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KOF XIII 8th General Thread: KOF EVOlving 2012

Started by solidshark, July 24, 2012, 12:37:13 PM

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Quality over Quantity. I'll still play XIII or any other game that i like,no matter what. To hell with all the sheep mentality.


Quote from: DCLam on October 25, 2012, 01:49:52 AM
I'm pretty confident all the active players out there will and should try their best to keep this game alive. Please dont let this game die
Be shure it will be remain!  ;)

Quote from: AmedoS310 on October 25, 2012, 02:10:50 AM
Quality over Quantity.
Dito! :D

XIII Peace!  :p  ^^



Quote from: LouisCipher on October 24, 2012, 03:47:41 PM


So just how many inflammatory comments like this will this thread have to endure before it's closed? Because it's sure as hell not the first time something like this has been said.

KOF 13 is not dead, so stop saying that, even as a joke (not like it's any funny to begin with).


Quote from: marchefelix on October 25, 2012, 03:10:04 AM
Quote from: LouisCipher on October 24, 2012, 03:47:41 PM


So just how many inflammatory comments like this will this thread have to endure before it's closed? Because it's sure as hell not the first time something like this has been said.

KOF 13 is not dead, so stop saying that, even as a joke (not like it's any funny to begin with).

Exactly, if something is dead (even just to you and your existence) please explain why. Just posting that it's dead without any kind of explanation is stupid.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Mr Bakaboy

I'm seriously doubting this game will ever truly die unless another game comes out that the players who are tired of fighters who cater to the newbies and the occasional fighters comes out and completely takes over. Either that or the market gets saturated with games like KOF XIII both I seriously doubt. Other then VF what else is there? I haven't played Persona. Most games try to make it easier to the new player to get it. KOF XIII does not at all. It has the 3rd Strike feel to it in it got stronger over time. Personally I think it will benefit if it gets a rerelease on the next gen systems. A stronger system running it would help greatly in running a better netcode and possibly make online better.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


QuoteKOF XIII does not at all.
02UM doesn't, XIII definitely does.

They added things like HD activation auto dash , that huuuuuuuuuuuuuge buffer time, both buttons breaking throws instead of having to guess, input shortcuts and so on.
QuoteOther then VF what else is there?
Whether we like it or not, SF4 is still the biggest and most played fighting game by far.

But I agree that XIII is very, very far from dead.

Mr Bakaboy

SFIV has hate from communities that say it's catered to the casual gamer. KOF XIII doesn't really cater to it. Personally I prefer 02UM cause it's what I am used to and not a big fan of HD mode, however I have yet to meet one person who played XIII for the 1st time (no KOF experience) that said this game is easy to learn. I like the game a lot but easy to learn it is not. IMO that is the saving grace of XIII. It will always have the hardcore fans as long as the fighters get more simplistic to play. Hardcore fans need a game that shows how hardcore they are.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


My comment was partly troll and partly truth. Community-wise nothing is going on. There is no hype for this game. There's very few local scenes. What Atlus did by getting the game on PSPlus is a nice gesture but it doesn't get around net code issues. Very few tournaments still run the game. And nothing is going on with the forums. No one's talking about anything. No strategies, no nothing but for the occasional blip on the radar. There is tension and anger and angst in the air. It's like a post-apocalyptic film.

SNKP needs to announce something soon regarding their Fighting Game Division.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


QuoteHardcore fans need a game that shows how hardcore they are.
But that game is 02UM, not XIII. XIII is hard by this generation's standard, but it's still a pretty easy to learn fighting game overall. It's not a "hardcore game for hardcore players" by any means, even if it's a bit harder than this gen's fighting games.

GGXXAC+R will most likely be a lot more that "hardcore game for hardcore players" that you're looking for than XIII.


Quote from: LouisCipher on October 25, 2012, 04:31:43 PM
My comment was partly troll and partly truth. Community-wise nothing is going on. There is no hype for this game. There's very few local scenes. What Atlus did by getting the game on PSPlus is a nice gesture but it doesn't get around net code issues. Very few tournaments still run the game. And nothing is going on with the forums. No one's talking about anything. No strategies, no nothing but for the occasional blip on the radar. There is tension and anger and angst in the air. It's like a post-apocalyptic film.

SNKP needs to announce something soon regarding their Fighting Game Division.

Probably just perspective, but I can't see it how you're seeing it really. I'll assume you're talking about the US with "nothing in the community" and "no hype", especially after Korea vs Japan matches. Yeah, KOF being an international game, you're probably bound to get bigger hype from other places, but I can list a few places bringing some kind of hype if you like. Netcode hurts lots of people with this game yes, but even if it was better, it'd be bound to get cannibalized by so many other fighters out now competing against each other.

It surprises me that you say nothing is going on in the forums, when I nearly see the XIII character section inquiring something about or making a new video for a character everyday. The activity may not be as often or publicized as a Capcom game on SRK, but it's there. And hopefully Desmond's KOF Battle Journal is something that'll get updated daily too.

