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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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The Fluke

Quote from: Aenthin on September 26, 2011, 08:57:35 PM
I doubt that. I'm pretty sure this game will pick up buyers even after UMvC3 is out. As someone else mentioned long before, selling copies is determined by its marketing strategies and game content, not so much about competing with other popular games that were released before or on the same date. While both might be fighting games, content between UMvC3 and KoFXIII is way too different for a fan of both games to skip the other. Even if the guy's low on money, he can just buy the other later when he does, especially if it has received good reviews.

Delayed or not, I still think KoFXIII is a must buy.

Umvc3s chances of actually "killing" kofxiii are low because it is basically just an expansion and will probably not pull alot of new players in. At the same time i think that most people who moved on probably won't get back in just because of it. Kofxiii on the otherhand is no where close to kofxii and actually has a good chance of pulling in new and old players, especially once it gets on streams with big names.

On the marketing side i think things are sad however. I saw the cover of a magazine recently and it had four big fighting games listed on the cover with a header like "fighting mania" or something like that.. It listed ttt2 sc5 umvc3 and sfxt on the front and i just realized that the only reason my friends that i play with know what kof is is because i made them try kofxii.. This is disturbing to me because umvc3 doesn't need the publicity, everyone knows that it's gonna be fun enough because the previous version was. Sfxt looks like it is meant to compete with smash bros and whatever more "party game" like fighters you can think of (nothing wrong with that). Sc5 and ttt2 both do look legit to me though. Just saddens me to see that gaming magazines don't give credit to a game that has so much effort put into it.. Ofcourse, some magazines may acknowledge kofxiii and i'd probably never notice because i don't read them since the internet's ready at hand. I think that kofxiii will probably see the greatest part of its marketing through streams as people will want to see if it's legit, (and i hope it is) and will be able to jump on the bandwagon once it gets rolling.

Also, i think doom sayers may be the worst kinds of trolls even if they are unintentional (and probably most then) because there surely can't be a much bigger hype killer than a straigth up downer that fills hopeful players with the fear that the game will fail and that it won't be worth the time and effort. It's ofcourse ok to speculate, but you should probably be a bit careful about what you say and how you say it, if not out of respect then for your own sakes.

*The last part is not directed at the quoted poster, nor anyone in particular for that matter


I believe UMVC3 is priced at $40. So considering it has Marvel characters, is well established in the mainstream, and fairly cheap it'll probably sell about 500K copies. UMVC3 is a stocking stuffer by a desperate Capcom and will probably overshadow KOF13. Atlus really needs to step up the media blitz if they hope to sell even 250K units.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: sibarraz on September 26, 2011, 04:42:59 PM
From the Professor

With rumors of KOF13 potentially getting delayed to November 22 in the US, SNKP's Yoshiyasu Matsushita (Dokimajo producer) recieved a message from a Japanese consumer who was worried that it might also get delayed in his country. Here's his short reply about a delay in Japan. Take it as you will, it's up to interpretation. Translation is below.

Q: "Is it true that KOF13 is getting delayed? After all this waiting, having to wait even longer is going to shatter my heart..."

Matsushita: "I'm very sorry, but please wait for a future announcement. m(_ _)m Sorry for causing any worries."

Well, it seems that SNK delaymore is back

Food for thought from ON: RSM at London's MCM expo, notice the dates: October 28-30th, seemingly planned for quite some time.  The question is:  Is this a post-release demo or a pre-release demo?

Here's what Gunsmith over at ON also has to say.

Para Para Pony

well the atlus website still has a giant OCTOBER 2011 in the upper right hand corner so i'm inclined to go with that until they post otherwise...


Don't worry. I checked the date at the Japanese official site just now and everything stay the same. I don't think there will be any delay for the KOF XIII.
The truth is a lie
The justice is an illusion
Do not accept the world as it is


Quote from: theodora on September 27, 2011, 12:35:53 AM
Don't worry. I checked the date at the Japanese official site just now and everything stay the same. I don't think there will be any delay for the KOF XIII.

