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The Dream Cancel Wiki and YOU! - Dream Team steady mobbin'

Started by krazykone123, October 29, 2010, 11:36:45 PM

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So you wanna be a contributor but you don't know how or what to contribute? well let's fix that then, the wiki is in dire need of updates so we'll put you to work there, it's quite a simple process actually just read the information below then you too can become a contributing member of this website, but first I know you have some questions so let's get that out of the way first

Q: I don't have an account, what do I do!?
A: PM nilcam about, he should help you out

Q: I don't know what to work on first?
A: Hit the "random page" button on the left side of the wiki, did you find an empty page? work on it then

Q: Wait, but I don't play KOF
A: Then why are you here? you can hang around and lurk I guess if that's what you want to do

Q: If I'm working on a page where do I post to keep track of my work?
A: Post it in this topic, seriously we want to hear what you're working on, whether it's a little bit of info or a lot it still counts, just post a link to what you're working on here, you can even put a 1~100% next to the link to gauge how much you've done

Q: What if I need help?
A: Once again post it in this topic and somebody should help you out

Q: Where can I get KOF information to add to the wiki?
A: A bunch of places


I frequent these places a lot as they have A LOT of useful information, for gamefaqs I suggest that you *DO NOT COPY ANY MOVE DESCRIPTIONS IN THE GUIDES*, make up your own please

Q: I can't speak/read Japanese so I have no clue how to get any kind of useful information from the places called "atwiki" or "BBS"
A: Disregard it then, but if you really think it's useful then post it here then someone will help you out

Q: Can I use google translate?
A: If the translation ends up in engrish then no

Q: I'm kinda lazy so I don't think I can add really long drawn out descriptions for every single move
A: Then just put the move name then leave it alone, post what you did here then someone will (probably) finish the rest of it

Q: Can I request a wiki for a specific SNK game?
A: No, well if we fill up the KOF wiki's then maybe

Q: What if I'm working on a video about BnB's/Combos/HowTo video?
A: You can post it here if you want to, then post it in the the designated character thread

Q: If I'm not contributing anything can I still ask for a specific wiki page to be worked?
A: Sure, but don't expect info right away

If you have any other questions post here

The King of Fighters XIII wiki

IMO this section has high standards, we (well maybe just me and possibly nilcam) want this section to look good, really GOOD, so here's what's expected

*character image goes here*, yes a character image will go here just to show what page are they on

Upload file, browse image whether it's in the folder/desktop/etc, then go back to the character page, "Edit" then put the tags [[Image:*image name*.png/jpeg/whatever]]

==Gameplay Overview==
This section is used to describe what the character can do and specifically what they're good at, are they proficient with throws/grappling? can they fight well in the corner? can they zone well? do they have unique move set-ups? are they a speedy character or are they slow? etc. Also explain the moves and what/where they excel at, this section is supposed to get people interested about said character and possibly have them in their team.

===Gameplay Notes===

- Info about what the character excels goes here, 4-6 descriptions is usually good enough

- info about what the character succumbs to, once again just a couple descriptions is good

This is the section for normals whether it's jump/stand/crouch, nothing goes here as it's just a placeholder

===Blowback Attack===

*image(s) goes here*

'''normal goes here, it's suggested that you abbreviate it but it's not required e.g. st.A:''', input goes here, description goes here, can it be used as an anti-air? does it chain with other moves? is it cancel-able? does it lack range? does it have a slow/fast start-up? note all of it here, this template goes all the normal sections (stand/crouch/jump/CD)

- Cancellable: info goes here, if it isn't cancel-able just erase this part

- Hit Detection: high/mid/low etc

- Damage: Yup that goes here too

*Image goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- Can be broken, regular throws can be broken so this will always go here, Air throws also go in this section, they also cannot be broken so be sure to note that

- Hit Detection: Close, throws are always close range

- Damage:

==Command Moves==
*picture goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- Since it's a command normal be sure to describe what the character does when they use it, do they use their arm or leg? is it fast? is it slow? is it free cancel-able or is it free cancel-able only if you cancel into it first? does it hit high/Mid/Low? how many hits does it do? which hit is cancel-able? do it combo well from lights (A/B) or strong attacks (C/D)? does it do a lot of hit-stun? does it have really bad recovery? is it safe or not, once again be descriptive

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

==Special Moves==
*picture goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- If there is a difference between the weak & strong version be sure to describe it, once again be as descriptive as possible

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

For EX attacks put the info below the regular version of the move

*Be sure to put EX parentheses here* = *input goes here* - *EX description goes here"

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

==Desperation Moves==
*picture goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

If there is another variation of the move simply put the information below the regular version of the move, e.g. Kyo's Air Orochinagi

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

*Be sure to put EX parentheses here* = *input goes here* - *EX description goes here"

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

*picture goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:


(HD) - Activate Hyperdrive

(HDC) - Hyperdrive Cancel

(DC) - Drive Cancel

(SC) - Super Cancel

(MC) - MAX Cancel

DMG - Damage

Some templates you may end up using

'''No Drive/No Meter'''

'''50% Drive/No Meter'''

'''100% Drive/No Meter'''

'''No Drive/1 Meter'''

'''50% Drive/1 Meter'''

'''No Drive/2 Meters'''

'''50% Drive/2 Meters'''

'''100%/2 Meters'''

'''No Drive/3 Meters'''

'''50% Drive/3 Meters'''

'''100% Drive/4 Meters'''

'''HD Combos'''

