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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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The Fluke

Quote from: MUSOLINI on March 22, 2011, 09:14:18 AM
first of snkp is from osaka japan (has been snk home for years, look at kyos kof 96 stage in osaka).

also older kofs still have some sort of vallue. if you wanna play thre gayest sf like turtle kof 95 is the game. if you wanna play some great kof thats real kof, play 97 or 98. theres also 02 but that aint my cup of tea, but id play that over 95 though. i dont know why yoyu mentioned 12, because that game was shit. as shit as 94, 96 and some of the other worst pieces of shit kof games. (aesthetically 96 is the first kof to look good and one of the best when it comes to graphics and music imo).

I actually think kof 94 is good esthetically. And if you compare it to sf2, it is waaay superior, in my opinion that is. And 12 is kinda like 94, it's not perfect, but it has some good sides to it. And once in a while, playing a simpler fighting game might actually be more entertaining than playing something heavier.


last weekend i was in shanghai playing XIII.. for 5 hours lol
i mostly did training though... especially with Clark, i wanted to see if he could do a 100% combo.. i couldnt, the best i managed was sth like 890 (with SDM and Neomax). I love him.
Then a guy came to play.. saturday was my second time with XIII, so i didnt expect to win or sth but.. damn it was like playing SF -.-
My team was Clark,Ralf, Eliz.. his team was Robert,Beni,Terry. With robert it was like playing against ryu, with Beni he just waited that i came near to him, Terry.. well terry's damage is fuckin huge!
Some of the borest (it's correct?) matches i ve ever had! After 8 loss i played game -.-
My chars cant spam like Robert,K,etc so i prefer to play vs tons of Raiden instead of playing vs fireballers lol

KOF XIII: billy, ralf, clark
KOF XII: ralf,kyo,ryo


Quote from: fiol on March 28, 2011, 02:50:32 AM
damn it was like playing SF -.-
My team was Clark,Ralf, Eliz.. his team was Robert,Beni,Terry. With robert it was like playing against ryu, with Beni he just waited that i came near to him, Terry.. well terry's damage is fuckin huge!

Ouf. One of the worst impressions about the game I read... O.o
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature

The Fluke

Quote from: fiol on March 28, 2011, 02:50:32 AM
Some of the borest (it's correct?) matches i ve ever had!
Should be something like: "Some of the most boring matches i've ever had!"
Anyways, sad to hear that.. But i guess that is going to haunt this game. Since street fighter is so very popular now, people will try to transfer their playstyles and do everything to win in the lamest way possible. I don't know how common it is for kof in general but i assume we will all get to see people use lag switches and/or just turtle while trying to run the clock once the game is available on console.


Quote from: The Fluke on March 28, 2011, 09:29:33 AM
Quote from: fiol on March 28, 2011, 02:50:32 AM
Some of the borest (it's correct?) matches i ve ever had!
Should be something like: "Some of the most boring matches i've ever had!"
Anyways, sad to hear that.. But i guess that is going to haunt this game. Since street fighter is so very popular now, people will try to transfer their playstyles and do everything to win in the lamest way possible. I don't know how common it is for kof in general but i assume we will all get to see people use lag switches and/or just turtle while trying to run the clock once the game is available on console.
i dont think thats happen or at least not for to long ive seen sf kids try to do nothing but spam in kof and its some of the lulziest shit ive ever seen


Quote from: fiol on March 28, 2011, 02:50:32 AM
last weekend i was in shanghai playing XIII.. for 5 hours lol
i mostly did training though... especially with Clark, i wanted to see if he could do a 100% combo.. i couldnt, the best i managed was sth like 890 (with SDM and Neomax). I love him.
Then a guy came to play.. saturday was my second time with XIII, so i didnt expect to win or sth but.. damn it was like playing SF -.-
My team was Clark,Ralf, Eliz.. his team was Robert,Beni,Terry. With robert it was like playing against ryu, with Beni he just waited that i came near to him, Terry.. well terry's damage is fuckin huge!
Some of the borest (it's correct?) matches i ve ever had! After 8 loss i played game -.-
My chars cant spam like Robert,K,etc so i prefer to play vs tons of Raiden instead of playing vs fireballers lol

Spamming fireballs in KOF cannot work like SF cause of half ex moves and dms going through them, the far jump and the roll command. PPL spamming fireballs might be able to win against casuals but going against more advanced players they will have to learn to play KOF or quit.


