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The Virtua Figher 5 thread: just 6 months before the end of the world

Started by solidshark, February 22, 2011, 07:23:05 AM

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I don't pay attention to VF honestly.  I've played a VF game a grand total of one time.  Kind of why you don't see me putting it on a pedestal unlike most people who want to sound cool.  Well...I put it's replay feature on a pedestal because it's fucking criminal how no company is matching it.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on May 01, 2012, 07:18:16 AM
I don't pay attention to VF honestly.  I've played a VF game a grand total of one time.  Kind of why you don't see me putting it on a pedestal unlike most people who want to sound cool.  Well...I put it's replay feature on a pedestal because it's fucking criminal how no company is matching it.

I understand what you're saying man... Honestly, I don't expect most people to follow the game, not even now simply because in the past no one followed it (thank you Sega's advertising dept.)...

I know VF isn't for everybody-- for starters, it's a 3d game... That for some is a huge hurdle to jump... Granted, it only has 3 buttons, but with the combinations and the need for a block button because of the games core system, it can be a bit to grasp for some, unlike Tekken, where not only can you hold back to block, but there's a neutral block which works for "most" attacks...

Speaking of VF's block button, it is deceptive looking in appearance; what I mean is when you fire up VF5 and you press and hold the block button, you see this animation that looks generally slow, as if the blocking isn't instant when in fact it is instant... The animation doesn't match up with the actual speed... Things like that tend to lead people astray...

Movement in VF is like those skateboards that require you to wiggle... It looks clunky at first, but once you get the jist of it, things start looking fluid and starts feeling like you're in a Mitsubishi Lancer EVO <insert roman numeral>... People from the outside looking in won't see that unless they know at least a smidgen about the game, and even then, sometimes you have to dig deeper to really do that...

Sound-- it's important in the game, but even still, I feel like they're either keeping the old sound for nostalgia purposes, or because they feel "it's working, don't change it". That's something that can easily make people not play the game... The music is great, but the sounds are still "recycled" imo... They changed a few things here and there, like when certain hit types connect, but it's not totally changed...

My personal beef with VF are the ground-to-air hitboxes... For instance, I play Jeffry. If I do a 6K (infamous knee launcher), and I'm in the air, I shouldn't get hit with say Lion's 2K+G for example... I haven't played FS yet, but they might've changed things like that, since Sega has fixed jumping in general, and not you can actually do Tekken tactics and some characters even have combos from jump kicks now...

Anyway, all that aside, I still think the game is good enough to try and support at least... There's alot of good things that have been added, things that have been changed for the ease of newcomers, but still challenging to the old heads, and for the most part, everyone in that game is playable, so there's no real need to counter pick.

Real talk, the worst thing Sega has done was remove Splash Mountain from Jeffry's arsenal... He could be top tier right now, but to me, that just put him at the bottom... I'll still play him though, but it might make me go back to my roots and play Lau or Lion more-- maybe just Lau...
I'm on FightCade!!!

The Fluke

I think ipw's vf5fs streams are some of the most entertaining streams around. I generally watch them and the runback for kof whenever i wan't to watch streams now.

I've got the "basic" vf5 game for ps3, it's pretty sweet, but this version seems to improve alot of stuff in and out of matches.

I'll pick up this game as soon as it comes out.


There was a VF5FS tourney at SS2K12 down in Australia... VFDC's owner, Myke, and Ryan Hart (one of my fav players of a bunch of games) were in the tourney, as well as Fuudo, and some of the best that AU had to offer... Anyway, here are the links:

Casuals: http://www.twitch.tv/shadowloohq/b/317271158

Top 8: http://www.twitch.tv/shadowloohq/b/317288015

Mad hype was at this tourney for this game!!! Lots of people were surprised at that...

I'm on FightCade!!!

The Fluke

It was so funny at the end of the tourney when fuudo threw ryan hart into the water. Best ending to a match ever, just so incredibly silly. Ryan did well from what i saw, and even though he couldn't really challenge fuudo, he atleast showed that he was capable of getting things done when fuudo understimated him.


The thing with that is Ryan Hart went in with nothing more than fundamentals... Sure, he's mained Kage VF4 from what I remember, but even with the drastic changes that Final Showdown had, he still managed to perform well... Imagine if he had the chance to actually level up...

Plus, regardless of tiers of any sort, Shun is always a character you've gotta look out for... His mixups are unlike any other imo-- they're better than Kage's, Jacky's, and even Sarah's... Plus, he's the only character you have to do combos to after the KO to knock out some of those drink points, as they carry over to the next round...
I'm on FightCade!!!

The Fluke

I knew that ryan went in with a severe disadvantage, that's what was so cool about his playing. He had a Kage mirror prior to facing fuudo wich he managed to take control of towards the end. Though that ofcourse doesn't change that ring out throw situation, because that was more player vs player than matchups or anything.



I'm on FightCade!!!

Proto Cloud


Well then only a month to learn how to not suck... This could either be a nice form of motivation or a massive train wreck waiting to happen haha.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


Just get the fundamentals down, and you'll be well off to success imo...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: jinxhand on May 15, 2012, 05:32:45 PM
Just get the fundamentals down, and you'll be well off to success imo...

Yeah I know, I just hate playing against the computer cause I never really know if i'm getting better or if the AI is just unresponsive, unadaptive etc. and I tend to fall into bad habits because of this.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


I think the most amazing thing to me about Virftua Fighter is how with only three buttons at your disposal, you have access to just a ton of moves. It's really remarkable how much this series has come from a fighting game standpoint.

Stone Drum

It is remarkable.  The fighting engine is just so fluid once you get good.  My personal favorite thing about the game is the complex moveset, especially with my character lei fei.  Switching between his 8 stances either by control or by naturally flowing into them is just incredibly fun when you master him.  I am not sure if any fighting game in the world is as dynamic as vf5s will be.  I also detest when people say vf5 is hard.  Yes, it took me years to have a natural grasp of lei fei, but none of the inputs are difficult.  I don't think a long time is synonymous with hard.