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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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yeah no yamazaki kills this shit, at least the game is still great and all.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Are the revealed characters 100% legit? If yes, I'm truly disappointed. I'm fine with EX kyo, since the way they play are different. What about Mr Karate? We already have Takuma (press start for Mr Karate). 


I for one, can't wait for the brutal fisticuffs that Shin Karate and Rekka Kyo will bring to the table.


Quote from: SAB-CA on September 09, 2011, 02:59:56 PMNEED SOME MORE WOMEN! What's with Fighters lately, making their Additional characters all men? (-_-;;)

Why does THIS matter!?




Quote from: GearaDoga on September 09, 2011, 07:35:22 PM
brb cancelling my pre order

That's pretty lame.

Anyways, i'm a bit disappointed unless Mr.Karate gets a different moveset, stance and whatnot it's ok i guess.

If this game does well then we'll see the wish list of characters in XIV soon enough, but for that to happen we need a solid netcode first.

I'm just glad this game is polished, that's all.


I don't see why some people has to cry that their favorite characters didn't make the cut as DLCs (yet). I'm pretty bummed out that Whip didn't make it the first time KoF XIII was announced yet here I am, still playing the game. Honestly though, I'd play the game because it's a fun game, not because they all have my favorite characters. Disappointing, maybe, but even SNKP can't please everyone.

Anyway, I'm a bit curious to how Mr. Karate would play as. Wouldn't it be confusing if the opponent is Takuma in his alt costume? Of course, as EDDR said, unless he's got a different stance, a not-so-subtle design difference, or even if Takuma loses his alt costume and gets a new one entirely (though that seems unlikely).


I agree SNKP should have added other totally new characters and the last announced characters are meh to me, but that won't stop me from buying this game.


IMO, they should have added some KOF XI characters/teams instead of these two.

But on a sidenote, anyone wish Atlus would make a package that sells the NeoGeo Pad 2 for the 360/PS3 that comes along with a DLC code for a character? Reaosn I say this is because I'm tired of all those classic controller sbeing released for the PS3 but us 360 owners get no love even though a lot of SNK games ar eont he XBL Marketplace and disc.


I'm still immensely bitter, but not as much as I was at the start of the day.


ugggh when they announced billy kane i was like, FUCK YEAH! we're gonna get hella awesome and unique characters from the older titles!

when they announced classic iori and saiki, i was like, that's pretty cool! i mean, saiki is kinda like ash, but still a different character with unique moves, and iori has his fireball back, so yeah that's okay as well.

today, with mr. karate and shin kyo, i was like, ARE YOU JOKING ME? at this rate the last character is gonna be like, K double dash or some bullshit. what happened to all of the amazing and unique characters from older games? SO MANY GOOD CHOICES and they decide on mr. fucking karate? i've never felt so much nerd rage before lol goddamn it

thank goodness kof13 is a fucking amazing game as it stand already. hype train continues!
In it to win it!



When they released Saiki and Billy Kane, I was like that's pretty good because Saiki and Billy Kane are part of the story. When they released Classic Iori, I was like, this makes perfect sense since he gets his powers back.

I'd imagine EX Kyo makes sense because he probably would fight differently if Ash never existed and probably would've never been injured.

Mr. Karate. Makes. NO. SENSE. I'll be sponsored by Morton because I'm bleeding NaCl right now.


So your favorite character did not get in, guess what mine neither, get over it.  For a second I thought this was gamefaqs, that how shitty today's thread derailed.


PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature