ''monthly games money'' just 30 more days

The game no matter what will be released, is still basically created by guys who are expecting the game from a really long time (I will dar say some are expecting this for 4 years)

If a game like XII sold relatively well, this game should be fine I'm sure that Atlus and SNKP knew well the expectations from this game, and are not waiting like LOLZ BOOM PERIOD like some fans had wongly believed.

SNKP is from a long time a Niche company, they will be fine

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on September 27, 2011, 07:00:18 AM
Problem is that with fighting games is not that easy

For example, with a FPS, a racing game, or a sports game, is actually easy to hook up a friend to play along and that they get slightly hyped, those look cooler and moe easy to pick that lots of fighting games, hell, some people don't realize this, but for lots of guys, doing a simple qcf is like the most complicated thing ever, plus they get the feel that is not worthy since they could get raped for better players and don't see th investment of time worthy.

That being said, I'm not honestly that worried for sales, the game has his followers, not every capcom fan loves marvel, some of them are really expecting XIII, you had the atlus faithful who really loves the atlus brand, then you had the anime geimus fans, who love how the game looks, and some other guys. Even they could just save their ''monthly games money'' just 30 more days

The game no matter what will be released, is still basically created by guys who are expecting the game from a really long time (I will dar say some are expecting this for 4 years)

If a game like XII sold relatively well, this game should be fine I'm sure that Atlus and SNKP knew well the expectations from this game, and are not waiting like LOLZ BOOM PERIOD like some fans had wongly believed.

SNKP is from a long time a Niche company, they will be fine
I seriously doubt that. SNK did went bankrupt at 1999, remember? I wonder if the same thing can happen again. It is not impossible according to the economy today.
The truth is a lie
The justice is an illusion
Do not accept the world as it is