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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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Loving the change to Goro, Terry and joe, joe only follow up after the slide is his multi punch move and nothing more sound like a little nerf, but he can follow it up with any move in hd mode, finnally goro isn't a sitting duck, I love how he can easilly connect his command grabs compare to his past renditions, what took snkp so long to give terry a target combo, something that I would have loved in 2002 um.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on October 20, 2011, 05:47:48 PM
Also it's me or the 360 version says "2 to 64 players Online"? WTF?
It's not just you... :o

But why does the PS3 one say 2-2? :(


Terry looks bad ass as always. I don't get the forward+C having a bigger hitbox and I guess easier hitconfirm for Iori. I mean, when you grab them you just do that upclaw (SRK motion) and do Super. It seems pretty easy but who knows.  
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on October 20, 2011, 06:28:09 PM
Terry looks bad ass as always. I don't get the forward+C having a bigger hitbox and I guess easier hitconfirm for Iori. I mean, when you grab them you just do that upclaw (SRK motion) and do Super. It seems pretty easy but who knows.  

Yeah I don't get it either, SRK claw works just fine.  ;df ;c having a better hitbox is negligibly better for starting overhead HD combos with it!?! dunno...


I hope Andy doesn't become top tier and noticably better than the rest of the cast. I feel a bit bad about playing top tier characters.


everybody is tops now, don't sweat who the fuck you'll use cause its all good. bring your andy to me, my goro will use him as a toothpick.

that 1 guy who was good with arcad goro is gonna be so fucking happy now, i can just imagine his new combo potential now.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: Grokbu on October 20, 2011, 06:56:43 PM
I hope Andy doesn't become top tier and noticably better than the rest of the cast. I feel a bit bad about playing top tier characters.

Same here I traditionally don't so if one of my mains ends up being top tier I get a bit put off by it and choose someone else a lot of the time.


Am I the only one who see all these changes like some kind of "let's buff every one"...?

I'm not sure about Iori and Liz's buff (do they really need a buff?), and I don't like Andy's buffs at all. I think Andy was fine, and B>D cancelable is unnecessary. Why Mai's B>D is not cancelable when she is worst than him in arcade version? :(
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Characters potentially going High Tier? Tier, Smier! The only time I let tiers effect me, is if their "top tier" stuff makes them feel TOO cheesy, and I start having to apologize for winning out on stuff that no other character would have been able to deal with. Those victories aren't satisfying for me, or the opponent; similiar to how winning with Wolverine on Normal MVC3, with no real knowledge on the character going in, feels pretty hollow.

Even though Andy got some nice buffs, they really aren't THAT ridiculous. Take into consideration, for instance, that Leona has 2 multi-hit close normals, and a command normal. Or that Robert's always had a 2 hit close normal, but barely anyone seems to use it in the arcade... I don't think it's too much of a buff, to make things work as intended, y'know?

The only thing I'm really confused about, is how Andy gets to have a cancellable Target Combo, yet Mai's isn't. Would have been a nice combo-opener for Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi. Is her standing ;b cancellable on it's own?

Anyway, Andy also got the same nerf that many characters are getting, "Remove braindead reversals!". Though there was no mention of his EX Kuuhadan getting reduced guard damage. Maybe they think it's fair since it's EX?

Andy's suppose to be "The Human Weapon" though, so it's nice to see him become a swiss army knife of techniques.

Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on October 20, 2011, 07:40:05 PM
Am I the only one who see all these changes like some kind of "let's buff every one"...?

I'm not sure about Iori and Liz's buff (do they really need a buff?), and I don't like Andy's buffs at all. I think Andy was fine, and B>D cancelable is unnecessary. Why Mai's B>D is not cancelable when is worst than Andy in arcade version? :(

Liz needed a reason for people to play her different. She was a stagnant character in the arcade, who had a list of moves created for her, but no reason to use but 1 or 2. Her buffs and nerfs do a good job encouraging this.

Iori's throw buff is pretty nice too. His command throw combo was pretty inconsistent for many players, and this made it easy to mess up. Also, with Flames Iori being introduced, want to make sure the characters are not redundant.

