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KOF XIII 8th General Thread: KOF EVOlving 2012

Started by solidshark, July 24, 2012, 12:37:13 PM

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^ Its is one thing complaining for the netcode (I do too) and another thing complaining for the game's mechanics. And I agree with Desmond. You complain a lot.

The comment about being unable to punish certain things with certain characters is not a problem like in SF since here you have 3 characters and if you have a character that has a slight disadvantage to a certain character then the other two you have make up for it.


Different players like or tolerate different things; it happens. I don't agree with some of what you wrote, but I'm glad you explained your dislikes. Sorry you're not feeling XIII anymore.

Lately it's been a combination of the long, honest rant on why you found you don't like it, and the "R.I.P. KOF XIII" troll post that rubbed people the wrong way.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


So two posts and I'm accused of complaining about everything? Ooookaaaayyyyy. I'm glad someone reacts reasonably.  I don't hate 13 but there's things about it that turn me off. I hate being limited in what I can do when I play a fighter. I guess the only thing I can do is wait for a Garou 2 or 13UM/14 or wait for Xuandou Zhiwang to go into open beta.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


How are you limited in what you can do m8. I still don't get it. Don't get me wrong I respect your opinion but complaining about things like fireball pressure makes me not taking your statements seriously.


I thought I already made my case but I will try to be as clear as I possibly can to eliminate any kind of misunderstanding.

Fireballs in the older games were not as safe except for a handful of specific characters -E.G. Athena in 02- doing a fireball in 98 at even midscreen range and you would get punished HARD for that. Now in 13 it's pretty legit. So my point is that fireball pressure is safer and much more effective than any of the previous games. I cannot be any clearer than that. And if fireball zoning is a legit strategy than therefore IMHO they should be punishable on block like in other fighters. But you do not have that option in 13 unless you use characters that counter that strategy. Because of that the game feels limiting. My options are reduced and the game is more about matchups than in previous games.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Why, why can't Billy be punished for spamming fwd+A all day? Why doesn't everyone have a poke like that? Everyone should.

Why do certain (read: most) Hwa Jai players just get piss drunk every chance they get so they can spam heel kick all day and hope that it hits? Why is it positive on block? Why? I want that for my characters too, gimme.

I can't deal with fireballs, please remove or make them useless because my characters don't have them.

Game is broken.

EDIT: Thx for the PM Louis, love you too man.

Running Wild

@LouisCipher - Welcome to SNK Land. :3

I suggest trying Samurai Shodown V Special.


i think the game is pretty fair to zoners. once they get knocked down, then pushed to the corner its GG. KOF is very hard on mistakes , where the good combos takes little effort but do a helluva lot damage and the great combos just kill you outright.

thats why i have luv/hate for high level KOF play, its mostly trades and pokes for most of the match , and then BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM you get hit by an hd combo and die, its so cool.


Quote from: Running Wild on October 30, 2012, 07:57:40 PM
@LouisCipher - Welcome to SNK Land. :3

I suggest trying Samurai Shodown V Special.

But in SNK land very few supers have total invinciblity. I think you mean SNKP land ;) .

SS V SP is great, I just hate not being able to tech throws.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Yo Louis, I do hope you realize that a lot of your rant translates into "why isn't 13 like older games?"

That's bad, bro.


Quote from: LouisCipher on October 30, 2012, 06:28:09 PM
So two posts and I'm accused of complaining about everything? Ooookaaaayyyyy. I'm glad someone reacts reasonably. 

Two posts? Dude, you have a history of complaining and whining. Here, and on SRK. Why don't you stop talking about the problems you are having and start talking about possible solutions to them or ways around them for your gameplay? It's very annoying.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: LouisCipher on October 30, 2012, 06:51:16 PM
I thought I already made my case but I will try to be as clear as I possibly can to eliminate any kind of misunderstanding.

Fireballs in the older games were not as safe except for a handful of specific characters -E.G. Athena in 02- doing a fireball in 98 at even midscreen range and you would get punished HARD for that. Now in 13 it's pretty legit. So my point is that fireball pressure is safer and much more effective than any of the previous games. I cannot be any clearer than that. And if fireball zoning is a legit strategy than therefore IMHO they should be punishable on block like in other fighters. But you do not have that option in 13 unless you use characters that counter that strategy. Because of that the game feels limiting. My options are reduced and the game is more about matchups than in previous games.

