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Powerup 2011

Started by LouisCipher, April 30, 2011, 06:43:39 AM

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Dark Geese

Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 06, 2011, 02:51:44 PM
I don't want to bash Justin Wong. He's a smart player in general. He should be able to win against casual players in KOF by playing smart. Would he win against a veteran? Most certainly  not...but at least he's not bragging about being great at KOF.

Everything I been trying to tell people all wrapped up in one right here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not like Justin Wong is going around saying he's  GOD in KoF, it's that some people give him TOO MUCH CREDIT in him winning all these tournaments without knowing all the facts from the actual hardcore players themselves.

Lemme tell you guys who has a pretty mean Heavy D! in 98UM for real..I like Mr. KOF's Heavy D! any day of the week over Justin Wongs...


Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 06, 2011, 02:58:08 PM
It's true what the answers has said....Justin wins in KOF while I win in Sf4! Gotta balance it out somehow =P

I saw you take out Alex Valle in AE last night, seemed like a pretty serious match and I know he knows how to use Ryu too, good stuff John!


That was Valle playing? My eyes have gone bad.

Dandy J

Wow 4 pages for a 5 man tournament? Heh. You guys are reading way too much into this. I fully expected both tournaments to be canceled along with Melty due to low entrants, but there were just enough people for a round robin and Spooky wanted to start the stream off with something. No one here (including myself) plays KOF actively anymore. Too many new games that people like (including myself) kills interest in anything older than SF4. Tourneys are cool and all, but when I know no one is actively playing/practicing, and half the people that should have and could have entered don't bother, it's pointless. Could've just played 5 million casuals instead.

As far as I'm concerned KOF is dead in the US until people outside of the core community actually care about playing it, i.e. when and if 13 gets a home port. I am glad it was on the stream and I got to talk about the game a little, though. Maybe if the UM ports had good online, people could actually practice a little and feel confident enough to enter tourneys, and it could have an actual scene.

BTW Justin's King is 20% lamer than mine, minimum. :7)


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 05, 2011, 11:12:24 PM
Quote from: syxx on May 05, 2011, 11:05:20 PM
i was gonna post justin wong vs dark geese in NGBC but mysteriously i can't find the video

so many comments over a 5 person tournament lol

He is good in NGBC (Triad would agree even, but wait what do I KNOW RIGHT??) , but he is NOT in KOF... (Oh yeah remember WE TIED FOR 1ST IN THAT TOURNAMENT DAN, HE DIDNT WANT TO RUN IT BACK IN GRAND FINALS!!!)

I thought about trolling like Dan, but mysteriously ooohhh, I decided to be a better man and NOT TO DO IT.

He (Justin) even said the ONLY game he would money match me in ...is..NGBC..

No KOF, nothing else. That's the only game he actually stands a good chance at playing me in!!!! (Garou MOTW too because I don't play it.)

But again..NOT KOF.

So many comments over a 5 man tournament? Well because to many they see what I have been saying all along- it's basically that Justin Wong is playing not so good competition that is how he is winning and that history just continues to repeat itself over and over again.

Plus if this is what it is going to take to get more people playing, so be it! They see this, will train up and try to make sure Justin doesn't get these easy wins anymore!

I'm sorry, but every NGBC match I see Justin Wong playing, he's ONLY using Big and Kim... Both top tier and braindead easy to use... Granted, they're beatable, but because of the tools they both have, its uphill still... Does he play anybody other than these 2??? I mean of course I see why he would only money match you in this game... It's like some cat saying "I'm only gonna money match you in JJBA because I play the hell outta Petshop' (extremely high tier character, damn near broken)... Or money matching in T6 'cause he mashes out with Bob... And cats watch these matches on Youtube, and start jizzing their pants saying "Oh he's so skilled in a game I've never seen before", "He must have just picked this game up, and he's awesome", blah blah blah overhype... FOHWTS...

Not trying to hate though, because I play Big, but I use him in all the games he's in, plus I picked him up in NGBC before I knew he was top tier... Plus I play other characters... But cats sweat him real hard... You right DG, dude does pick his fights...

