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Evo this Year SNK Side Tourney (2014)

Started by The Question, May 19, 2014, 02:30:21 AM

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The Question

Mirrored on SRK in FG board

Ok so as the title states this is what the thread is for. Who is interested? Who would be down? Im not sure if anyone else is doing one already and I have heard some discussions here and there from people interested but I need to know what I am dealing with if I plan on running this thing. I have no CPU with roms If I must it would be played on JP PS2 as those are the most portable versions of the games I have access to. Running list would be as follows:

SamSho II
Real Bout 2 possibly
98 UM
02 UM possibly
KOF XI possibly
CVS2 if someone isnt already planning on doing it.
and maybe KOF 95 as it is my favorite old style one

Payout or what have you wouldnt be high and would more likely than not be out of my own pocket so expect meager returns for a meager investment.
I need a good bracket template to use, Ive contacted Giby for some info no reply as of yet.

My reasoning is that these old SNK games are as viable or more so than the Capcom games present at Evo, that being said Evo is a Capcom and apparently now Microsoft KI tournament as that is where their money is coming from so they must go that route, and thats fine.

I just want to get the most viable side tourney for old SNK games that the US has seen in awhile going. Consider this an Alpha build for something I have been kicking around in my mind for a well and away decade+.

What I need from you all who are not old men and more tech savy than I am, is to get the word out. If there are more viable methods to get this going such as me not lugging a CRT or two around and a PS2 or so then by all means I am listening.


*2nd Post*

Rules For most of the fighting games listed will be 2 outta 3 double elim. Im working on getting another setup just to run CVS2 on as it will probably take the longest. GF for all games will be 3 outta 5 with exception of maybe CVS2 as that game will take forever.

Sam Sho II is going to be the exception it will also be 2-3 double elim with the added rule that if you are killed at the end of the last match hard slash finisher ect. youre dead and youre out of the tournament. That includes being cut in half or artery spray. Dead means dead. standard timer will be in effect.

Sam Sho II will have the most risk reward as it is my favorite so whoever is in get your blade grasp skills down.

UPDATE: Entry is still being decided but probably a 5 dollar buy in and everyone will get something for entering. Some more than others if you enter multiple games.

Update II: MoW, SamSho II, RealBout 2, 98 are for sure after much debate are there any other games you all would like to see if you enter? Limted to PS2 Collection still mind you Maybe a Fuun Tag Battle tourney or maybe Another idea we were thinking of is potentially a high score challenge on something like Ikari Warriors and or Athena as I am a die hard of both games. More soon.

The Question

Ok so list as follows:
Entry Fees:

Samsho II is free to enter due to the experimental rules and my own inexperience.

All other games are 2 dollars to enter.

All games will be played on a PS2 so break out your stick or controllers.
Games rules are rounds 2outta3
Standard timer in effect no game breaking glitches I.E. freezing of the game allowed.
Pause the game results in loss of the round or opposite players preference. I.E. let it rock rule is in effect.
In team based games KOF: winner keeps same order same characters.
Loser can switch his own characters or order or both.

MOW: All characters are viable, same rules as above. TOP can be moved but no Ratio 2 characters

SamSho II: rules same as above, all character are viable except the boss. The boss is banned. *Additional rule* if you are cut in half or Artery spray at the end of your second round you are dead and out of the tournament. So this tournament can turn into single elim.

KOF 98UM: rules same as above, all bosses outside of the boss team are banned.

KOF 95: All Char. Viable

These four are for sure.

If time permits and there is interest:

KOF 02UM Tougeki v.: rules same as above, All boss chars. are banned. Standard modes only

World Heroes Perfect Jet super duper edition: rules same as above, No Boss Characters. Deathmatch. Will be in effect.

KOF XI: rules same as above, Boss is banned. Console Char. in.

RealBout 2: rules same as above, Alfred is banned.

I think that should do it might add some more alts possibly. This should be it for sure though. Give me feedback of what you would like to see and I will be canvasing the day of for applicants if you want to enter. Need to find out what day KOF and Tekken are as I will be competing in one and watching the latter cheering on my boy who entered Tekken.


I was kinda hoping to play kof on xbox360 because i have a dual mod stick.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Question

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on June 27, 2014, 02:14:43 AM
I was kinda hoping to play kof on xbox360 because i have a dual mod stick.

Well Ill be bringing some backup sticks and controllers, but yeah 02 is on 360 right and Garou? I don't have or do Xbox anything. So I unfortunately have no way, or access to those versions. Sorry for that, and hence why its on PS2.

Back up sticks would be the SF 15th anniversary ones so they have weight to them and good buttons. Pads would just be standard PS2 ones/

Again sorry for the PS2 version but those are the best versions/ ports that I have access to, and the most portable versions that I have access to as well.