Online Ash's fireball is different than offline m8. Since Ash's fireball is so imba why noone is using him in tourneys? I don't see fireball wars in tourneys either. Only King has decent fireball properties maybe mai too. I know where you are coming from though. You are using Clark and u get frustrated when ppl try to keep you away and it is logical.  Shall I start complaining about his Sab ? And he is almost the only char who has trouble with fireballs. Almost all exdms and lots of ex moves go through fireballs.

If you play the game outside that crappy online you will understand that you are wrong.


Quote from: marchefelix on October 30, 2012, 10:46:01 PM
Yo Louis, I do hope you realize that a lot of your rant translates into "why isn't 13 like older games?"

That's bad, bro.

But older fighters are better in most cases. Except for the controls in 98/02 but XI nailed it.

Desmond, you've done a lot for the community but I'm going to have to disagree. I've done everything I can to contribute, I've tried to help people, I've done as much as I possibly can without stepping on toes. Not once have I ever said that I know everything, not once did I shit on someone's opinion without giving a reasonable non-troll response. So I don't like Athena, and I give my reasons why and jokingly suggest I hate her design and voice. God forbid that should anyone hate a character's design or voice. But Laban disagrees and a couple of dickriders back him up.

I put up a Clark thread on SRK, I never state I am gdlk with the character but I'm really hype over him and want to get a public guide going that can be edited and contributed whenever and want input. SRK is bigger, maybe more people will contribute? No one contributes. I fix any error I've made that's been pointed out. I don't troll a single person. No one contributes shit and if I try to get some info it's like pulling teeth. But maybe that's just how it is. 3S players actually give advice, they give you feedback. But KOF players are for the most part mute. Granted 3S players have the advantage of the game being out for more than a decade now but the community is much smaller than KOF players.

Okay, so all this boils up with playing 98 for a bit on GGPO. I thought I'd give it another shot despite stiff controls. I encounter Sparkster and one other dude who both know Laban and are on SRK. They beat the shit out of me. So okay I explain I'm bad at 98 and the controls don't help my cause and ask them to play 3S. They do. I don't troll them, I don't declare I'm the best, I'm respectable. I play Sparkster's Makoto. I got 5-2 or 5-3 on him. Said GG we talked a bit about 13 and that was it. Played the other dude (forget his name) beat him for one set and had to quit because it was too laggy. I said GG and was polite. Laban spectated both matches.

Now comes his little post on SRK calling me every name in the book and being a complete asshole. Saying I'm horrible at KOF, horrible at 98 and 13 and 3S. That I contribute nothing but wrong information and etcetera. Again, all because I think Athena is low and give my thoughts and apparently making that Clark thread. And you liked his little post. You apparently agreed. A little later he deleted it, if I had quoted him it wouldn't show who liked it though.

When I played you in 13 all you did really was just jCD with Shen and wakeup EX, wakeup Super, random super. I played you about 2-3 times and it was just that, still beat you for the most part. Couldn't play you anymore because of lag and I hate walking in and can't block random EX moves on reaction. I could've acted like Laban and called you a scrub who mashes but I didn't at the time.

I hate online, I can't hide it. Sometimes I lose it. I'm only human. 3S players get it, rage is part of it, we all know there's bullshit online.

That's my perspective. I feel that congratulating yourself, being elitist, and keeping your head in the sand is more annoying.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Uh, Laban is like that. I know that's no excuse for his behavior, but you have to understand he's not the best person to give you advice if you don't like his elitist response to everything.


I asked Laban for input a long while (like 2-3 months) before I become a target of his. Again, asking for Clark advice. And basically he said play him like 98 Clark... in as long-winded a manner as possible. Which you really can't get away with that in 13, you can't be risky.

Plus if you know the way someone acts is anything but appropriate, not even trying to be funny just out to be as big of an asshole as possible, why the fuck would you side with such a person? It makes no sense. That is not community building.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.