It's really the worst thing about the FGC whenever players in it want to declare a game dead, even when they don't want to see it dead and can contribute to keeping it alive but won't. If you've got ideas for how to improve things on a community level, can you list those instead making "R.I.P." posts?
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Mr Bakaboy

Okay first off hardcore gamers don't run to the hardest game to master. If that were true Darkstalkers and Samurai Shodown would have had a lot more of the hardcore audience. KOF XIII gives the hardcore audience the game with the blend of accessibility and difficulty that they wanted. 3rd Strike wasn't that hard to pick up IMO, but had a lot to master and the more people played the more they got into it. XIII has that feel. Does it mean it's a lock to be a game with a long life... no. But it does have a good chance.

Second, 02UM is not really hard at all. If you are talking about the MAX combos compared to HD sure, but mistakes are easily more forgiving. I have not seen a lot of players stringing off touch of death combos on it easily. Are they there? Probably, but not too common.

Third I like Guilty Gear, but the audience on it has never been that big. Decent, yes, but not huge. Back in the xbox 180 days I could easily find games in any KOF game easier then GGXX, and GGXX was $20. KOF games were at least double the price. So, no a game with more incarnations then SFII is probably not going to be the answer to the hardcore gamers.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Tikok on October 25, 2012, 05:16:04 PM
QuoteHardcore fans need a game that shows how hardcore they are.
But that game is 02UM, not XIII. XIII is hard by this generation's standard, but it's still a pretty easy to learn fighting game overall. It's not a "hardcore game for hardcore players" by any means, even if it's a bit harder than this gen's fighting games.

GGXXAC+R will most likely be a lot more that "hardcore game for hardcore players" that you're looking for than XIII.

Really?  What's fundamentally different about 02UM and 13 other than no autodash on BC activation and less of a juggle system?  I love 02UM but it's really not that much more "hardcore" than 13.  Remember how difficult cr.B cr.A was on K' in vanilla 02?  Remember how much easier they made those links in UM?  In my opinion XIII is just an extension of cleaning up the stiffness/unresponsiveness of the 02 engine.  Everything else about how the game plays, the core fundamental aspects of KOF, are all there in 13.  In fact some things are harder, like teching grabs in 02 could be done with CD mashing, in 13 you have to guess right.  I'm not saying 13 isn't executionally easier, it is... but it's not in a dumbed down way, it's in a "we're finally cleaning up this archaic, stiff ass engine and turning it into something smooth, responsive and more enjoyable" way.

My friend and I were talking about OG 98/02 players who hate on 13... we concluded that most of them are pissy because they can't rely on oldschool broken bullshit with the screen and health bars being a 1/3rd smaller than they are now.  Others don't like it for the HD system.  But I don't know too many people who would say XIII is easy, dumbed down or not "hardcore."  Nothing in XIII holds your hand other than BC auto-forward.  It's still a game that's impossible to scrub out a win vs someone with real technical knowledge (p.s. this is why it'll never be popular).

Anyway, as for the game dying down... I'm just an online warrior without a local scene, but I've been seeing more people playing 13 on my list these past 2 weeks than in the past 4 months.  Maybe people are coming back now that the influx of new FGs is starting to die down.  I still think people are far too doom-and-gloomy about KOF.  If you still love the game, play it.  If you find a game you like better, play that.  It's not rocket science.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


Quote from: JennyCage on October 25, 2012, 06:07:14 PM
Really?  What's fundamentally different about 02UM and 13 other than no autodash on BC activation and less of a juggle system?

In 2002UM:
Characters like angel and may lee. AB cancels on hit confirm. Charge moves becoming instants in Max Mode just like Ash's ABCD move. Good portion of cast have the ability to bait out GC attack with just fast normals or make those gc attack whiff completely with low hit-boxes.

Hitboxes are smaller which makes cross up sometimes random in very rare situations. More normals are cancelable for free in HD mode. I'm sure tech grabing is still the same from 02 or um. 1f back dashes.


Totally agree with Jenny. KOF doesnt hold your hand at all, you cant just jump in the game and start playing it without going into practice mode and trying out some stuff, getting the timing down and making that combo work anytime you want it to.

If you jump in and play without practicing, your game will look sloppy and stupid and unhype. Thats exactly the opposite of what KOF is about IMHO, the combos arent that hard , with a little practice and patience anything is possible , but KOF is not just going to give it to you just because you know how to play SF or MVC well.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: LouisCipher on October 25, 2012, 04:31:43 PM
My comment was partly troll and partly truth. Community-wise nothing is going on. There is no hype for this game. There's very few local scenes. What Atlus did by getting the game on PSPlus is a nice gesture but it doesn't get around net code issues. Very few tournaments still run the game. And nothing is going on with the forums. No one's talking about anything. No strategies, no nothing but for the occasional blip on the radar. There is tension and anger and angst in the air. It's like a post-apocalyptic film.

SNKP needs to announce something soon regarding their Fighting Game Division.

The game ain't dead by a long shot, but it blows my mind that SNK can't possibly ride the wave of recent interest in KOF to do a revision, a sequel or another game entirely.

The fact of the matter is that if you don't have good netplay these days, your game is not going to last. Players are the life blood of the scene, people don't always have the money to go to tournaments in a bad economy and arcades aren't as plentiful as they were before. We can't just keep hammering the same dumb points over and over. This is a problem and it's going to continue to be a problem until they do something about it. As it stands though, SNK seems more interested in making endless strings of shitty Pachinko games and running their IPs into the ground than doing anything substantial. If this is how it's going to end, I'm sad to see them go out with a drawn out wimper.