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The King of Fighters XIII Gameplay discussion (All shortcuts on 1st page)

Started by Kane317, August 18, 2010, 12:06:37 AM

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Quote from: Sharnt on November 27, 2011, 05:20:22 PM
I'll try to explain :

The buffer is wide enough to allow you to DC a dp move in to a new dp move by simply holding df and press the button for the DC after the first dp.

By example you can do dp.C,(DC)dp.AC with Kula by doing : 6523+C~AC (Because moves can be drive cancelled by their Ex versions). But you can also DC the dp of yuri in her demon flip : 6523+C~D, same thing goes for qcf moves, you can DC Kensou's rekkas by doing qcf.A,qcf.A~AC (In fact you can also cancel the second rekka by the third with the same idea).
What's why sometimes a Ex dp comes out, you're not yet on the 6 you press AC the Ex dp comes out.

Now to avoid problems it seems snk makes the game recognize buffer like 6523+C 6+C and prevent it to be drive cancelled. But this thing is disable in Maxmode what's why this trick will works really well. And doing dp.C,(HD)qcf.C by this method is really easy. So if you're not using this in Maxmode i can only recommand you to do the real move, 6523+C 236+AC. It will avoid any problems if you're precise enough.

this HUGE buffer kinda annoy me... i feel the same solution (th f.C after srk.C to obtain qcf.C without trigger a DM, if the character have two qcf,qcf.C dm obviusly) is the only solid solution but hard to training >.<,


Quote from: Mazinkaiser on November 27, 2011, 07:28:15 PM
f.C after srk.C to obtain qcf.C without trigger a DM, if the character have two qcf,qcf.C dm
Oh you're playing K'?

To do dp.C,(DC)qcf.C easily and without any risk to do the qcf qcf.C DM you should try the "long"-cut :
hcb f.C,(DC)qcf.C
The hcb f move will make a dp comes out without any risk to do a DM. The buffer is long enough to allows you to do it quite easily once you're use to do it.

Quote from: Sharnt on November 27, 2011, 05:20:22 PM
I'll try to explain :

The buffer is wide enough to allow you to DC a dp move in to a new dp move by simply holding df and press the button for the DC after the first dp.

By example you can do dp.C,(DC)dp.AC with Kula by doing : 6523+C~AC (Because moves can be drive cancelled by their Ex versions). But you can also DC the dp of yuri in her demon flip : 6523+C~D, same thing goes for qcf moves, you can DC Kensou's rekkas by doing qcf.A,qcf.A~AC (In fact you can also cancel the second rekka by the third with the same idea).
What's why sometimes a Ex dp comes out, you're not yet on the 6 you press AC the Ex dp comes out.

Now to avoid problems it seems snk makes the game recognize buffer like 6523+C 6+C and prevent it to be drive cancelled. But this thing is disable in Maxmode what's why this trick will works really well. And doing dp.C,(HD)qcf.C by this method is really easy. So if you're not using this in Maxmode i can only recommand you to do the real move, 6523+C 236+AC. It will avoid any problems if you're precise enough.

Quote from: Sharnt on November 28, 2011, 12:52:10 AM

/* About doing the dp.A,(DC)qcf.AC with K' */

Since i'm not a K' player it tooks me a while to understood it's a timing problem.

Btw i asked the french community and the answers are :
You can do 6523+A 6+C/AC but the window is really, really tight (i thought it was impossible my bad)
You can also do hcb f.A,(DC)qcf.AC the window is really tighter than the A or C version but i succeed in some times.
You can also do 6236A, 9AC but here the timing is tight too ...

I don't know for this specific case which one is the easiest.

If it's just for the trial go into HD mode.
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :


Quote from: Terrastorm on November 27, 2011, 05:33:29 PM
Quote from: LouisCipher on November 26, 2011, 10:56:28 AM
After you AB roll, what can and can you not get away with? I've noticed guys doing crB and hitting me out if I try to grab them with toward C or D or SRK or Clark's B Sab.

You may not be punishing the roll fast enough, or their rolling out of range of the grabs, which is why you are getting hit out of them.

I really meant what I could get away with after doing an AB roll?
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


A nice implementation of AB roll that I like is to create an ambiguous crossup situation after knocking an opponent down. Although it can be done with any character, time the roll so that you come out of it just as the opponent is waking up, you need to place the roll so that you finish right at the center of the opponent so that they don't know which side you are on.

As you may not be able to tell either, so you can start a low string to get a confirm as they wake up.

Going back to what you were asking though, the recovery window after rolls is quite a bit bigger than in previous KOFs, so people tend to use much less of them.

A frequently used tactic with grapplers is to cmd grab after a roll.


Hey, how do people feel about KOF getting a rep for being really tough in terms of execution. I always find bnb combos to be input lenient and the engine generous in providing tools for pulling off stable combos. That said, I've been playing KOF/SNK games for a long time, so my sense on the matter may be a bit warped.

I think MOTW and SFIII were much harder to work with. XIII is no harder than BB which I feel is a bit tougher, but probably bc I'm not as familiar with it.

I can understand SF players, even the greats needing time to adjust to KOF, but if they're trying to do everything in trial mode, they are going to need to know shortcuts first. SFIV has a lot of crackingly unforgiving links in its trial mode...