Quote from: Dandy J on May 09, 2011, 06:15:18 PM
As far as I'm concerned KOF is dead in the US until people outside of the core community actually care about playing it, i.e. when and if 13 gets a home port. I am glad it was on the stream and I got to talk about the game a little, though. Maybe if the UM ports had good online, people could actually practice a little and feel confident enough to enter tourneys, and it could have an actual scene.

So sad, but true...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

Jinxhand- It's the truth man, I understand the man is legendary, he's Justin Wong yes I understand...but he is not a God in everything. Hell I don't even want people sweating me, I tell people I am human like anyone else, please don't jockride me or put me on a pedestal, all I am IS A GUIDE..use me to to GET WHERE YOU WANT TO GO!!!

In regards to Justin- He doesn't play anyone else other than Kim-Big. He can take Kim-Big right now, money match me, and certainly at the level I'm at right now just from playing KOF in Mexico, he won't beat me. Playing KOF in Mexico has actually helped my SvC Chaos game and my NGBC game tremendously, I see things I simply didn't see before not even 3 years ago when we played.

So I would LOVE to play Justin Wong in NGBC for money, I'd have Neo Dio, Hanzo, Kisarah, Athena, Tung, Kim, Robert, Kyo, IORI, GEESE ready for him and I even think I could go toe to toe with him even mirror match Kim-Big team because I understand both characters better (Kim due to KOF) and Big (due to 98UM) due to playing in Mexico!!!

So again all Justin has to do is say the word!!!! I accept!


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 09, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
Jinxhand- It's the truth man, I understand the man is legendary, he's Justin Wong yes I understand...but he is not a God in everything. Hell I don't even want people sweating me, I tell people I am human like anyone else, please don't jockride me or put me on a pedestal, all I am IS A GUIDE..use me to to GET WHERE YOU WANT TO GO!!!

I don't think you have to worry about anyone putting you on a pedestal.


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 09, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
Playing KOF in Mexico has actually helped my SvC Chaos game and my NGBC game tremendously, I see things I simply didn't see before not even 3 years ago when we played.

I'm saying man, hook a homeboy up with that knowledge, eh???

Quote from: Dark Geese on May 09, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
In regards to Justin- He doesn't play anyone else other than Kim-Big.

I'm just simply wondering why did he specifically pick those characters though, I mean sure, he plays Chun in any other game, but she just happened to be top tier in 3S... She's top in TvC I believe as well... He also plays Cammy in other games, but she was top tier in XvSF, or at least was high enough to be a threat, although everyone damn near had an infinite in that game... I got a feeling if he were to play GG, he'd be maining Slayer or Eddie, and if he were to play say FHD, he'd be whoring Karnov right now, and not a character that he can make strong with skills...

I mean, I'm not against top tier characters... I'm just tripping off of cats who sweat top players crushing cats with top tier characters in SNK games, and he doesn't really go where the real heads are at, 'cause that curtain's gonna get ripped the hell off, ya know?? I don't sweat most top players anyway, but I do give props where its deserved... I mean I'm not gonna watch a Youtube vid of Daigo crushing cats in MK9 with some top tier character (or any character) and start drooling-- man I don't even do that watching SF vids you know what I'm saying?
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: jinxhand on May 09, 2011, 11:54:42 PM
and if he were to play say FHD, he'd be whoring Karnov right now, and not a character that he can make strong with skills...

He did actually. I remember some random mini tourney that had FHD and he used Karnov raped everyone. It's out on youtube somewhere.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Dark Geese

Quote from: jinxhand on May 09, 2011, 11:54:42 PM
Quote from: Dark Geese on May 09, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
Playing KOF in Mexico has actually helped my SvC Chaos game and my NGBC game tremendously, I see things I simply didn't see before not even 3 years ago when we played.

I'm saying man, hook a homeboy up with that knowledge, eh???