Quote from: JohnCrawley on March 28, 2011, 01:02:02 PM
Quote from: fiol on March 28, 2011, 02:50:32 AM
last weekend i was in shanghai playing XIII.. for 5 hours lol
i mostly did training though... especially with Clark, i wanted to see if he could do a 100% combo.. i couldnt, the best i managed was sth like 890 (with SDM and Neomax). I love him.
Then a guy came to play.. saturday was my second time with XIII, so i didnt expect to win or sth but.. damn it was like playing SF -.-
My team was Clark,Ralf, Eliz.. his team was Robert,Beni,Terry. With robert it was like playing against ryu, with Beni he just waited that i came near to him, Terry.. well terry's damage is fuckin huge!
Some of the borest (it's correct?) matches i ve ever had! After 8 loss i played game -.-
My chars cant spam like Robert,K,etc so i prefer to play vs tons of Raiden instead of playing vs fireballers lol

Spamming fireballs in KOF cannot work like SF cause of half ex moves and dms going through them, the far jump and the roll command. PPL spamming fireballs might be able to win against casuals but going against more advanced players they will have to learn to play KOF or quit.

Yeah I agree, just lack of experience.

Ppl who abuse projectiles against will get command thrown again and again, especially if you have a stock use Ex Gatling Punch (charge b~f+AC) and it'll go thru, you just have to be somewhat close.  Ralf can do qcb+A to negate fireballs and Liz can qcf+P the just the same way.  fiol, the more you play the more you'll realize how futile these attempts are.

I wish they played my current team and did the same lol (Duo Lon, Shen, Chin).


Quote from: Kane317 on March 28, 2011, 02:21:03 PM
Quote from: JohnCrawley on March 28, 2011, 01:02:02 PM
Quote from: fiol on March 28, 2011, 02:50:32 AM
last weekend i was in shanghai playing XIII.. for 5 hours lol
i mostly did training though... especially with Clark, i wanted to see if he could do a 100% combo.. i couldnt, the best i managed was sth like 890 (with SDM and Neomax). I love him.
Then a guy came to play.. saturday was my second time with XIII, so i didnt expect to win or sth but.. damn it was like playing SF -.-
My team was Clark,Ralf, Eliz.. his team was Robert,Beni,Terry. With robert it was like playing against ryu, with Beni he just waited that i came near to him, Terry.. well terry's damage is fuckin huge!
Some of the borest (it's correct?) matches i ve ever had! After 8 loss i played game -.-
My chars cant spam like Robert,K,etc so i prefer to play vs tons of Raiden instead of playing vs fireballers lol

Spamming fireballs in KOF cannot work like SF cause of half ex moves and dms going through them, the far jump and the roll command. PPL spamming fireballs might be able to win against casuals but going against more advanced players they will have to learn to play KOF or quit.

Yeah I agree, just lack of experience.

Ppl who abuse projectiles against will get command thrown again and again, especially if you have a stock use Ex Gatling Punch (charge b~f+AC) and it'll go thru, you just have to be somewhat close.  Ralf can do qcb+A to negate fireballs and Liz can qcf+P the just the same way.  fiol, the more you play the more you'll realize how futile these attempts are.

I wish they played my current team and did the same lol (Duo Lon, Shen, Chin).

As i said it was my second time with the game.
I knew about Ralf and Liz stuff.. i didnt know about Ex Gatling Punch though.
Nobody played Duo Lon or Shen or Chin there.. only Robert,Ash (turtle mania), Terry, Takuma, Yuri, Kula (of course lol), Beni.Kyo... no Raiden (xD) or K' (xD), but nobody used grapplers (Vice,Clark,Raiden or Goro)...
I m pretty sure i ll go back there to play again .. mostly because i wanna see if clark can make a 100% combo (although i ve dubts.. i tried everything last time but i couldnt even get 900 as damage -.-)

KOF XIII: billy, ralf, clark
KOF XII: ralf,kyo,ryo


Say guys, I have a question. It's about something I've seen in not only XIII vids but also vids from other games.

Is it considered dishonorable among the community to KO someone from chip damage when they have the most minimal amount of health?