I think they're doing a good job at making each character have a reason to be played. something that gives them a unique flavor. This is also an important aspect of "balance", in a more derivative sense; you want people to be attracted to the whole cast.


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on October 20, 2011, 07:40:05 PM
I'm not sure about Iori and Liz's buff (do they really need a buff?), and I don't like Andy's buffs at all. I think Andy was fine, and B>D cancelable is unnecessary. Why Mai's B>D is not cancelable when is worst than Andy in arcade version? :(
Shen's buffs also confuse me a little, but as long as nobody ends up broken, I say let it rock.  As for Andy vs Mai on the B>D front, I see it as emphasizing the differences in their intended gameplay.  Andy is a character who seems built to dart in and out while trying to dance on your face (notice how heavy he is in moves with forward momentum [slinky kick, elbow dash, even his DP moves forward a lot compared to non-K'/Kula/Elizabeth dp's]), while Mai is made to be extremely mobile (wall jump, wall dives, ninja bees, musasabi dive) and dictate spacing (via high priority air normals, air throw, and beefy projectiles) until the opponent is forced to leave an opening for her.
Old man/bad player


Although it's a noticeable increase in possibilities, Andy really shouldn't whiff that. Most people's target combos, if done properly, do not miss. I feel that the reason Andy's st.C  -> f+A missed in Arcade was an error on their part and it was intended.

I'll also say that Andy really, really needs meter or the corner in order to do any kind of damage. If I remember correctly as well, he doesn't have a lot of combo starter variations that are low hit anyway. If you just block any of his new strings, they're not anymore dangerous than Andy previously.


Well yeah, most of the characters seem to be buffed in some way. But Andy already seemed so good in the arcade version. Perhaps his buffs aren't as critical as the ones alot of the other characters are getting, all the while nerfing away his inv. on EX Kuuhadan and nerfing his Cr.D?


I think I asked this before but just in case: Anyone know if Poongko will be playing KOF13? What does he think of it? So glad to see him tearing shit up in SF4 but I will never forgot those KOFXI matches of his.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: SAB-CA on October 20, 2011, 07:59:17 PM
Liz needed a reason for people to play her different. She was a stagnant character in the arcade, who had a list of moves created for her, but no reason to use but 1 or 2. Her buffs and nerfs do a good job encouraging this.

I can't really agree with that. If you played her, you'd know that pretty much all her moves had important utility.
- qcf + p built meter and was integral for combos
- dp used for practically all combos and anti-air
- command grab for mixups, EX version for combo potential
- EX counter was a strong reversal

The only thing she didn't use a lot was teleport. It was gimmicky, but you could still use it decently in blockstrings. I think people just rode the wave of hating Liz. All they needed to do was tone down her damage, not necessarily change the properties on her moves. If they toned down her dmg and took away the meter gain on her qcf + P, she would have been fine. EX counter is going to be terribly inefficient after the changes. If you think about it, they're only making her more stagnant.

I'm glad to hear the changes on Andy's s.C>f+A and Athena's Phoenix Bomb. They tended to be inconsistent on legit punishes. The weak version Phoenix Arrow buff is nice too. I should pick her up again once console drops.

Rex Dart

You know you can balance a high-tier character with more than just nerfing, right? In the case of Kula, the only move that needs to be nerfed is her EX Spin Kick. Other than that, they may as well buff her other tools (especially her DMs) to keep her competitive.

I think Andy's buffs are reasonable. Very few of his moves were actually unfair. His strength comes more from the versatility of his movelist. From what I've seen, it's looking like K', Kyo and maybe Andy will top-tier in the console version. Juts my prediction.

"* Phoenix Bomb (from Cancel) has a different trajectory from arcade version and hits a crouching opponent as a combo from a fierce." <-- Does this mean it's an overhead, even when cancelled into? Or just that it won't whiff in combos? They don't seem to mention her EX Shining Crystal Bit can be done in the air now, which should really help her combos.

This is a small gripe, but I don't really like how Goro's super cancel looks (even though it is a much-needed buff). He slams the opponent to the ground, super-cancels, and the opponent magically teleports back into his hand. Is he a jedi or something?

. . . Actually, that might be kind of cool?