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Leona Heidern (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:35:08 AM

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Quote from: Ryujin on January 25, 2012, 11:36:53 PM
Awesome combos pain, especially capitalizing on those air-to-air hits under the opponent and the counter-hit CD.
Thx bro glad u enjoyed it
had to share more stuff for us Leonas =3


Quote from: Mienaikage on January 26, 2012, 12:28:09 AM
Quote from: p___a__i__n on January 25, 2012, 04:04:17 PM
More awesome stuff with Leona,Leonas so fun always fighting neat stuff with her


Dude the fact that you hopped in your highest damage combo was killing me! Came up with a variant 3 bar kill combo plus added a full jump to your 1186 damage one and credited you. Totals up to 1198, now the hunting begins for 1200!

The King of Fighters XIII: Leona 3 Stock Death Combo + 1198 Damage HD Combo
Yea the moment I found this out I had to share it with u and the other Leonas so I posted it here.
It the least I could do since ur mainly the 1 finding out all of this new tech with Leona haha,I hope u can find out more stuff with her and GS on making it 1198,1200 seems pretty hard to do atm but im sure u or me will figure it out 1 of these days



Quote from: Mienaikage on January 26, 2012, 02:37:50 AM
And done. 1226 damage. Surprisingly simple apart from the final motion.

The King of Fighters XIII: Leona - You Are Already Dead (1226 Damage)
Congratz bro u found out how to do it haha.
I nvr knew u could do that so I just learned sumn new from you once again :D


what do you guys feel are her best/practical midscreen combos that have a good meter/damage ratio?

some i can think of off the top of my head are
1. cr.B, cr.B, st.B, f.B, v-slasher
2. cr.B, cr.A (or cr.C), moon slasher, [DC], EX grand sabre, slash sabre

any other ones that are notable?


Quote2. cr.B, cr.A (or cr.C), moon slasher, [DC], EX grand sabre, slash sabre

on this one:
If you start or go into c.C you can save yourself the moonslasher and go right into grand sabre. This way you save yourself one drice meter. I still wouldnt trade it for the v-slasher combo though.


I wondered if you guys could halp me a little. Ive been experimenting with leonas HD-Combos, starting from lows, but im not quite sure which would be the best way.

Ive seen someone do it from 3x c.B into moonslasher HD-bypass. Its kinda hard and only works in the corner, since youre to far away after the first MSxxGS to follow it up midscreen.

Then theres 2x c.B into late HD-activation(so a c.C comes out) into MSXXGS. The timing for the late HD-activation is kinda tricky and sometimes youre to fare away so the c.C wont hit.

Also i tried 2X c.B into HD-bypass Moonslasher, but the charge time you get while doing the two crouching Bs is not quite enough to charge the Moonshlasher...youd have to hold down during a empty hop or crouch there before doing the c.Bs, but thats not really reliable.

So any ideas about this?


Quote from: seyu on February 10, 2012, 03:49:34 PM
Quote2. cr.B, cr.A (or cr.C), moon slasher, [DC], EX grand sabre, slash sabre

on this one:
If you start or go into c.C you can save yourself the moonslasher and go right into grand sabre. This way you save yourself one drice meter. I still wouldnt trade it for the v-slasher combo though.


I wondered if you guys could halp me a little. Ive been experimenting with leonas HD-Combos, starting from lows, but im not quite sure which would be the best way.

Ive seen someone do it from 3x c.B into moonslasher HD-bypass. Its kinda hard and only works in the corner, since youre to far away after the first MSxxGS to follow it up midscreen.

Then theres 2x c.B into late HD-activation(so a c.C comes out) into MSXXGS. The timing for the late HD-activation is kinda tricky and sometimes youre to fare away so the c.C wont hit.

Also i tried 2X c.B into HD-bypass Moonslasher, but the charge time you get while doing the two crouching Bs is not quite enough to charge the Moonshlasher...youd have to hold down during a empty hop or crouch there before doing the c.Bs, but thats not really reliable.

