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Tier List

Started by sibarraz, December 07, 2011, 12:08:32 AM

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lots of people will believe shitty week two tier lists and talk about them months down the line as if they're flawless science. people can't fucking read, even "just for fun" tierlists will get repeated and used to justify bitching and shit
If you live around Dallas and play KOF, AH3, BB, GG, or MB, PM me~


Quote from: ZeroSoulreaver on December 08, 2011, 06:07:59 PM
Besides every character in the game is pretty damn good in their own right.  So no need to say who's what tier.  I can see why people don't care about a list because it leads to nothing but complaints.  Nobody will die without a tier list because they are just opinions anyway and you know what they say about opinions ;).
Quote from: mightfo on December 08, 2011, 08:37:54 PM
lots of people will believe shitty week two tier lists and talk about them months down the line as if they're flawless science. people can't fucking read, even "just for fun" tierlists will get repeated and used to justify bitching and shit
Thats it!


Running Wild

Japanese Tier List -

S+: 98 Iori, Saiki
S: Daimon, Athena, Kula, K', Vice, Hwa
A: Kyo, Shen Woo, Andy, Billy, Takuma, King, Maxima ,Mature, Kensou, Yuri, Claw Iori, Elisabeth, Benimaru, Joe, Duo Lon, Clark, Mai
B: Ash, Kim, Raiden, Ryo, Leona, Chin, Terry, Robert, Ralf



Interesting to hear, since some of the b characters are considered good characters in the western, this shows that the game is still new, but also that at the moment everybody seems to be a competent character

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on December 09, 2011, 03:17:58 AM
Interesting to hear, since some of the b characters are considered good characters in the western, this shows that the game is still new, but also that at the moment everybody seems to be a competent character

Funny, I'm pretty sure anyone who has actually played the game for more than a week could figure that everyone is competent without having to wait on Japan to release a Week 3 Tier List.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Rex Dart

In Japan, that would actually be a week 2 tier list. Barely. The game's been out just over a week there.

But unless Running Wild cites a source, I'm going to assume he's trolling. :P

I honestly don't mind tier list discussion. The game is so well-balanced that tiers are (for me) a purely academic discussion. It's interesting to debate which character is the most well-equipped, and it's even MORE interesting when EVERY character is so well-equipped. If you follow me.


i do want to chime in that 98 iori is retarded good in the few days i've had to play with him. and looking at 98 kyo he is looking incredibly buff as well.

the characters i run into most in online play (this week) is 98iori / hwajai / kyo / robert

Running Wild

Quote from: Rex Dart on December 09, 2011, 03:38:43 AMBut unless Running Wild cites a source, I'm going to assume he's trolling. :P

Highlight the space under my post with the list. There's your answer.


Quote from: Rex Dart on December 09, 2011, 03:38:43 AM
The game is so well-balanced that tiers are (for me) a purely academic discussion.

That's how I'd see most tier lists for fighters - academic. Especially this one. Tier lists have always been an incomplete science, as it never takes into account the players style. Some people who are new to KOFXIII and have been playing shoto-like characters have yet to realize the brilliance of a whole roster. SNK grapplers for instance; so many good grapplers in JPN right now, I'd swear he's S+ tier.

Without electronic editing, might as well write tier lists in pencil as they'll constantly change in 13.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


We shouldn't be looking at the JPN chr rankings as being anything more that what we are doing right here. For example I was reading one of the popular anonymous BB type ranking threads:

Just a buncha guys doing what we're doing. (unless someone knows of some source with extremely high consensus numbers)

Here's a recent comment from yesterday:
Everyone else

And an earlier one 3 days after release:
A…Kyo Leona ClawIori Hwa Chin Betty Shen King Vice

B…Athena Billy Beni FlameIori Andy Kula Joe Ash

C…K' Takuma Kim Yuri Mature Duo Maxima

D…Robert Ryo Terry Saiki Mai Clark Kensou Ralf Goro Raiden

One thing that strikes me as interesting is that of the ones I've seen, no one puts Billy at the top. Kyo/Shen definitely belong up there imo. Sadly I'm going to have to agree with Ryo being not being top/mid tier (for now, I'm trying to figure out how to destroy with him - I think there's pleny of potential, I can get about 483 dmg in the corner with only one drive), but have to disagree with Saiki/Clark/Kensou/Goro being in D just above.

