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KOF XIII 8th General Thread: KOF EVOlving 2012

Started by solidshark, July 24, 2012, 12:37:13 PM

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Well, now that we've stated the well known fact that no one here knows definitively what's going on, why don't we change that? Is there any way to reach the  people we need to to make a change? If there's nothing we can do, why don't we do it ourselves or just step away from the issue all together?

No sense in wringing our hands for an answer that's not there.


Quote from: Terrastorm on October 26, 2012, 09:39:37 PM
All that was known way before KOF XIII was out on console.

The truth is that nobody here really knows anything.

Nobody knows anything anywhere, SNK is perfectly happy being absolutely quite and that's that.

No news here and no news out of Japan, they'll announce what they have when they are ready. That's how it was with XII, XIII and the port. They don't care if people think they are dead again, they will just do what they are doing at the pace they want.


Quote from: Ashspiralingblood on October 26, 2012, 01:18:58 AM
Then how the fuck are they suppose to make money for these plethora of games you magically want?
You're telling me that they are sitting on mountain of wealth just to make pachinko right?

Tell me when snkp is going to fire all the programmers who where dedicated enough to work on kof 12 and 13, Yeah why not waste their effort by firing them because Pachinko is the end all business

Why not sell their fucking IP's since to you they are throwing in the towel

Better yet why don't they go out of business since they are not doing anything worth while, Im sure it will be a better day tomorrow

SNKP will never be the company you want them to be. I have my doubt too and I still do. But I am cautiously optimistic that they are working on something, why waste 5 years of blood and sweat of people who also had high hope for their work and effort, they are practically the backbone to snkp without them snkp has no business making games, until I hear they were all fired I'll wait and see

I agree with everything said here (Proto Cloud should really read this).

Also, as someone said, Atlus has been supporting the game in the West. So if SNKP does manage to finally collapse, there may be a silver lining in that Atlus might give KOF a future. And who knows, maybe they'll be nice to their other series as well! Of course, this is just speculation, and I don't really want it to happen like that. I'd prefer SNK stay alive and makes games, even if they're working at snail-like speed.


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on October 26, 2012, 09:48:32 PM
Well, now that we've stated the well known fact that no one here knows definitively what's going on, why don't we change that? Is there any way to reach the  people we need to to make a change? If there's nothing we can do, why don't we do it ourselves or just step away from the issue all together?

No sense in wringing our hands for an answer that's not there.

How about we just play the game and try to build a guide that's good enough for newcomers to the point that they actually want to conitnue playing it? I really prefer that we leave this issue of trying to find out what SNK is doing, especially when I have the game I wanted now. If people don't have any one to play with in thier area. They're just S. O. L. and no new KOF title with godly netcode will change that. Even if or when a new kof title comes out, the same thing that is happening now or worst will happen to that title unless people put up the time and effort in playing the game.

Fuck combo videos. Fuck vague ass description of what a player needs to do to win.

What are all the tools that a character can use at a given moment such as okizeme games, resets, neutral game, and more? What can player a do to find all tools with their characters?  These are only a couple of questions out of many that need to be clarified to the beginner in more detail.

It's been while since the gameplay dicussion thread got any replies, but this thread gets that same shit all the time.


I feel that we need to do something to make this game less daunting to folks who are on the outside looking in. We show off these fancy-smancy HD ToD combos and it makes the game seem much more intimidating than it really is.

I think someone needs to make a 'combo' video showing off all the easy-peasy stuff that you can do in a match that makes a new face think "Hey, I can do that." My local community has completely died for this game and the main reason I hear is that they "Don't have the time to learn the game."

We need to make the game not seem like Grand Master Chess. We need to break it down for them. Maybe something like those Marvel Baby's Guides (though not necessarily that insulting) are in order.


Yeah, that's true.

If anyone caught a glimpse of the Southtown Ranbat, they did a King of Ralf tournament. They only played in single mode and all they did was play Ralf. Now, hilarious as the commentary was, it gave them the ability to see how someone who is going into a character with no experience, going into KOF with no experience other than basic game knowledge, can fair with the character.

I think making use of single mode is key. The thing is that a lot of games have a system where a single character is important to the match. Only in KOF or Marvel do you need to learn simultaneously 3 characters. In Marvel, I feel it's more streamlined because you are essentially fighting 3 characters at the same time rather than 3 separate fights.

With single mode, it gives people a chance to focus on just one character and give them that satisfaction of knowing they're getting somewhere.

Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: the7k on October 29, 2012, 05:44:20 AM
I feel that we need to do something to make this game less daunting to folks who are on the outside looking in. We show off these fancy-smancy HD ToD combos and it makes the game seem much more intimidating than it really is.

I think someone needs to make a 'combo' video showing off all the easy-peasy stuff that you can do in a match that makes a new face think "Hey, I can do that." My local community has completely died for this game and the main reason I hear is that they "Don't have the time to learn the game."

We need to make the game not seem like Grand Master Chess. We need to break it down for them. Maybe something like those Marvel Baby's Guides (though not necessarily that insulting) are in order.

If you really want to know the secret to getting people to play KOF XIII it's simple. Find them someone to play that let's them have fun with the game while learning more about it. The problem is the people coming in are getting crushed as soon as they run into anybody and most get frustrated and leave. If you can't dumb your game down enough to not scare away the new blood then try getting more newbs to play one another while you help expllain stuff. If not then good luck getting new blood to play. All the guides and tutorials won't really do much if they don't find the game fun.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


A guide specifically for newcomers might be a cool idea, though I wonder if we have to cater individuals who are coming from SF, 3D fighters, Marvel, or new to FGs in-general.

Don't agree with "fuck combo videos and vague descriptions of what a player needs to do to win." Combo videos can show the level people should be shooting for, and though unlikely, the vague way may help some people rather than others. It shouldn't be the only way, but maybe it should be an option for some.

Maybe some of us should provide videos for showing off all those lower-level combos from the 50% thread and the wiki. That would make a great baseline for getting newcomers to perform combos. And since the Korean (CafeID) style seems to be more about pressuring and advantageous hits than landing the hit that combos into 50%-75% damage, videos from EVO or elsewhere can show more than just HD combos used to win.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995




Quote from: solidshark on October 29, 2012, 08:22:37 AMMaybe some of us should provide videos for showing off all those lower-level combos from the 50% thread and the wiki. That would make a great baseline for getting newcomers to perform combos. And since the Korean (CafeID) style seems to be more about pressuring and advantageous hits than landing the hit that combos into 50%-75% damage, videos from EVO or elsewhere can show more than just HD combos used to win.

I am on board with this. But is it me or has there not been a single community effort to create a resource video by DC people for DC? People are intimidated because of how spread the fuck out all the information seems to be. If you guys are serious, stop doing shit on your own and act like a community. It always seems like it's one guy showing what he himself knows, when it would be better if more people were involved in the content to make it more complete and comprehensive. No one knows it all. Make sure you didn't forget to cover that reset setup or that optimal combo. Ensure people are watching something that will actually help them.

AirLancer approached me with regards to coming together and making resources for Robert which I thought was a good idea, and this is exactly what I'm talking about. I have the equipment to make it possible, and both of us (and hopefully others) are combining tech/strats to make something substantial. Obviously I'm willing to help with other characters and work with others here. I got stuff lined up for Ryo and Takuma at the moment.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


I like the ideas of creating beginners tutorial videos for characters...Let's do it.

I think it would be good to show some easy bnbs, some more damaging combos from the 50% thread, and maybe even showing which character normals are better suited for certain situations.

Quote from: MezzoForte on October 29, 2012, 04:10:28 PM

I am on board with this. But is it me or has there not been a single community effort to create a resource video by DC people for DC? People are intimidated because of how spread the fuck out all the information seems to be. If you guys are serious, stop doing shit on your own and act like a community. It always seems like it's one guy showing what he himself knows, when it would be better if more people were involved in the content to make it more complete and comprehensive. No one knows it all. Make sure you didn't forget to cover that reset setup or that optimal combo. Ensure people are watching something that will actually help them.

The only thing I feel is holding people back from creating resource videos here is simply recording equipment. But if you mean for members here to be involved in the actual content (submitting information) that wouldn't be too difficult.

If you have the equipment to start recording and archiving videos for this project, why don't you direct this project and give people (or assign) certain tasks to find information to contribute for it?

Anyone else have any equipment to start recording things? It would be a good idea to chat with others that are recording to make sure all the videos look similar.

Should we create a new thread for this project?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I would love to play a role in this project, of course. This is a major topic; a new thread I think would be a step in the right direction. It would help in getting people to take notice and hopefully participate as well.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Cool man. Why don't you take some time to write up or think of a plan to organize everything to get people to help, then create the thread and I will put it on the front page. How does that sound?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


sounds sick! Seriously, this is gonna be good and I hope this turns into a big community effort.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Yeah man, just be as detailed as you can with what you will need and what others will need to make this a successful and HELPFUL project. :)
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."