Quote from: Dark Geese on May 09, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
In regards to Justin- He doesn't play anyone else other than Kim-Big.

I'm just simply wondering why did he specifically pick those characters though, I mean sure, he plays Chun in any other game, but she just happened to be top tier in 3S... She's top in TvC I believe as well... He also plays Cammy in other games, but she was top tier in XvSF, or at least was high enough to be a threat, although everyone damn near had an infinite in that game... I got a feeling if he were to play GG, he'd be maining Slayer or Eddie, and if he were to play say FHD, he'd be whoring Karnov right now, and not a character that he can make strong with skills...

I mean, I'm not against top tier characters... I'm just tripping off of cats who sweat top players crushing cats with top tier characters in SNK games, and he doesn't really go where the real heads are at, 'cause that curtain's gonna get ripped the hell off, ya know?? I don't sweat most top players anyway, but I do give props where its deserved... I mean I'm not gonna watch a Youtube vid of Daigo crushing cats in MK9 with some top tier character (or any character) and start drooling-- man I don't even do that watching SF vids you know what I'm saying?

You've figured it out, all he does is learn the top tier characters in a game for the most part and then he stops learning the game because that is all he will need to know to beat people here in that given game!!!

In regards to what I see from Mexico, I'd have to break it down with you in PMs because now I see instant overheads I didn't use before all kinds of stuff!

I'm not against learning the tops in a game either, my MO is this- if you learn at least 80% of the cast in the game you pretty much have every right to pick who you choose because you've put the time and effort to learn everyone!

Someone who just takes the shortcuts and learns a few of the cast is gonna get destroyed give or take by many of the REAL players who know how to play almost all of the cast at a high level, but as I said, Justin does not play these players....and he knows where they are.

So his win count and legendary status goes up because he continues to dodge these players!

That'd be like me dodging someone like Kula in Mexico if he was right there for me to play.  I have the opposite mentality, I'd rather play the STRONGEST opponents in the world win lose or draw and get better from that than just play weak opponents and collect my wins.

Playing weak opponents to me does very little..I walk away with an empty feeling after victory. But I get satisfaction even LOSING to a high calibur player...

Ash- You'd be surprised my friend I got some people I gotta reiterate this to right now....from some of my youtube videos etc.


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 10, 2011, 01:18:19 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on May 09, 2011, 11:54:42 PM
Quote from: Dark Geese on May 09, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
Playing KOF in Mexico has actually helped my SvC Chaos game and my NGBC game tremendously, I see things I simply didn't see before not even 3 years ago when we played.

I'm saying man, hook a homeboy up with that knowledge, eh???

Quote from: Dark Geese on May 09, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
In regards to Justin- He doesn't play anyone else other than Kim-Big.

I'm just simply wondering why did he specifically pick those characters though, I mean sure, he plays Chun in any other game, but she just happened to be top tier in 3S... She's top in TvC I believe as well... He also plays Cammy in other games, but she was top tier in XvSF, or at least was high enough to be a threat, although everyone damn near had an infinite in that game... I got a feeling if he were to play GG, he'd be maining Slayer or Eddie, and if he were to play say FHD, he'd be whoring Karnov right now, and not a character that he can make strong with skills...

I mean, I'm not against top tier characters... I'm just tripping off of cats who sweat top players crushing cats with top tier characters in SNK games, and he doesn't really go where the real heads are at, 'cause that curtain's gonna get ripped the hell off, ya know?? I don't sweat most top players anyway, but I do give props where its deserved... I mean I'm not gonna watch a Youtube vid of Daigo crushing cats in MK9 with some top tier character (or any character) and start drooling-- man I don't even do that watching SF vids you know what I'm saying?

You've figured it out, all he does is learn the top tier characters in a game for the most part and then he stops learning the game because that is all he will need to know to beat people here in that given game!!!

In regards to what I see from Mexico, I'd have to break it down with you in PMs because now I see instant overheads I didn't use before all kinds of stuff!