Is it fair that KOF gets viewed as being strenuous to execute on??


It's not so much strenuous as...if you're not used to playing the KOF series, things can be a bit...off for you. 
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I think about half the cast is really hard to get good with. The inputs aren't the problem, it's the timing. Like say you use Terry, you hit them with a A Burn Knuckle but you didn't Drive Cancel in time to hit them with the Crack Shot, and now you miss out on all that damage you could've done.

Neo Max combos are really hard for most of the cast too. 
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Based on what you say, I definitely get a better appreciation for being new to KOF or converting to KOF from an SF background. I can see there being a learning curve in getting used to the drive cancels and especially the HD stuff.

How would you compare burn knuckle drive cancelled into crack shoot versus some of the trials in SF IV? I remember wanting to rip off my skin trying to complete some of the prescribed combos with Guy (one of my favs from Alpha) and Dudley.

For Dudley/Guy there were a bunch were I had to do thinks like jump attack > link normals (or target combo) > super where the linking stuff or tcs required hell 1 frame-like timing so that you are not too far away to land your special/super. My impression at the time (and after clearing some of the earlier ones after 30 tries) was that these combos were just not viable in play :(

Same feeling on KOF trials to you or do you think SF is harder in this respect? I guess anything comes down to muscle memory, but I definitely felt there was a difference. So are the input windows reasonable in KOF and timing just different or is one significantly harder than the other?

Mr. X

Something I came across messing around with shortcuts

Is there some sort of bug with inputs?

There's a shortcut to do 623P 236P by going 623P69P or 6236P9P (DP+P QCF+P by doing DP+P F,UF+P or F,QCF+P UF+P).

I can do this with Elizabeth 623A69A/C/AC easy
Athena is easy 623A69B/D/BD
Kyo can do 623A6B/D/BD

K', Kyo, Robert, Yuri and Ryo, I can only cancel into A version of the 236 moves and 623A, C and AC version won't come out at all, AC just comes out as A version. K' can do it easily using 236B/D/BD

Just to follow this up, it's something with C (HP) not working, the other 3 buttons trigger this shortcut fine.



Quote from: LouisCipher on November 28, 2011, 04:31:51 AM
I really meant what I could get away with after doing an AB roll?


Thing is, you can simply punish rolls in their recovery, easiest way to hit that is to spam like cr.B, if you don't roll they'll hit you in front, if you do roll, they'll turn around and hit you in roll recovery and punish you bigtime.

They could also go for a meaty close C, sweep etc.

Needless to say, AB Rolling without knowing exactly why you are doing it, is a really really bad idea.

So when do you AB roll? when you know for sure that your opponent will do a move, that has such bad recovery that he will take longer than you to recovery. Then you can punish with your best punish.

If you meant guard cancel rolling. You're completely safe to attacks and throws when you do that, but when your opponent sees it coming, he can still meaty you on the recovery. In that case the answer is once again "block", but could also be "dragon punch" or "reversal throw", but that's really disrespectful, and against good players you won't get away with that more than once.


Quote from: Mr. X on November 30, 2011, 08:31:56 AM
Something I came across messing around with shortcuts

Is there some sort of bug with inputs?

There's a shortcut to do 623P 236P by going 623P69P or 6236P9P (DP+P QCF+P by doing DP+P F,UF+P or F,QCF+P UF+P).

I can do this with Elizabeth 623A69A/C/AC easy
Athena is easy 623A69B/D/BD
Kyo can do 623A6B/D/BD

K', Kyo, Robert, Yuri and Ryo, I can only cancel into A version of the 236 moves and 623A, C and AC version won't come out at all, AC just comes out as A version. K' can do it easily using 236B/D/BD

Just to follow this up, it's something with C (HP) not working, the other 3 buttons trigger this shortcut fine.


The thing about the dp-->[DC] qcf motions HD mode shortcut (Liz is an exception), is that technically if you do dp+P and you do not hold the df direction (so basically return to neutral), all you have to do is tap P again to get the [DC] qcf+P.  So you don't need the forward or upforward directions.

With Liz try, dp+A (not C since she loses her buffer due to the move taking longer) --> tap A

Daisuke Hirada

any tips for drive canceling charge moves? ie:raiden tackle to ex tackle, or moon slasher to her b~f  ;a or  ;c?


raiden:  ;db ;fd ;db ;a hold downback till it hits and press ;fd ;a ;c.

leona is easy:  ;db ;ub punch into ;fd kick.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Mr. X

Quote from: Kane317 on November 30, 2011, 01:18:14 PM

The thing about the dp-->[DC] qcf motions HD mode shortcut (Liz is an exception), is that technically if you do dp+P and you do not hold the df direction (so basically return to neutral), all you have to do is tap P again to get the [DC] qcf+P.  So you don't need the forward or upforward directions.

With Liz try, dp+A (not C since she loses her buffer due to the move taking longer) --> tap A

This is out of HD mode though. You can DP+A into ANY qcf+N except C button for some reason.

In HD mode, the shortcut works just fine. Can do DP+A into QCF+A/C/AC with the short cut a-ok.


Is there a way to find out how many copies the game has sold till now?