Whenever I see someone in that situation, they always try to KO that person with normal attacks. As a result, they extend the match to what is more than necessary (and it's often boring, too). If it were me, I'd hit them with whatever could chip-damage them.


Quote from: marchefelix on March 28, 2011, 07:20:16 PM
Say guys, I have a question. It's about something I've seen in not only XIII vids but also vids from other games.

Is it considered dishonorable among the community to KO someone from chip damage when they have the most minimal amount of health?

Whenever I see someone in that situation, they always try to KO that person with normal attacks. As a result, they extend the match to what is more than necessary (and it's often boring, too). If it were me, I'd hit them with whatever could chip-damage them.

Honestly that's how it used to be like over 10 years ago. Players have abandoned the idea of what is cheap. Those types of things were implemented into the game for a reason - to be used. The only thing that are really banned are bugs/glitches.

Here's a good page to read about gaming mentality.



Quote from: marchefelix on March 28, 2011, 07:20:16 PM
Say guys, I have a question. It's about something I've seen in not only XIII vids but also vids from other games.

Is it considered dishonorable among the community to KO someone from chip damage when they have the most minimal amount of health?

Whenever I see someone in that situation, they always try to KO that person with normal attacks. As a result, they extend the match to what is more than necessary (and it's often boring, too). If it were me, I'd hit them with whatever could chip-damage them.

Well, you don't see that much in KoF because there are, generally speaking, more ways to counter the special moves one would be using for chip. So if your opponent's looking for it (or even just on reaction in some cases), he can avoid it and punish with a huge combo. In SF, people chip each other to death all the time.

Also, random aside: Does anyone else prefer the old Kula homepage header? Crazy screaming Iori isn't exactly the most welcoming guy...


Quote from: GoldenGlove on March 28, 2011, 09:44:43 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on March 28, 2011, 07:20:16 PM
Say guys, I have a question. It's about something I've seen in not only XIII vids but also vids from other games.

Is it considered dishonorable among the community to KO someone from chip damage when they have the most minimal amount of health?

Whenever I see someone in that situation, they always try to KO that person with normal attacks. As a result, they extend the match to what is more than necessary (and it's often boring, too). If it were me, I'd hit them with whatever could chip-damage them.

Well, you don't see that much in KoF because there are, generally speaking, more ways to counter the special moves one would be using for chip. So if your opponent's looking for it, he can avoid it and punish with a huge combo. In SF, people chip each other to death all the time.

Yeah, there's no dishonor in chipping an opponent.  The only thing I personally will never do (even in casuals), is run away to win by time.  It's a personal thing and I don't expect everyone to agree with me; I rather lose by putting up a fight then just run away and win by a health lead--meaningless ideals?  Maybe, but I'm old fashion like that.

Quote from: GoldenGlove on March 28, 2011, 09:44:43 PM
Also, random aside: Does anyone else prefer the old Kula homepage header? Crazy screaming Iori isn't exactly the most welcoming guy...

Be that as it may, it's Orochi Iori, add him to anything and it's better (Plus any KOF fan knows his story so instantly badass!) =)


you know what, ill make a dope ass yamazaki homepage header if you guys might be willing to put it up. im not good with computers so i can draw it, if somebody might be willing to color it?
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: Ash on March 28, 2011, 08:30:59 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on March 28, 2011, 07:20:16 PM
Say guys, I have a question. It's about something I've seen in not only XIII vids but also vids from other games.

Is it considered dishonorable among the community to KO someone from chip damage when they have the most minimal amount of health?

Whenever I see someone in that situation, they always try to KO that person with normal attacks. As a result, they extend the match to what is more than necessary (and it's often boring, too). If it were me, I'd hit them with whatever could chip-damage them.

Honestly that's how it used to be like over 10 years ago. Players have abandoned the idea of what is cheap. Those types of things were implemented into the game for a reason - to be used. The only thing that are really banned are bugs/glitches.

Here's a good page to read about gaming mentality.


I'll give it a read.

On a totally unrelated note, I want to hug whoever thought of putting Riot Iori in the homepage.  :)

C 3

Can somebody re-post the current ratio point laout that are used in Japan/U.S. please?

Supposidly the max is 6 and all 0pt characters got bumped to 1pt?