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San Diego CA

Started by Nikolai VolKOF, January 03, 2011, 01:00:30 PM

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Quote from: Rhythmaxed on October 31, 2011, 09:08:04 AM
Crap sorry I am replying late to this.

Yes I can make it to comic odyssey on both of those nights the 7th and the 14th. If you are still planning on doing this I would be happy to come play some kof2k2.

Ok, I'll talk to the guy today and see what can be done... I'll keep you posted with the info I get from him...

UPDATE: Ok, I talked to the owner, and he just straight up asked the people around if they were interested. Got a good number of people, and I'm free on the 7th, so I'll be at Comic Odyssey with my little setup. I'll start it off with KOF2002UM and keep it primarily SNK related for exposure, but if cats wanna change the game up to something else, lemme know. Here's what I got so far:

KOFNW (xbox compatible, and works!!!)
SamSho 2
SamSho Sen
Fatal Fury Special

Here are my other games I'll have with me, but I'm still going strong with the KOF games...

Battle Fantasia
Virtua Fighter 5
Tekken 6
GGXX (xbox compatible)
BlazBlue CS2
Soul Calibur 1
Soul Calibur 2
Soul Calibur 4

Lemme know if any of you are available on the 7th. If things go smoothly, I'll try to get things going on the 14th... I'll bring my laptop to record matches, too...

Make sure you bring about $2-3, I believe it's $3 for casuals and $2 for tournaments if any...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Awesome I'll be there. What time should I show up?


Quote from: Rhythmaxed on November 04, 2011, 07:09:35 AM
Awesome I'll be there. What time should I show up?

Around 8ish should be fine... As usual, I'll be rocking my Baltimore hat... If my shirt comes in, I'll be wearing the DreamCancel shirt, too... I'll be there around 7 to setup and make sure stuff works... I'm only bringing my 360, so just make sure you got the right stick/pad/converter or whatever...

If you know anyone that's interested, spread the word please... Sure, its casuals, but I want this to be as hyped as possible...

UPDATE: The session's still going down, but I might not be able to record matches (I have a different setup to record so it won't work)... Anyone interested in doing so, feel free to though. Hopefully I can get something jimmy-rigged for the next session.


UPDATE: Success!!! The session had a fairly good turnout, and while some people didn't play, they were certainly spectating, although it didn't start off that way... Started off with 02UM and about 10:45pm we ended up doing some KOFXII til closing. One funny note: that session was the "goodbye MvC3", and it somehow ended up feeling like our "goodbye KOF XII" although many cats said goodbye to KOF XII long before that... Anyway, dope stuff. The owner wants to see more games other than MvC3 and SF4, so that definitely means our foot is in the door. They were even playing RockBand for a bit...

Shoutouts to Rhythmaxed (we'll do mirror matches next time)and 74fists for coming through... 74fists came through with KOF XII and even showed off some combos and such, which actually got some people checking it out... We had people saying, "Is that KOF XIII??" We're like, "Nah, its XII", but surprisingly people still stayed to watch... We got one newcomer to the series wanting to learn the game, which is a plus!!!

I do plan to do this again next week, so stay tuned... I did get a request to get some Fatal Fury Special matches in, and I thought I heard MoTW, but we had a ton of XII matches and didn't have enough time... Hopefully, with XIII coming out soon we can get more people into it...

Anyone in or near SD come on down and spread the word!!! 
I'm on FightCade!!!


Kinda felt a bit lonely at the start there with everybody crowding the marvel and sf4 setups but we got some good games in and people were still watching while waiting for their turn at the other games. I bet as long as we keep visibility up people will get too curious not to try playing. Looking forward to doing it again next week. It is a shame I couldn't stay longer and had to leave early.


Quote from: Rhythmaxed on November 09, 2011, 02:37:13 AM
Kinda felt a bit lonely at the start there with everybody crowding the marvel and sf4 setups but we got some good games in and people were still watching while waiting for their turn at the other games. I bet as long as we keep visibility up people will get too curious not to try playing. Looking forward to doing it again next week. It is a shame I couldn't stay longer and had to leave early.

No sweat man... We did get a new recruit, so we gotta be as diligent but patient as possible with showing him the ropes, while keeping him from bad habits and such... He's pretty good in SF, I've fought him before, so he picks up on strats and the ins and outs of whatever fighter he's playing...