So any ideas about this?

u have all the time to start hd combos from c.B x 2 or 3 in ms bypass and it works full screen, actually doing c.C or c.B x n is the same even for a wall carry, just 2 different ways to start it.the tip is if u r on the other side of the screen or 3/4 do an ex gs after the first ms bypass (this makes it a little more easier to do the next ms since ms , gs .... has a stricht time) oh and if u r doing the wall carry remember the 3rd ms must be ex (if u r half screen u dont need a 3rd ms u can do directly another gs and keep goin on with the usual stuffs after the 2nd ms).
remember with the ms hd bypass u shouldnt have charge problems. keep in mind she is a charge character so maybe u should practice more to keep frequently a d,b guard even in neutral times of the match. i tell u this cause for example u can punish even starting from just a c.B (1) ms hd bypass


Hm if you say so. Ill try a little more and hope ill get it down. its kinda annoying if you can only go into HD from a c.C punish. And thaqnks for the tip with the EX ms or gs. I already knew it, but i was kinda neglecting it for combos where i didnt go for max damage.
Oh and also: I tested some cookie cutter HD-combos. Using 2 power meters and the HD-bar as my limitations. These are without bypass.

Midscreen or a little more:
j.C,c.C HDA c.C, MSxxGSxxMSxxGS, [MSxxGS] x3,Neomax /// 808 Damage

Corner(you can save yourself the one GSxxMS cancel and can do one more of the loop):
j.C,c.C HDA c.C, [MSxxGS] x6, Neomax /// 848 Damage

also the standart corner combo:
j.C,c.C HDA c.C,f.B, qcb.C, [MSxxGS] x6, Neomax /// 829 Damage

This is pretty nice damage for only 2 meters. Most other chars cant do that much.
Just in case people wanted to know:)


Quote from: seyu on February 11, 2012, 01:21:01 PM
Hm if you say so. Ill try a little more and hope ill get it down. its kinda annoying if you can only go into HD from a c.C punish. And thaqnks for the tip with the EX ms or gs. I already knew it, but i was kinda neglecting it for combos where i didnt go for max damage.
Oh and also: I tested some cookie cutter HD-combos. Using 2 power meters and the HD-bar as my limitations. These are without bypass.

Midscreen or a little more:
j.C,c.C HDA c.C, MSxxGSxxMSxxGS, [MSxxGS] x3,Neomax /// 808 Damage

Corner(you can save yourself the one GSxxMS cancel and can do one more of the loop):
j.C,c.C HDA c.C, [MSxxGS] x6, Neomax /// 848 Damage

also the standart corner combo:
j.C,c.C HDA c.C,f.B, qcb.C, [MSxxGS] x6, Neomax /// 829 Damage

This is pretty nice damage for only 2 meters. Most other chars cant do that much.
Just in case people wanted to know:)

well the great chance to fuck opponents minds with low/high guards cause of her instant overheads will let u be more dangerous once u will get used to start hd from lows plus dont forget s.C is hella fast and good range for punishemnt too and there is still s.D ( even if i think i never used it till now ).
those r for starting a combo or when u hitconfirm but remember the good videos of mienaikage, referring to the hd activation and then mixups with instant overheads. they could be risky but very effective


does anyone have any advice on doing d~uC>(DC)b~fK
KOF Teams

Matt Alder

Quote from: Dr.Faust on March 09, 2012, 03:40:42 AM
does anyone have any advice on doing d~uC>(DC)b~fK
down/back,up/back+C, forward+D.


Most Leona HD combos I see are mostly Moon Slasher and Grand Sabre Run. Is Baltic Launcher bad for HD combos or something?


It is doing too much hits so the damage gets scaled very quickly


Good day all,
Just getting my feet wet with KOF13.
Been playing FGs since Karate Champ but I never got into the KOF series.
Im using Robert, Leona, Takuma in that order.

I like the way Leona feels, but I havent had much luck finding videos of high level leona play.
Do you guys have any links you'd like to share.

I already went through the issues of doing  ;dn ;up ;c dc  ;bk ;fd ;d;df was killing me, haha
But I read through this thread, and Im still looking for more gameplay.

Help me out homies, time to hit the Dojo
XboxLive gamertag: Paul Nannie


Quote from: Mr.Nannie on April 01, 2012, 08:35:48 PM
Good day all,
Just getting my feet wet with KOF13.
Been playing FGs since Karate Champ but I never got into the KOF series.
Im using Robert, Leona, Takuma in that order.

I like the way Leona feels, but I havent had much luck finding videos of high level leona play.
Do you guys have any links you'd like to share.

I already went through the issues of doing  ;dn ;up ;c dc  ;bk ;fd ;d;df was killing me, haha
But I read through this thread, and Im still looking for more gameplay.

Help me out homies, time to hit the Dojo

unfortunately high level gameplay about leona in console edition r rare , u probably ll have to find some gameplay videos in the smoai2010 channel on youtube but those r about the arcade edition.it doesnt happens often to see leona anymore since the console ed. has been released but u can get an idea to how use her in that channel