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Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 General Discussion

Started by Running Wild, July 31, 2010, 08:30:20 AM

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Quote from: God 2.0 on April 13, 2011, 01:22:28 PM
I disagree. I'd never put Joe anywhere higher than mid tier.

- His comboable normals generally have terrible range. #1 worst range in the game. This is a problem considering most of his specials are designed for long-range play. Granted, the light SLash Kick is great at closing distance if spaced properly, but it will still place him outside effective combo range.
- He cannot combo into his sweep.
- He has no effective overhead. Because a good player knows that he cannot land a low hit as the third hit in his combo string, they can always block the third hit high, easily stopping his chain overhead.
- TNT punches are decent as a breakshot and for heavy damage combos, but the overhead followup is pointless since there is no low alternative. He really need the low followup from KOF series.
- Great when he has a life lead, very bad when he needs to go on the offence.

On the good side, he has probably the game's best long and medium range zoning tools, on par or better than Chon-Rei, Andy, and Yamazaki's. The addition of a standard low kick, low kick, sweep combo would have helped his offence tremendously.

I can kind of agree. Trying to play as Joe in this game, I felt he was...lacking. I dunno, something felt off. I've played as Joe in just about every game he's ever been in, and something feels off about him in this one. I guess you summed up what I was feeling (though I didn't realize all of that)


joe is actually really solid. solid mid, hes got a great dp, best poke in the whole game that pretty much punishes anything not dp or  ;a ;b, namely his  ;fd ;fd ;c. his  ;bk ;b has some serious priority as well iirc.

his  ;a,  ;c, chain hits from far, same for his  ;a,  ;a,  ;b/ ;a? chain. both these can be cancelled into his slash kick (hard & light?) and also be cancelled into his tnt punch  ;c finisher into light slashkick, all for good damage that can be done far away. best part, for his  ;a,  ;c then feint chain you aint even gotta be that close, cancel that into his far  ;b,  ;c chain and finish it with either the normal  ;dn ;df ;fd ;c finisher or slashkick, maybe tnt, directly  ;c  finisher into slashkick.

joe has some solid damaging far reaching combos, you just gotta appreciate them. you just gotta accept that to land his super combo or most damaging combo you gotta be right next to your opponent or it wont combo.

for those that dont know, his launcher chain has his most damaging (non ppower) combos. but its gotta be done soo fucking close thats its already really hard after a jump in. either crouching  ;a,  ;b, into  ;df ;c or  ;a,  ;b,  ;df ;c (i think it might have been possible with the  ;a,  ;a,  ;df ;c, but havent played the game in ages). finish the combo with hard slash kick into tiger kick or directly go for screw upper.

good thing his ppower is easy to combo.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


just done reading last 2 pages.

retarded comment the the yt link wioth ricks infinite. this infinite is soo hard to land, that when they do land it you shouldnt mind it any way. its that fucking hard. once you land it though, hitting dp  ;a is retardedly easy and pretrty much impossible to fuck up. but the thing is, they gotta be in that exact position before the second dp ;a hits them (or first if you dont know how).

bobs infinite takes skill and timing, theres only 2 frames in which he can continue his infinite, right above his feet, and right below his feet.

sokaku needs skill, andf distancing to do, once your in the right distance (youyr opponents fucked) you can easily keep going on. but you need to do a lot of inputs and not fuck up the timing in order for the infinite to continue. so unlike rick, you gotta be right distance AND not fuck up your inputs (since with ricks dirt easy dpA repeat its not that hard). sokaku is soo low tier that even with the infinite, he still wouldnt be owning people up with the infinite. with his slow jump and low damage combos (unless, like joe you can get super close) theres no way your getting anybody in the corner to begin with.

now if you really wanna talk overpowered and not fair infinites, take alfred. theres a reason he aint selectable normally.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Then Musolini,u had to watch my dailymotion account 2 years back,when it wasnt banned lol,

sorry sokaku isnt low tier,hes difficult to play because i agree with u for the low jumps and i add that he have 2 shitty  Fury Powers,but he have a good stand  ;c,a good  ;up ;dn ;d from the plane and a shield against bullets  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;b and it does 3 hits in close range follow with  ;c and finally with 360°+ ;c

his Makibishi are slow but enough efficiency, a good anti jump  ;db ;a a jumpin throw  ;db ;c ,he have a weird combo of 2 hits  ;dn ;b ;bk ;c that get the opponent into the 2nd plan ,and his clones can finish by 5 different finishs even an anti air  ;df ;c or even a catching plan  ;d and his combo close up  ;dn ;b ;c 2X ;dn ;c does great damage and can even became a anti air when u do it quick.

but hes hard to play,that is true,all is move is for cornering,oh i forgot...only the combo  ;a ;c ;bk ;fd ;bk ;c can do great damage,and the last move can became an anti air too,or even  eat the last life while blocking

so compared to geese or terry and bob,hes not good,but he have good match ups sometimes.


I'd still place Joe High low (lowest of the high tiers) or highest of the mid tiers. Or maybe that's just because Yor is the man.

