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Raiden (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:49:38 AM

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Tried him in my team and this character is pretty damn solid, victories and OCVs right of the bat.

Damn near all his normals are really good, hit hard and seemingly have great priority. Standing C, c.C, s.D, cr. and s. A, cr.B, everthing was hitting and stuffing really well.

His A and B have suprisingly good stun so you have a lot of time to combo with a grab or EX Tackle.

Speaking of the EX Tackle, its the reason I started using him second. So freaking good. Combos easily and takes straight to the corner from really far distances, which is where you can drive cancel into poison mist and then juggle with as many EX Tackle as you want before finishing it with the Bomber. So much damage, so easy. You can even go straight into a Neomax after that first tackle.

When they say in the change log that the Bomber (dp+P) is completely invincible, do they mean just the EX version or the regular one as well?

His regular tackle is very useful as well, great against fireball whores. There is autoguard just on the starting animation right? Is it full body autoguard or just upper like Maxima?

His neomax hits so deliciously hard.

So glad they brought him down to mortal status, I've really liked his look/design ever since seeing him in XII.

Tofu Warrior

Sorry, the invincibility was added to Raiden Bomber (QCFx2 B+D), not Raiden Bomb!  :) The names of those moves really shouldn't be that similar...

Quote from: BioBooster on November 30, 2011, 01:29:58 AM
Yep, 32s for lv 4. They wanted to curb the abuse. Although it's at 32 you still get most of the arcade the benefits, and since kicks have to be held down for double the time, it encourages players to leave one of the kicks free which allows Raiden to deepen his grappler play. That said, the lower levels of DK have plenty of utility and are still a great asset.

Would you care to elaborate on this please? According to the KOF XIII Wiki, the Level 4 Drop Kick is the only one worth using, I'm curious to hear why you think the lower levels are useful as well. Also do you happen to know if the charge times were increased for Levels 1 - 3?


Quote from: Tofu Warrior on November 30, 2011, 06:26:11 PM
Sorry, the invincibility was added to Raiden Bomber (QCFx2 B+D), not Raiden Bomb!  :) The names of those moves really shouldn't be that similar...

Oh, thanks man.

Tofu Warrior

Also this video should answer your question about Raiden's  ;c Shoulder Tackle.


Quote from: Tofu Warrior on December 01, 2011, 11:14:25 PM
Also this video should answer your question about Raiden's  ;c Shoulder Tackle.

LOL that looks hilarious. No chance!
Random: "Man, KOF XII is such an awesome game!"

Tofu Warrior

The video I posted got me thinking; is it possible to absorb an attack with the autoguard frames of  ;c Shoulder Tackle, then cancel it with a feint to put yourself at a frame advantage? In some cases, you might even be able to punish your opponent. This is pure theorycrafting on my part, would someone be kind enough to test it? :D


Quote from: Tofu Warrior on November 30, 2011, 06:26:11 PM
Sorry, the invincibility was added to Raiden Bomber (QCFx2 B+D), not Raiden Bomb!  :) The names of those moves really shouldn't be that similar...

Quote from: BioBooster on November 30, 2011, 01:29:58 AM
Yep, 32s for lv 4. They wanted to curb the abuse. Although it's at 32 you still get most of the arcade the benefits, and since kicks have to be held down for double the time, it encourages players to leave one of the kicks free which allows Raiden to deepen his grappler play. That said, the lower levels of DK have plenty of utility and are still a great asset.

Would you care to elaborate on this please? According to the KOF XIII Wiki, the Level 4 Drop Kick is the only one worth using, I'm curious to hear why you think the lower levels are useful as well. Also do you happen to know if the charge times were increased for Levels 1 - 3?

Didn't see this till now. Sure charge times are double, but if applied right there should be plenty to do with the drops. 1-2 are not safe, but lower levels can be used in combos.

A good example is the HD combo on last thursday's blog post:
The neat thing here is that they begin charging the DKs at the beginning of the combo which makes them perfectly useful.


Here's something I've been wondering:

If you do a special move that requires  ;b or  ;d (in other words, Head Crusher, 'coz that's the only move he has that uses those buttons) and you hold that button, will it count as charging a Drop Kick?


It should. Give it at try?


Even you're iffy on the long charge time, it may be a good idea to charge anyway when you're stuck in a long combo so that when you go back to neutral you shave a few seconds til lvl 3/4.
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