I understand. But id rather play on my own sticks. Ill probably change my mind when im there haha.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Question

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on June 27, 2014, 07:31:17 AM
I understand. But id rather play on my own sticks. Ill probably change my mind when im there haha.

Yeah I honestly figured this might be a problem and I understand people like their own sticks. So I am trying to get new controllers and make sure the two fightsticks are ready to go so it will be as smooth an exp as possible.

In a perfect world I would just have cabs for the games and run it that way. But I think that maybe a few years out yet. 

Running Wild

Quote from: The Question on June 27, 2014, 12:36:50 AM*Additional rule* if you are cut in half or Artery spray at the end of your second round you are dead and out of the tournament. So this tournament can turn into single elim.

That's the dumbest rule I ever seen.

Quote from: The Question on June 27, 2014, 12:36:50 AM
KOF 98UM: rules same as above, Orochi, Rugal N Omega, are banned, Ultimate mode is banned.

Why is Ultimate mode banned?

Quote from: The Question on June 27, 2014, 12:36:50 AMKOF 95: All Char. Viable

So Omega Rugal is allowed?

Quote from: The Question on June 27, 2014, 12:36:50 AM
KOF 02UM Tougeki v.: rules same as above, boss char. Rugal anything, Nightmare Geese, Igniz, Zero clone and true and Krizalid are banned. Standard modes only

What about Goenitz and regular Geese?

Quote from: The Question on June 27, 2014, 12:36:50 AM
KOF XI: rules same as above, Boss is banned.

What about the console characters?

Quote from: The Question on June 27, 2014, 12:36:50 AM
RealBout 2: rules same as above, Alfred and Nightmare Geese are banned.

RB2 doesn't have a Nightmare Geese.


Quote from: Running Wild on June 29, 2014, 12:42:30 AM

Quote from: The Question on June 27, 2014, 12:36:50 AM
KOF 98UM: rules same as above, Orochi, Rugal N Omega, are banned, Ultimate mode is banned.

Why is Ultimate mode banned?

Oooh yeah, I didn't see and read that rule. Ultimate mode isn't broken at all. It's mainly a player preference of what modes they want together, and sure it may boost some characters a bit (mainly their walk speed) but it doesn't break the game. I've help run a 98UM tournament and Ultimate has never been a problem.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Question

Its not really any different from including Deathmatch in World Heroes which if we do have time for that tourney then it will be a death match whatever. So other than dead being a dumb rule then I am listening to a better reason but I thank you for your interest.

Ultimate is as Des as stated, that is why I figured it would be easier to get around by just not having it at all.

Omega Rugal I have been looking at in JP tourneys that have been going and he honestly doesn't matter from what I can tell. 95 is broken in a way that everyone has something and to be honest I wanted some games included that aren't the usual go to KOF games. That is why 02 is on reserve and 98 isn't. A true KOF tourney must include 98, 02 isn't nearly as relevant.

Real bout you're right I was thinking special that is the one with Nightmare but Alfred is still banned, my mistake and good eye.

02 listed bans are what are out. Regular isn't nearly as big a problem as nightmare and honestly Goenitz isn't either. He has some shit but 02 being played is going to get run by hinging on interest. Also depending on who shows up I would worry more about Kasumi's and Nameless's than a regular Geese.

Console Characters are in for XI only boss is banned.

Thankyou very much for the feedback and let me know if there is anything else!


Quote from: The Question on June 29, 2014, 05:10:42 AM

Ultimate is as Des as stated, that is why I figured it would be easier to get around by just not having it at all.

Why ban it though? What is your reason? I just said it is not broken at all.

Also, regarding 02UM, you need to ban the whole boss row because it isn't not a default option to pick them in the arcade version. It's a tournament standard in Japan and they follow it in Mexico and other places.

You really need to try to do some research and be a bit more flexible with your rules, you may disrupt the amount of entries you get in the tournament.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Question

Ok Des seeing how you are willing to talk do you think it is viable to implement the JP bans? Believe me I am more than willing to but Ultimate in JP tourneys I have never seen it used. Bans in Characters have traditionally been Arcade standard and being a product of the Arcade scene I am more than willing to agree with you. We are on the same page. But it is no secret that the US has not been as focused on SNK anything in a long time. One main question I have been asking many previous TOs is that is it even viable to implement a ban via both US interest or skill level for that matter?

EVO is where primarily pro players congregate. What I mean by a pro is anyone who is willing to enter and play no matter the skill level into the games or companies they like to support their game for either money, fame or love of their game. KOF XIII I have entered and supported at every event I can go to and enter even though real world has kept me from practicing for about a year and after EVO going into SOCAL regionals it will be more or less the same scenario, because I am unable to devote the time that I would otherwise like to, and that's fine. That's my business and Ill handle. The goal of the tourney is to rekindle the flame for old SNK games in the US scene where barring a few hold outs is guttering. XIII is the hotness I get that but to be honest the old games are fucking awesome if only someone would give them a chance. That is the point of the tourney.