Still early so will be interesting to see what people think as this evolves. Although I didn't think so on day one/two I agree that FlameIori is up there. It's not just a matter of pure goodness in this chr's case, but he can be played so similarly to earlier renditions that everyone's who used to use him can be pretty strong.

Anyways, I totally agree that this stuff is fun to discuss ;)

(if you guys are interested in what's being said on the JPN boards I can throw that in here from time to time as folks are writing in plenty of reasons as to why they rank the way they do)


Quote from: solidshark on December 09, 2011, 04:42:42 AM
Quote from: Rex Dart on December 09, 2011, 03:38:43 AM
The game is so well-balanced that tiers are (for me) a purely academic discussion.

That's how I'd see most tier lists for fighters - academic. Especially this one. Tier lists have always been an incomplete science, as it never takes into account the players style. Some people who are new to KOFXIII and have been playing shoto-like characters have yet to realize the brilliance of a whole roster. SNK grapplers for instance; so many good grapplers in JPN right now, I'd swear he's S+ tier.

Without electronic editing, might as well write tier lists in pencil as they'll constantly change in 13.

That's the awesome thing about console so far too. If there's a ton of disparity in what people are saying, then damn, we got a balanced game :D


Quote from: Running Wild on December 09, 2011, 02:44:07 AM
Japanese Tier List -

S+: 98 Iori, Saiki
S: Daimon, Athena, Kula, K', Vice, Hwa
A: Kyo, Shen Woo, Andy, Billy, Takuma, King, Maxima ,Mature, Kensou, Yuri, Claw Iori, Elisabeth, Benimaru, Joe, Duo Lon, Clark, Mai
B: Ash, Kim, Raiden, Ryo, Leona, Chin, Terry, Robert, Ralf


They gotta' be trolling. I could see Ash, Raiden, Leona, Chin, and Terry in there for various reasons. But Ryo and Robert? That clued me in right there. I think it was The Answer (who also mains Robert as I recall) who said Robert was one of the best and can do everything (SRK, Projectile, Projectile Super, Command Grab, Dive, etc) and Ryo has parries, fucking parries. Nuff said.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on December 09, 2011, 04:53:36 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on December 09, 2011, 02:44:07 AM
Japanese Tier List -

S+: 98 Iori, Saiki
S: Daimon, Athena, Kula, K', Vice, Hwa
A: Kyo, Shen Woo, Andy, Billy, Takuma, King, Maxima ,Mature, Kensou, Yuri, Claw Iori, Elisabeth, Benimaru, Joe, Duo Lon, Clark, Mai
B: Ash, Kim, Raiden, Ryo, Leona, Chin, Terry, Robert, Ralf


They gotta' be trolling. I could see Ash, Raiden, Leona, Chin, and Terry in there for various reasons. But Ryo and Robert? That clued me in right there. I think it was The Answer (who also mains Robert as I recall) who said Robert was one of the best and can do everything (SRK, Projectile, Projectile Super, Command Grab, Dive, etc) and Ryo has parries, fucking parries. Nuff said.

Dude...whoosh...which is also my point.  Highlight under his post.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I know, but I still don't think Ryo is low tier.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on December 09, 2011, 04:59:16 AM
I know, but I still don't think Ryo is low tier.

He was trolling.  But again, it was still my point.  If no one highlighted under his post, newer players would take that as gospel, because to them EVERYTHING from Japan in accordance to FG's (not named MvC) is gospel, thus starting an annoying loop.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.