Oh yeah, King is good in 98UM... We gotta get matches in that next time...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Awesome so king got buffed from vanilla 98 to 98um? Nice she is pretty beastly in 2k2um as is. We'll definitely hit up 98um next week. :)


Down for sessions tonight!!! Same spot same time... Rolling 98UM this time unless we get other requests... And no, UMvC3 doesn't count!!!

I'm on FightCade!!!


Lame, Looking like I won't be able to make it tonight my ride is falling though (I have no car)

Hopefully I can make next week.


Quote from: Rhythmaxed on November 15, 2011, 01:38:15 AM
Lame, Looking like I won't be able to make it tonight my ride is falling though (I have no car)

Hopefully I can make next week.

Yeah it's looking like a jacked up day, man... Kids are sick, and I've got surgery this week :(

Didn't mean to bring anyone's hopes up to crash them... I'll try to get something started next week though hopefully...

UPDATE: Still recovering from surgery, but I'll definitely be getting my copy of XIII this week... I'll see what Ali is up to this week, he might be doing something for the console release, I'm not sure though... Either way, I'll be available for matches online at least (with the hopes of breaking Billy Kane down on day 1), and in the following week, I'll be ready to serve cats offline...

I'm on FightCade!!!


I already have my preorder paid for and gonna be picking it up tuesday. Too bad it will be a day after when they usually hold casuals but that does give us a week to train up during thanksgiving weekend. I'll keep an eye out for you and we can get some online matches in.


New guy here. Im down for some KoF sessions in SD. Im pretty new to KoF on an competitive level. But im looking to level up. Im in National city right now.


Awesome man welcome to the board. I wouldn't even worry about being new to a game like KOF there are gonna be a lot of people who are going to be new to the game.

Are you going to be playing on xbox or ps3?

Nikolai VolKOF

What up everyone. What's crrackalakin? So is it going to be Jinxhand's spot every Monday now? Although i would not be able to make this Monday tomorrow, will definitely make next weeks and all following. I would really like San Diego to have a good offline KoF scene. So any thoughts or events please let us know. If you are near SDSU area hit me up.


Quote from: Donpiff on November 21, 2011, 01:53:21 AM
New guy here. Im down for some KoF sessions in SD. Im pretty new to KoF on an competitive level. But im looking to level up. Im in National city right now.

Yo welcome man... Yeah there's gonna be a gangload of new cats taking up KOF finally, trust on that... No sweat though, you're in good hands... I'm aight at the game, and my homeboy Nikolai holds it down also... There are some other players in the area, too, and I'm trying to get those heads on this site...

Quote from: Nikolai VolKOF on November 21, 2011, 05:36:04 AM
What up everyone. What's crrackalakin? So is it going to be Jinxhand's spot every Monday now? Although i would not be able to make this Monday tomorrow, will definitely make next weeks and all following. I would really like San Diego to have a good offline KoF scene. So any thoughts or events please let us know. If you are near SDSU area hit me up.

Man we needed you for our session in 02UM a week ago... Nah it slow at first, but we held it down with 4 people... I'm sure its gonna change now that we're not rocking XII or even 02UM now... Some cat was talking smack like he plays KOF or whatever, but the whole time he didn't even get on the stick at all... I'ma call him out if I see him next time... It's good that you'll be free for a bit... I'm not sure what's going on this Monday, since I'm still on convalescent leave, and I got a surgery followup, but I'm pretty sure next Monday's a go... I'll still see if the spot is still open if I'm not there though, so at the very least some KoF presence can be seen there...

Anybody here have a camcorder and is willing to record matches??? I have the capability, but the quality is standard, and I have to have my laptop plus a gangload of splitters for both audio and video pending the setup on the tv... I'm looking to find an alternate and easier setup, but that's all I got for now...

Also, if there are other areas, people holding KoF/SNK sessions elsewhere, post up... If any of you cats decide to hold something, feel free to post up... I think I have most of you guys on my xbl friends list, too, so if you see me online, hit me up then as well...

I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: Rhythmaxed on November 21, 2011, 03:42:08 AM
Awesome man welcome to the board. I wouldn't even worry about being new to a game like KOF there are gonna be a lot of people who are going to be new to the game.

Are you going to be playing on xbox or ps3?
thanks man. Im more of an Xbox player. But I could buy either. Plus im trying to buy a stick to learn.