Date can still change, just because SNKP hasn't change the date yet doesn't mean there would not be a change later. Until anyone makes a official announcement, all we can do is bite our nails while we wait.


I remember, at EVO, one of the Atlus reps Yu (Yuu?) said that October was definitely the timeframe and that a delay wouldn't go past the end of October.

Besides, what's an extra month even if it were true?


An extra month would mean it would directly compete with UMVC3 and get buried. The only other time frame they have (like was mentioned) is around January.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on September 27, 2011, 12:54:27 AM
An extra month would mean it would directly compete with UMVC3 and get buried. The only other time frame they have (like was mentioned) is around January.

UMvC3 AND Tekken Hybrid. Yes, I would put Tekken Hybrid in there too, since it has a preview to TTT2 and it has one of the most loved Tekken games in HD, TTT1, plus a movie that looks cool.

Having those 2 games sandwich KOFXIII would be a horrible scenario in any way you want to see it.


Quote from: FataCon on September 27, 2011, 12:49:16 AM
I remember, at EVO, one of the Atlus reps Yu (Yuu?) said that October was definitely the timeframe and that a delay wouldn't go past the end of October.

Besides, what's an extra month even if it were true?
an extra month would be to damn long of a wait bruh

Rex Dart

Quote from: MUSOLINI on September 26, 2011, 06:36:54 PM
as long as the shits not half assed i dont mind waiting more. it's not like theres other fighters or even other games in general that i want over 13.
Sometimes, Musolini gets it exactly right.

I don't think XIII releasing in November would be a disaster. KOF fans are going to buy it this Holiday season no matter what. They've waited years for this game, and no other game is going to replace it.

Yeah, it might hurt initial sales. But if the game has good word-of-mouth and a strong community behind it, it could get some legs behind it.


Correct, but initial sales are key factors on the success of a game.
Just like Darkaoz said, I don´t like this scenario at all.
Assuming the game gets delayed in USA, I hope the same thing happens in Japan. If that doesn´t happen, there might be a lot of people who will choose to import the game, wich will also lower the sales in America. That´s why I liked the idea of releasing the game in the same week for both markets.
Anyway, eventhou a delay will be a pain in the ass (cause I can hardly wait for the 25th of October, imagine November), what worries me here is the possibility of lower sales.
This game needs to have an impact in the sales, I am not talking about beating Crapcom or being the Number one selling game. It just needs to have a great & solid performance in the market.


Thing is guys that the people genuinely interested in KOF make up very low numbers in the U.S. I can't speak for Mexico or the rest of South America or China but the number of Americans who would run out and buy a copy on release would probably number in the hundreds, maybe. You absolutely need to have the casual fighting game players on board. And if they're busy playing Marvel (and they will be considering the very active tournament scene) then they don't have much reason to play KOF except if they're in an area with a very active tourney scene, and that area is So Cal.

I don't know anything about Tekken so I can't speak for that, but bottom line is that if this releases alongside UMVC3 it will fail. It might do better for December, ya' know? They might have to cut the price to $50 if it isn't already in order to compete. Also keep in mind that we're in the midst of the 2nd Great Depression and yet another Recession is coming. So joe schmoe who likes fighters but doesn't have a lot of cash has to be very choosy now. Does he go with a $40 dollar upgrade to something he may already have but features more shit and he knows tons of people and friends of his are going to be playing? Or does he go with a more obscure fighter that retails for $60? The outlook isn't looking good.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Rex Dart

Let's be honest. The initial sales of XIII were never going to be very high. Most people who are on the fence about the game are waiting for reviews on the netcode. That doesn't mean the game can't be a success, however.

I'm personally hoping for sales that exceed Blazblue's levels. That seems like a surmountable goal (I hope). Also, I think KOF's market is different enough from UMvC3's market that they won't be completely at odds with one another.