I'm not against learning the tops in a game either, my MO is this- if you learn at least 80% of the cast in the game you pretty much have every right to pick who you choose because you've put the time and effort to learn everyone!

Someone who just takes the shortcuts and learns a few of the cast is gonna get destroyed give or take by many of the REAL players who know how to play almost all of the cast at a high level, but as I said, Justin does not play these players....and he knows where they are.

So his win count and legendary status goes up because he continues to dodge these players!

That'd be like me dodging someone like Kula in Mexico if he was right there for me to play.  I have the opposite mentality, I'd rather play the STRONGEST opponents in the world win lose or draw and get better from that than just play weak opponents and collect my wins.

Playing weak opponents to me does very little..I walk away with an empty feeling after victory. But I get satisfaction even LOSING to a high calibur player...

Ash- You'd be surprised my friend I got some people I gotta reiterate this to right now....from some of my youtube videos etc.

You'll be surprised about how much of the opposite there is.

I don't think being able to use most of the cast justifies if you can use mainly top tiers or not. In fact I don't think anyone needs any justification at all and just pick whatever characters they want to use. Who is to tell someone what characters they should and shouldn't use?

Also about using top tiers, don't a lot of top mexican players use a lot of top tier characters as well? I could've sworn there's a lot of Billy/Angel usage.

One thing I'd like to point out is I'm not defending Justin Wong in particular, but anyone who picks top tier characters. I mean you can take any player and find a reason to bash on them. Here at dream cancel we're suppose to respect other players and other games. I only point out that putting you on a pedestal issue because you aren't respecting other players as it seems. You wouldn't want the same happening to yourself if people try to find a reason to discredit anything you do. If so, this would be SRK forums all over again.

Dark Geese

Quote from: Ash on May 10, 2011, 01:47:17 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on May 10, 2011, 01:18:19 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on May 09, 2011, 11:54:42 PM
Quote from: Dark Geese on May 09, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
Playing KOF in Mexico has actually helped my SvC Chaos game and my NGBC game tremendously, I see things I simply didn't see before not even 3 years ago when we played.

I'm saying man, hook a homeboy up with that knowledge, eh???

Quote from: Dark Geese on May 09, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
In regards to Justin- He doesn't play anyone else other than Kim-Big.

I'm just simply wondering why did he specifically pick those characters though, I mean sure, he plays Chun in any other game, but she just happened to be top tier in 3S... She's top in TvC I believe as well... He also plays Cammy in other games, but she was top tier in XvSF, or at least was high enough to be a threat, although everyone damn near had an infinite in that game... I got a feeling if he were to play GG, he'd be maining Slayer or Eddie, and if he were to play say FHD, he'd be whoring Karnov right now, and not a character that he can make strong with skills...

I mean, I'm not against top tier characters... I'm just tripping off of cats who sweat top players crushing cats with top tier characters in SNK games, and he doesn't really go where the real heads are at, 'cause that curtain's gonna get ripped the hell off, ya know?? I don't sweat most top players anyway, but I do give props where its deserved... I mean I'm not gonna watch a Youtube vid of Daigo crushing cats in MK9 with some top tier character (or any character) and start drooling-- man I don't even do that watching SF vids you know what I'm saying?

You've figured it out, all he does is learn the top tier characters in a game for the most part and then he stops learning the game because that is all he will need to know to beat people here in that given game!!!

In regards to what I see from Mexico, I'd have to break it down with you in PMs because now I see instant overheads I didn't use before all kinds of stuff!

I'm not against learning the tops in a game either, my MO is this- if you learn at least 80% of the cast in the game you pretty much have every right to pick who you choose because you've put the time and effort to learn everyone!

Someone who just takes the shortcuts and learns a few of the cast is gonna get destroyed give or take by many of the REAL players who know how to play almost all of the cast at a high level, but as I said, Justin does not play these players....and he knows where they are.

So his win count and legendary status goes up because he continues to dodge these players!

That'd be like me dodging someone like Kula in Mexico if he was right there for me to play.  I have the opposite mentality, I'd rather play the STRONGEST opponents in the world win lose or draw and get better from that than just play weak opponents and collect my wins.

Playing weak opponents to me does very little..I walk away with an empty feeling after victory. But I get satisfaction even LOSING to a high calibur player...

Ash- You'd be surprised my friend I got some people I gotta reiterate this to right now....from some of my youtube videos etc.

You'll be surprised about how much of the opposite there is.

I don't think being able to use most of the cast justifies if you can use mainly top tiers or not. In fact I don't think anyone needs any justification at all and just pick whatever characters they want to use. Who is to tell someone what characters they should and shouldn't use?

Also about using top tiers, don't a lot of top mexican players use a lot of top tier characters as well? I could've sworn there's a lot of Billy/Angel usage.

One thing I'd like to point out is I'm not defending Justin Wong in particular, but anyone who picks top tier characters. I mean you can take any player and find a reason to bash on them. Here at dream cancel we're suppose to respect other players and other games. I only point out that putting you on a pedestal issue because you aren't respecting other players as it seems. You wouldn't want the same happening to yourself if people try to find a reason to discredit anything you do. If so, this would be SRK forums all over again.

Trust me I respect Justin Wong as a player, I just am trying to make sure that people know the full story about what is going on and do not give him too much credit prematurely. I personally to tell you the truth do not care who people play one way or another, but I just want to make sure that people know the full story.

That's really it.

Otherwise I don't care if Justin Wong picks every top tier character in every game. I just don't want people thinking Justin Wong can go around the world or to California or places like that and do what he is doing in these other parts of the USA.

That's really all I am trying to convey to people. It hits on a bigger concept, and that's people that "take shortcuts" instead of actually learning the game.

That can only get you so far, and you may win a few beginner to intermediate level tournaments, but when you actually play as Mr. KOF says "veterans" or those of high level skill or an international tournament, you will be exposed for all the stuff you do not know.

Take a look at the Hummer situation- because people around him in Japan were not learning all these other characters, the characters in Mexico tripped him up..why?

Because most of the players in Japan didn't use the characters that the players in Mexico were using!! Thus again all I am saying is if you do not learn all the characters or try to gain that experience, in the end you are only hurting yourself if you wish to compete on an international level!!!

Otherwise again I honestly don't care who anyone picks, because I am more focused on bettering myself than to truly worry about who others pick.

People are going to always find reasons to try and discredit me I am very much aware of that, if they are going to look for something they are going to find it.

Also trust me I am not surprised by how much of the opposite there is, I understand I am the pariah in the USA, and trust me I embrace that role and truly don't have any problems with it.  Pariah in the USA=I fit right in in Mexico.

In the end it was just a situational mismatch. I am better suited for Mexico than I am the USA.


It should be the other way around...the players JWong beat should be embarrassed they lost to him. He shouldn't be looked up to. The players, I felt, had no real knowledge of the game. I wouldn't have let him win that shit. 

Just Don't look in the trunk...


Quote from: LouisCipher on May 10, 2011, 12:20:31 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on May 09, 2011, 11:54:42 PM
and if he were to play say FHD, he'd be whoring Karnov right now, and not a character that he can make strong with skills...

He did actually. I remember some random mini tourney that had FHD and he used Karnov raped everyone. It's out on youtube somewhere.

Yeah man I came across it looking for some tourney matches last night...


A big fat LOL at some of the comments, too...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dojo Destroyer

Quote from: jinxhand on May 10, 2011, 10:52:13 PM
Quote from: LouisCipher on May 10, 2011, 12:20:31 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on May 09, 2011, 11:54:42 PM
and if he were to play say FHD, he'd be whoring Karnov right now, and not a character that he can make strong with skills...

He did actually. I remember some random mini tourney that had FHD and he used Karnov raped everyone. It's out on youtube somewhere.

Yeah man I came across it looking for some tourney matches last night...


A big fat LOL at some of the comments, too...
What?! There's a fighting game for this??? Lol! Nice.