**The Meter Additions aren't required but they do give the page that extra kick**

'''1 Meter Additions'''

'''2 Meter Additions'''

'''3 Meter Additions'''

'''4 Meter Additions'''

'''5 Meter Additions'''

- Info about tricks and stuff go here, e.g. To do Leona's short hop V-Slasher press  ;dn ;df ;fd ;uf ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;a/ ;c

- Character sprite will go here, along with colors

- other pictures and junk will go here

==Links & References==
- You can link Tournament videos here if you want to

'''Technical Reference'''
- Yup that goes here

'''Training Mode Videos'''
- Training modes of course will go here

[[Category: King of Fighters XIII]] this goes at the absolute end of the page


KOF 2002UM wiki template

You don't have to go the extra mile with this section but if you want to by all means

*Move Name Here* - *input here*

====Command Normals====
*Move Name Here* - *input here*

==Special Moves==
*Move Name Here* - *input here*


*Move Name Here* - *input here*



*changes* from OG 2k2, etc*

==Frame Specifics==
*Frame data will go here*


KOF 98UM wiki template

The rules for 2002UM apply here

*Move Name Here* - *input here*

====Command Normals====
*Move Name Here* - *input here*

==Special Moves==
*Move Name Here* - *input here*

*Move Name Here* - *input here*

*info here*

*info here*

*changes from OG 98, etc*

==Frame Specifics==
*If you can find frame data it will go here*


You can post your progress now


is there a reason the XIII pages are locked even if i'm logged in? was looking to update some info on character pages, but it wont let me.


Quote from: FataCon on October 29, 2010, 11:59:57 PM
is there a reason the XIII pages are locked even if i'm logged in? was looking to update some info on character pages, but it wont let me.

What are you trying to work on? some of the pages may be locked to prevent page wipes

pm nilcam about it if you're having trouble


Quote from: krazykone123 on October 30, 2010, 12:28:39 AM
Quote from: FataCon on October 29, 2010, 11:59:57 PM
is there a reason the XIII pages are locked even if i'm logged in? was looking to update some info on character pages, but it wont let me.

What are you trying to work on? some of the pages may be be locked to prevent page wipes

pm nilcam about it if you're having trouble

thanks for the heads up. specifically, i was going to add to the King (XIII) page. PM sent to nilcam.


All of the Wiki pages are locked by default due to spamming incidents. If you PM me, I can set you up to modify the wiki.


KOF XIII wiki(s) that need attention
- Benimaru
- Daimon
- Duo Lon
- Terry
- Andy
- Joe
- Kim
- Raiden
- Hwa Jai
- Mai
- Yuri
- Ryo
- Robert
- Mature
- Leona
- Ralf
- Clark
- Kensou
- K'
- Maxima
- Kula

KOF XII Pages that need work
- Shen
- King

KOF XIII Pages that are almost complete
- Ash
- Kyo
- Elisabeth
- Takuma
- Iori
- Vice
- Athena
- Chin

pick your poison people


I've got almost all of the graphics for the 2k2UM section done. I plan on putting in some time on that this weekend in preparation for the XBLA release.


Quote from: nilcam on October 30, 2010, 03:14:53 AM
I've got almost all of the graphics for the 2k2UM section done. I plan on putting in some time on that this weekend in preparation for the XBLA release.

Good to hear, I'm gonna add stuff to the K' and Leona XIII wiki's so you guys can look forward to seeing an update of those through out the next couple days

btw nilcam can you sticky this thread?


when listing combos, would you guys prefer move names or commands? personally i prefer move names with the required strength ("move name B" for example of the light version) since it helps me visualize better. i'm transcribing stuff from the JP wiki, but i see that the DC wiki tends to use commands. let me know what works best before i start updating the character threads.

Dark Chaotix


Quote from: FataCon on October 30, 2010, 08:02:28 AM
when listing combos, would you guys prefer move names or commands? personally i prefer move names with the required strength ("move name B" for example of the light version) since it helps me visualize better. i'm transcribing stuff from the JP wiki, but i see that the DC wiki tends to use commands. let me know what works best before i start updating the character threads.

What I liked to do is at least write the notation of the command once along with the name in the same post, and then there on out I just refer it to the name (unless the name is so obscure that the notation is easier to write).  e.g.  After Trap Shot B (hcf B), do another Trap Shot D.  Trap Shot cancelled into...


for example, i had combos written out like this (since thats how JP wiki lists it):

2C> 3D> EX Venom Strike> Venom Strike B> Tornado Kick D (1st hit only)> (DC) EX Aerial Venom Strike> Venom Strike B> Tornado Kick D [522]

but, it looks like people prefer commands, so i'll retype before i start posting. probably wont get anything new up until tuesday though. if people want specific characters done first, let me know. order doesn't matter to me.


Quote from: FataCon on October 31, 2010, 11:40:44 AM
for example, i had combos written out like this (since thats how JP wiki lists it):

2C> 3D> EX Venom Strike> Venom Strike B> Tornado Kick D (1st hit only)> (DC) EX Aerial Venom Strike> Venom Strike B> Tornado Kick D [522]

but, it looks like people prefer commands, so i'll retype before i start posting. probably wont get anything new up until tuesday though. if people want specific characters done first, let me know. order doesn't matter to me.

I think if you have the movelist right above, stating which commands corresponds to which move name it shouldn't be so bad.  However, I suppose if the person reading it wasn't familiar with any of her moves and kept having to re-check the legend then it could be a tad tedious.


why are your replies always so ambiguous, yuhang? lol