If you don't think it would be too daunting to cut back character or be fine to go to tourney standards then so be it. Ultimate though hasn't been included in any JP tourneys I have seen but then again they use a different version and for 98 they also use FE or vanilla, Mexico maybe, but if it is all arcade then to the best of my knowledge it hasn't been in.

If you truly don't think it will matter then I will allow it and JP standard it with all boss characters in 02 being out and that's fine as people shouldn't bother with those characters anyways.

Please give me more feedback with what you think. As stated I want this to grow into more a yearly thing that maybe one day could turn into a stand alone event for the US. I love the international scene all of the old arcade dudes who remember that shit they know how it was, I saw a stream recently the guys who travel up from Mexico or south America to Mexico wherever and there were some young dudes who don't remember those arcade days but still have the hunger, that is a great feeling to see such dedication from younger faces. A European one recently had some young enterants as well one dude was like 16 or something that was awesome to see! I use the Mexican tourney as a example but I have seen some younger people at a local event too.

To a more or less dead IP that has a company with zero support for its fighting scene unlike Capcom or Namco, its too bad we don't have that kind of support but SNK is stilted and failing and all but over. But thankfully they left a lot of great IPs for generations to enjoy. I want to get this going and I don't see anyone else making moves so help me make this something better or rather something lasting.

Thankyou verymuch for your criticism and consideration. Please give me more. Thankyou.


It's nothing to do with only being Japan, if you check out tournament matches of these games in different regions of the world, you will see the same standards followed over and over.

Also, just because you have not seen something used in a tournament that is a default setting, does not mean it should be banned. It means those particular players didn't want to choose it or maybe there is a other reason that we do not know of.

98UM: All hidden characters banned
2002UM: Boss row banned

That's all you gotta do man. No need to further complicate things beyond that. But it is YOUR tournament. You have the final say in the rules, but just keep in mind of the consequences that may follow.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Question

By any chance do you have a translated site or some examples to go on I would appreciate it very much. Many people have been noncommittal to providing info so I have largely been going off of what has been represented in tournament matches that I have been observing. Again anything would be very appreciated. Thankyou for your time.


Quote from: The Question on June 29, 2014, 07:38:05 AM
By any chance do you have a translated site or some examples to go on I would appreciate it very much. Many people have been noncommittal to providing info so I have largely been going off of what has been represented in tournament matches that I have been observing. Again anything would be very appreciated. Thankyou for your time.

Just go on youtube and search for yourself, or even look through video threads in this forum. I'm not sure why you're making this so difficult. I've helped run and attend tournaments in 98UM/2002UM, and watched many and know of many people that do...I feel that you don't believe me, LOL.

You seem a little nervous, is this your first tournament you are organizing and running? Give me some background info on you.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Question

Long time player first time organizer. So it isn't that I don't believe you but I am asking wide anybody and anyone for input. It isn't nervousness but I am preparing for the worst. If I didn't care I wouldn't ask the community at all. But as you all are also players and some of you have run tournaments of your own I want all of your input. I want this first step to be one on hopefully a very long tournament run that everyone can enjoy both new people, as well as old ones like me. 

And to be honest wouldn't you be more worried if I only consulted one person and went with a gut reaction to everything. Your opinions matter as well as the other people I have asked. The rules have been weighed against your input as well as others. I have already changed the rules to reflect what people have stated or complained about. The goal of the Q&A is to develop a codified rule set that I can use for years to come. This isn't skepticism, it is just me gathering information to make a good foundation for something that can last. That is why I am taking everything very seriously. Sorry if I came off as something other than sincere but I want this to work and do so well. I am expecting hiccups, but I want this for the SNK scene as well as for myself, I want this to become a new event that the SNK supporters can look forward too. I am thinking long term. I want the US to get a scene again or at least a stronger one. International is well and good but there is a reason when KOF or SNK comes us everyone just says oh only Mexicans play that durhurhur, or what you aren't Asian? I want this to be for the US then grow to incorporate everyone. Anyone can join, but I want the US to have something.

So in the first post when I said this was an Alpha build for something I have wanted to do for awhile I wasn't joking but seeing the Capcoms, Namcos, and Airdashers blow past SNK and SNK being left by the wayside except by a dedicated but scattered base and no company support well, lets just say I want it to succeed.

I don't believe I have been disrespectful in the least but I apologize if in any way shape or form that has been the case. As always thankyou for the input, and thankyou for the time out of your day to address this.