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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on October 15, 2011, 10:03:44 PM
Well if you're gonna use Kyo as a Pseudo-Grappler even though has to burn meter to get that property, then you can open up more characters like ones that have 1 frame Grapples as DM's, like for example (at least for Console) Kensou and Hwa Jai.

Yeah, Hwai is another character I really like. About 25% of the cast I'm really interested in and my team would look something like this:

1st: Kyo/King/Hwai/Terry. 2nd: Vice/Clark. 3rd: Ralf/Shen.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on October 15, 2011, 10:14:32 PM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on October 15, 2011, 10:03:44 PM
Well if you're gonna use Kyo as a Pseudo-Grappler even though has to burn meter to get that property, then you can open up more characters like ones that have 1 frame Grapples as DM's, like for example (at least for Console) Kensou and Hwa Jai.

Yeah, Hwai is another character I really like. About 25% of the cast I'm really interested in and my team would look something like this:

1st: Kyo/King/Hwai/Terry. 2nd: Vice/Clark. 3rd: Ralf/Shen.

Hwa's got that flair, and I love the fact that he can now pressure all day, and catch you sleeping with Dragon Backbreaker.  Hell I have an idea now in HD Mode where you'd do your standard HD combo, almost make it seem like you drop it...then catch with Dragon Backbreaker and Max Cancel into his Neomax.  Could do some great damage.

As it is, my last two characters on my team will be King/Hwa in that order.  I'm just trying to figure out who I want on point.

The three I'm thinking right now are Kensou, Duo Lon, and Shen.  Shen is the one I want to use the least, but the reason he's there is because I'm notoriously bad with Rekka characters so he's there as a backup.  I like Duo's ability to have nasty reset and 50-50 situations, but I like Kensou's new 1 Frame Grab DM.  Duo's Rekkas also are apparently more annoying to do than Kensous, and Kensou has a decent projectile.  But Duo (and Shen) have the best theme in the game (no, I probably won't pick people based on that fact...but it IS true).

Tough choices indeed.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I never thought of Shen as a Rekka character. He's mostly just a heavy hitter if that makes any sense. He has a two -hit rekka but I rarely see anyone use it.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on October 16, 2011, 12:19:13 AM
I never thought of Shen as a Rekka character. He's mostly just a heavy hitter if that makes any sense. He has a two -hit rekka but I rarely see anyone use it.

No, I mean, I have Shen there because Duo and Kensou are Rekka Characters, and if I continue my abysmal play with them, I can fall back on Shen who ISN'T a Rekka character
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on October 15, 2011, 10:14:32 PM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on October 15, 2011, 10:03:44 PM
Well if you're gonna use Kyo as a Pseudo-Grappler even though has to burn meter to get that property, then you can open up more characters like ones that have 1 frame Grapples as DM's, like for example (at least for Console) Kensou and Hwa Jai.

Yeah, Hwai is another character I really like. About 25% of the cast I'm really interested in and my team would look something like this:

1st: Kyo/King/Hwai/Terry. 2nd: Vice/Clark. 3rd: Ralf/Shen.

I wouldn´t go with Ralf as the third character. I would switch him between some of the characters you mentioned for your first spot, specially King and Terry, but that's just me. Try them by your self, it might work better for you in the different way than mine.


There's a questionnaire posted on a thread at CX which says "this doesn't come from SNKP". Lie. I know it comes from them.



Leona nerfs make me sad.  Especially in light of Hwa getting the exact opposite treatment.
Shoulda used the chainsaw!
The Future is No


Quote from: Nagare_Ryouma on October 16, 2011, 06:19:37 AM
I wouldn´t go with Ralf as the third character. I would switch him between some of the characters you mentioned for your first spot, specially King and Terry, but that's just me. Try them by your self, it might work better for you in the different way than mine.

My philosophy is always put first the character i know the least (of the team of course) and for third the character i know the most or my main.
But this is coming from a guy that doesn't play competitively.

Para Para Pony




KoF XIII Tourney held at MCM Expo at months end + Tourney finals held on Stage in UK. Pretty sweet to see Gamespot hype it's inclusion! (Orochinagi's hyped it for almost a month now) Thanks to affinity on Atlus Forums for bringing the news being mentioned there to attention.

Quote from: Delta on October 16, 2011, 08:10:02 PM
My philosophy is always put first the character i know the least (of the team of course) and for third the character i know the most or my main.
But this is coming from a guy that doesn't play competitively.

Yeah, that's a great tactic when you're new at the game, especially. Hopefully, you start to feel that you know all 3 just as well though!

For me, it shifts. Normally, I keep my biggest hitter for last, because I want the power of THE DECIDING FACTOR on my side. But if I'm learning someone new, or have a new closeout tactic that I want to try, then the order switches.

First characters also should have the least "bad matchups". I try not to start with a character who can be controlled and killed off too easily (Like Chin :( ), because it's REALLY depressing to end the first round with a lost character, AND barely any meter in return...

LouisCipher, I could see Ralf as a solid 3rd on consoles, really. 500 K damage charged Galactica Phantom would be quite intimidating, if not extremly hard to hit with. But with Neomax's getting cheaper, 4 bars and full drive could make a good Ralf ALMOST as threatening as Raiden.

If you like to burn all your meters with Vice, however, as 2nd, I'd probably put Ralf First. Since he has such solid meterless combos. I'd say Hwa is also solid as a first though, but I'm quite bias on that, lol.

Quote from: PurpGuy on October 16, 2011, 08:01:01 PM
Leona nerfs make me sad.  Especially in light of Hwa getting the exact opposite treatment.

Yeah, but at least, in practice, they don't look nearly as bad as they sound. I guess the changes were made to make her use Lockdown X-Calibur more. If they made Grand Saber NEGATIVE on block, I would have been all up in arms complaining though, lol. Equal frames I can live with, especially since Kyo lost his safe qcb run.

Para Para Pony

my play habit is to typically burn meter as i build it. i unfortunately don't have the time nor patience to learn the super high hitting combos. i like to get in, get out, dealing as much as possible in shorter combos. if i eat a loss in the first character my second is usually one i have played semi-regularly but not as much as number three so i try to at least bank on 1 & half characters beat by the time they eat it. then my third is my main so hopefully they can take down the rest.

Running Wild

I don't think learning those really long HD combo's is that important nor something to worry about, lot of them aren't very practical, especially with all the meter involved and when damage scaling kicks in. If you can at least combo into a HD cancel and throw in a DM/EX-DM or a NeoMax, you should be good. Quite a number of characters can deal good damage with a simple BnB. Like take Maxima or Shen Woo, both do huge damage with just several hits and finishing the combo off with a super.

If you haven't watched the Don't Drop That Combo series you should, just pay real good attention to the first couple combo's that anybody can do. Keep it basic, until you learn to do some better things. I got some pretty basic stuff going with my team of Terry/Shen/Ryo, but I'm starting to figure out how to do some HD cancels with them, but nothing too exciting yet. I can do a simple combo into Ryo's NeoMax at best and do about 800 damage.



Pretty much. Some characters benefit more from HD mode than others, Maxima doesn't really need it considering how much damage he does with full Drive Cancel and 2-3 stocks.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.