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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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its called being weak when people use matures infinite. people like me would learn that shit in the first game playing with her, add the fact that it can be done after a crouching LK and this means you pretty much lose your characters to 100% combos. combo is dead easy, most people wont fuck it up. its soo gay that if somebody actually beat me with that infinite, id probably knock them out in real life. especially if they act up afterwards.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: sibarraz on October 09, 2010, 06:51:00 PM
I don't mind that much the dirty tricks

Half of the time the guys which use them are total noobs who became very predictable, and almost the other half are way better than me so I don't mind it either

Honestly, the only thing that I hate are Infinites, but other than that, I don't care that much for top tier whoring, more when people who criticizes them has never played the game or never tried to know how to fight against those tricks, and this goes for pro and noob players

We also had to consider that since KOF is a 3 vs 3 game, chances to see the same character are VERY high, if SF was a 3 vs 3 game, chances of seeing the same characters will be as high as in KOF

Agreed, anyway according to the Version 1.1 update Raiden and K' are the same, so here's a thought how about you guys think up some Anti-Raiden/K' strats for the character threads?


As far as all the dirty tactics, tricks, and competitive nature, from the perspective of not having the arcade version or console version handy, I understand that the arcade atmosphere (lines, sometimes high tension, quarters on the line) mean that you play your best, or cheapest just to stay on the machine. I agree with most who say you do what you have to in tourneys in order to win; like Shiranui, I'll still favor some ways over others of doing that though. Once every has a chance to get their hands on the console, I can't wait to take advantage of a lot of tactics and characters that are barely used now.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: Kane317 on October 09, 2010, 01:15:46 PM
Maybe coz we're trying to grow a scene, not deter people away from it.
When people get into a game it's usually because on some level they enjoy it.  KOF 98 isn't my favorite KOF at all and neither is OG02.  On some level I enjoy playing them.  Last set I had vs Emil I lost 40 matches straight.  Not every character he played I enjoyed fighting.  Hell some characters I outright HATE.  I enjoyed playing against him.  My objective was to play a game I enjoyed on some level and improve.  I knew getting into any FG I enjoyed that I would get beaten over and over.  No one likes to lose over and over again.  But it's part of the experience.

If anyone joins the scene that's in the works they better realize that the superior player will beat them over and over.  They're going to get mad about it and the whole nine BUT if they really enjoy the game, they'll take their losses and keep playing because even the best players lose and enjoying yourself/wanting to step up takes or should take priority over a loss or a bad experience.

Also I hate Chin.  If we play XIII I will not tell you to switch characters to make it more enjoyable for me.  BEATING Chin will make it more enjoyable for me.  If you're a better player than me, I'll continue to fight you to improve because improvement alone is enjoyable.

Real talk if you want to play KOF and can't handle losing or facing things/characters you hate (which is part of the experience), then don't bother.

-K'/EX Kyo/EX Iori
-Benimaru(Duo Lon)/Robert/Takuma(Iori)

Might controls everything.


Shit I didn't know there was a "you must be this tall to ride" equivalent for this series. If people want to play a game, let them play the game. As evident during the XII launch hype was that a a fuck ton of casuals play the game for the story and the ability to use VERY specific characters. Not everyone has the ideal "fighter" mentality. Thats not to say you can get them into that mentality. Some people fall harder than others and maybe being so inconsiderate is a possible reason (of many) why the community here has been on life support since its inception.

Quote from: krazykone123 on October 09, 2010, 09:30:45 PM
Agreed, anyway according to the Version 1.1 update Raiden and K' are the same, so here's a thought how about you guys think up some Anti-Raiden/K' strats for the character threads?

Solid idea. Not just against them but general matchup advice is why i love reading SRK/Dustloop threads and what generally help my game the most.


I don´t agree with this whole "be nice to another players so more people will get into KOF".
I am a very competitive person, so to me, is win or win, no choice.
We can be friends and all, but once the game starts is war for me (same happens in Basketball, my favourite sport).
I can understand that some people have fun playing the game, but that is not my case. I play to get that feeling that you get when you win (kinda dificult to explain in words).  I really don´t give a damn if the other person is having a hard time. I remember I was playing KOF XI once at a comic convention (for free, on PS2), someone challenge me. I win the entire match just doing down+fierce kick. If the poor guy can´t guard while crouching.....well, not my problem.
I respect that not everyone will share my point of view, but...if you can´t take it and you are gonna leave each time they kick your ass...
Everytime you start playing a videogame, a sport or whatever, you dont know how to do it the first time, and with experience, practice and training you improve, it´s a natural process.
Now, in terms of infinite combos and bullshit like that, well, when we used to play (always console games), me & my friends usually set some rules for really extreme situations. We tried not to, but if there was anything as broken as an infinite combo we did. Again, we did this only on extreme cases, if a character is really good or has a really devastating combo, attack or whatever, well....deal with it. In fact, we haven´t done it for years.
I undertand that in the arcade or a tournament the situation is kinda different something different, cause it's money.
The real culprit here is the company or people who releases something with doing the proper testing.
Anyway, I hope they continue to release upgrades, cause I really don´t like the fact that you can juggle soooooo much in this game.
Excuse me for my english, it is not my main language.


As the last few posts all make sense and I do understand where you're coming from, and I feel that same way about "if it's in the game, it's in the game" (otherwise I would have quit by now)--but new people don't feel this way.  Whether or not that's how they should feel, is not how they most likely/will feel.  

The reality is if new comers keep losing non-stop (either by getting straighted/perfected/infinited etc...), they will stop playing.  No if's and but's.  If they don't, it's more exception than the rule.  Growing the scene isn't the easiest and sometimes doesn't make sense, but if that's what it takes, that's what I'll do.

The regulars all have a hush hush guideline that if we're playing someone new, we try our best to make the match close so they'll be encourage to keep playing.

Quote from: TYRANNICAL on October 10, 2010, 12:02:37 AM
Also I hate Chin.  If we play XIII I will not tell you to switch characters to make it more enjoyable for me.  BEATING Chin will make it more enjoyable for me.  If you're a better player than me, I'll continue to fight you to improve because improvement alone is enjoyable.

I do get a kick out of winning with Chin, it's truly rewarding against some of my competition.


Hey, so I randomly got FIVE days in a row off from work...  I'm thinking this might be a pretty good opportunity to take a little trip to the ol' Rowland Heights.  The problem is that it would be pretty expensive to just hop on a plane, take a cab, and book a hotel just for a few days.  Is anyone down to pick me up from the airport and house me for a few days lol??  I'm half kidding but that would be SOOO tight.  I've been there before; I was the guy with the Fatal Fury hat!!


Quote from: Kane317 on October 10, 2010, 06:53:31 AM
The regulars all have a hush hush guideline that if we're playing someone new, we try our best to make the match close so they'll be encourage to keep playing.

great, now i'll never feel good about winning lol


Quote from: Kane317 on October 10, 2010, 06:53:31 AM

The reality is if new comers keep losing non-stop (either by getting straighted/perfected/infinited etc...), they will stop playing.  No if's and but's.  If they don't, it's more exception than the rule. 

The regulars all have a hush hush guideline that if we're playing someone new, we try our best to make the match close so they'll be encourage to keep playing.

If a new player decides to quit playing a game after getting bodied repeatedly because they are new to the game and don't fully understand the game as much as people whom as put in more time in it, then it shows that they have no kind of perseverance whatsoever.

Yes, I can understand the learning experience can be a little frustrating, daunting and not fun sometimes but that can be related to a lot of things in life. Some people have to understand that it takes time/experience for you to be good at things. If a player is getting perfected, OCVed, infinited all the time, it will not last forever if the player wants it to. If that player is serious then they will try to turn that around in time and not quit because they aren't getting immediate results.

Letting players win does not teach them anything.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Rex Dart

Yeah, but if someone is new to the game and doesn't have any grip on the basics, I'm sure a lot of them would prefer to play single-player or practice mode rather than just getting bull-dozed.

To me, it would be pretty reasonable for someone to decide that they'll save their money and wait for the console release, where they can practice as much as they want before trying to fight others. The fact is that arcades just aren't usually inviting places to learn the basics.


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on October 10, 2010, 07:43:54 AM
Letting players win does not teach them anything.

i agree with this. it keeps them from accurately understanding what skill level they're at. complacency doesn't help them build fundamentals or give them the skills to grow. like i said earlier, losing is fine. give them tips and solid advice instead. whether they grow and decide to stick with it is up to their own choice and ability. otherwise, you're saying, "hey, it's ok to not get better."


Playing against people who tier whore can be a good thing. You get to get accustomed to facing those characters that you develop good tactics against those characters.

Just look at Vanilla SF4. There was so many Sagat players that in the later tournaments, Sagat players were not reaching the top player brackets anymore because the other players got so used to facing so many Sagats that they found Sagat weakneses, especially habits that a majority of Sagat players tend to do.

But infinites/bug/glitch exploits is where I draw the line.


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on January 29, 1974, 07:16:23 AM
Letting players win does not teach them anything.

I think we all agree on this.

I never let them win, I'll make it close (and I won't dp all day so you get a free combo either). Usually, it's character selection, trying more advanced comboes, risky strategies etc...

There's a sliding scale too. If they start winning then I change characters etc...


I mean cmon man some people come way the fuck out of their way to come play this game, so I do think it should be played with respect ,sf4 is at every arcade in the country kof 13 not so much,   
" you fight well in the old style"