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KOF XIII 7th General Thread: Evo 2012 countdown edition

Started by Kane317, March 04, 2012, 02:20:46 AM

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Well, online is totally dead on PSN. And it seems like only the laggiest motherfuckers are playing it now. So depressing.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on May 12, 2012, 02:08:38 AM
Yeah, it's dead on 360 as well.   

Are you east or west coast? I'm always looking for West Coast Players on XBL.


On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on May 12, 2012, 02:52:08 AM
East Coast...unfortunately.

I'm WC Canada but if you want to test the connection you can add me up. I can get good connections to East Coast Canada so who knows.

XBL: SRKilley


I've already seen the bars we'd have when I did a search the other day. 

It was 1 bar.  I doubt it'd go well.

It's fine, I can live with it.  Hopefully once I get my job and everything in order, I can start heading out to some locals.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I'm also east coast, but I don't have too much problem finding matches on XBL.  What I usually do is open a lobby and wait for challengers.  It usually only takes a few minutes before someone pops up.  Granted, most challengers are scrubs, but every now and then someone decent shows up with a smooth connnection.  I'll just add them to my friends list and over time I have lots of kof players in my list and there's no shortage of players!   :)

However, I could not say the same for PSN, I played about 100 matches so far, and the matches are all laggy and scrubby if I'm lucky to even find one.  I wonder if that's because most PS3 players play on wifi since it's built in.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: LazieFreddy on May 12, 2012, 03:43:02 AM
I'm also east coast, but I don't have too much problem finding matches on XBL.  What I usually do is open a lobby and wait for challengers.  It usually only takes a few minutes before someone pops up.  Granted, most challengers are scrubs, but every now and then someone decent shows up with a smooth connnection.  I'll just add them to my friends list and over time I have lots of kof players in my list and there's no shortage of players!   :)

However, I could not say the same for PSN, I played about 100 matches so far, and the matches are all laggy and scrubby if I'm lucky to even find one.  I wonder if that's because most PS3 players play on wifi since it's built in.

Yeah that is.  90% of PSN users I've played use wireless.  It's a problem that's on PSN specifically since almost EVERY PS3 has wifi built in while it's mainly the newer 360 players who have wifi built in which means a crapload of them already have to be hardwired in.

PSN is situated far more in the asian countries as they predominantly bought the PS3 version.  So if you're close enough to glorious nippon then the PS3 is your only choice.


Quote from: LazieFreddy on May 12, 2012, 03:43:02 AM
I'm also east coast, but I don't have too much problem finding matches on XBL.  What I usually do is open a lobby and wait for challengers.  It usually only takes a few minutes before someone pops up.  Granted, most challengers are scrubs, but every now and then someone decent shows up with a smooth connnection.  I'll just add them to my friends list and over time I have lots of kof players in my list and there's no shortage of players!   :)

However, I could not say the same for PSN, I played about 100 matches so far, and the matches are all laggy and scrubby if I'm lucky to even find one.  I wonder if that's because most PS3 players play on wifi since it's built in.

Funny considering I ALWAYS open my own lobbies (except for the few times before or after I do so, to when I see how many people are on), and I haven't gotten a single person above two bars in a lobby in 2 weeks (hell, I've only seen two people join period, to which I kicked them because I want no two bars with people I don't know).

The only way I'd ever get a match at this point with someone other than Jenny is to join the DC Online Tourneys, which quite frankly, I have no desire in doing.  So yeah.  I'll probably keep trying every so often, but in the end I'll just keep it up in Training mode, and then use the time to level up in Marvel, until I can get to some locals.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I'm playing on PSN. I know most of the people I play, but most Cali players, Canada, or Arizona people I have on my list have a wired connection. It's not perfect, but it's pretty close.

LAB Falken

it is getting really depressing to search for matches and get greeted with a swath of 1 bar connections, it wasn't quite as bad before... I'm chalking it up to the hours that I play, but it is seeming less consistent overall.

The Fluke

Hehe, a friend invited me over to play sfxt about a week ago, we played for a while, tried two player online and it was consistently bad. Afterwards he casually tells me that we've been playing wireless. I had to fight the urge to lecture him, though i guess i'll have to some day.

Wireless is a plague that pops up everywhere. You'd imagine people who are so used to having and using internet would know not to needlessly use it, but so they do.


Yeah, the thing is most scrubs don't even notice the lag on wireless, and even if they do they don't really care.  It's only us hardcores who demand a lag free setup - zero lag monitors, wired fiber optics internet connection, etc


I think I been luck in getting really great opponents and good to great connections in my online matches on PSN. I just make a room and put the 3 bars and up limitation and enter training mode. Usually no more than 10 minutes pass before I end up fighting someone.

Of course I wish the online was a bit better, that way I could have more great matches than good ones, talking about lag here. But yeah, I'm surprised how some of the people I have meet can do HD combos with latency, my respect to them.

The Fluke

Quote from: DarKaoZ on May 12, 2012, 06:11:05 PM
Of course I wish the online was a bit better, that way I could have more great matches than good ones, talking about lag here. But yeah, I'm surprised how some of the people I have meet can do HD combos with latency, my respect to them.

Actually, it's not weird at all. I can generally do my HD combos aswell if there is just latency, because that's only really relevant if you need to visually (or similarly) confirm parts instead of just inputing by rhythm/muscle memory. Then again, i don't think i do any particularly complicated hd combos either. When there are lagspikes though, i wouldn't even try because it sure as hell isn't worth it 99% of the time if you drop the combo and maybe even get punished because of lag. Then again, with lagspikes there's little point of playing to begin with.

To follow up on the response to my previous post aswell. My friend complained alot more than me about the connection, because it was very obviously bad. I think the thing is that he just didn't think of wireless being a problem before that. The lag didn't really disturb me that much since i was already kind of down because the game feels like sf4 to me. Sf4 though wrong in familar and unfamiliar ways.