Any ideas on how to level up my Krauser? He's got some good pokes, but his projectile game isn't too good at midscreen, excluding his projectile super of course  ;) . But his AA game sucks hard, and his AB is his only fast tool that works as an AA and a GTFO move. The only other way he can get out of rush down pressure is by line-swaying. I need to get better at short hops with him, I think there's untapped potential there.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


i dont know how to use him properly,but an exemple of feint: u can do in the mid screen

;dn ;a  ;c  ;dn ;a+ ;c(Feint ball) then Dash 2X ;fd and then finish with one of his grab:
;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;b or even  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;a 2X ;fd ;f ;c  ;fd ;dn ;df ;c

and if the opponent rushing on u with combos while u are blocking,if u have S. Pow u can do his Kaiser Wave in breakshot,its not difficult i think,

his  ;a+ ;b can be performed after a Leg Tomahawk,and this kick have to be used for counter jumps in long range,and mid range u can counter jumps with  ;fd ;dn ;df ;c but u have to make the opponent jump with the feint  ;dn ;a+ ;c

or as the others said if u r sure that the oponnent will jump with anything u can make a counter throw  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;c

in other case his combo  ;c (2Hits)  ;df ;c  ;fd ;dn ;df ;c can do great damage,

his Jump  ;b can hit far behind the opponent,and it can be used for those using  ;a+ ;b too much.

well i dont have any good idea for Krauser =/


Quote from: Yor on April 29, 2011, 10:09:07 AM

in other case his combo  ;c (2Hits)  ;df ;c  ;fd ;dn ;df ;c can do great damage,

I know all about that one, does about 40-45% damage. Problem is that C is such a slow attack to get off. I like your ideas about AC feints though. Don't forget he can cancel his sweep into any attack, I think this includes his Kaiser Wave but I haven't gotten that out consistently.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Yea his sweep have a good range in plus,right can cancel it into feints or Kaiser Wave,then u can mix up ur game with his Sweep  ;c and his overhead  ;fd ;a,well after a jumping attack the oponnent put the block down often,this is maybe the case to do it,i dont know how to hit with that stuff.

Rex Dart

I have an honest question that I hope doesn't make me sound like a dumb jerk.

Why is Real Bout 2 so much more popular than the rest of the Real Bout series? I know the roster is the biggest and best-balanced, but are the other games still played by anyone? If Real Bout 2 didn't exist, would Real Bout Special still be getting love?

I've only played the series casually with friends, but always found RBS to be more fun than RB2. I guess I want to know what competitive players think of it.


let me put it simply, in rb1 everyu character is vastly overpowered and most characters can kill you as soon as they get s or ppower. not to mention the ring outs suck, if some stages had ring outs, others had breaking rings that cause stun (ala rbs) and others had 1 plane like in rb2 it would have been way better. ring outs in all stages but geeses make this the rb that isnt as good as the others. some things ae straight overpowered and cant even be broken through with some characters (honfu skyfirenooki  ;a version).

RBS is a very fun game and one of the best looking ones imo. i love the breaking rings that stun instead of giving you a ring out. shame is mosts characters can stun you in 1 combo if they get you in the corner. the characters are still loaded with lots of moves and chains. worst part about the game is that most characters all resemble each other and theres isnt much variety between characters, cept for the ex characters.

RB2 is basically the best game in the series because it fixes all of the other games flaws. every character in this game feels different from the other, even though lots of characters still have the standard  ;a ;b ;c chain. the flaws in this game are also in the other RB games (no tick throws and no guard breaks). the only flaw this game does have that the others dont have is tha the characters are in their most watered down version which sucks imo. compared to rb1 and rbs a lot of characters lost a chitload of moves. but its still by far the best rb game out there, if only we could have gotten a perfect rb game....
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


The Japanese still play RB1 at least the ones from "I'm not boy". I have yet to see them play RBS though. Maybe they just feel the game isn't as good for some reason. That doesn't mean the game sucks or anything. It is a bit strange though that they don't play it. I do agree with Musolini though that RB2 does feel engine wise complete compared to the other games.  
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.


imagine if it had guard break and tickthrows in it, that would have pretty much made it perfect. and some more moves and chains for some of the characters that got the worst out of rb2. personally i think a better version of rb, something like RB3 would be far more interresting than motw2 imo. motw has too many comparisons with sf and kof in general, while rb felt totally fresh, something totally different.

also a new darkstalkers (sf4style3d) and new SS (2dHD) game wouldbe the shit.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

God 2.0

Personally I'd like tickthrows, techable throws, and a separate throw command. For characters with several normal throws, the more damaging ones should have a slightly bigger tech window and/or longer miss animation.

The game would probably need a lot of rebalancing if this was reality though.


tech and tick throws is a great idea. sepperate throw command is not needed imo.

also why do you feel the game would need new rebalancing? i dont think its that neccesarry. personally id also like a guard break meter in the game.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

God 2.0

Well, some characters would gain immense buffs by such a change. Bob comes to mind. You'd suddently have a character with a normal throw that can do infinite damage, or at least do a huge amount. In the game's current state, Bob's normal throw is very good, but balanced by being very hard to land.

Rick is one of the characters in the game with the best setup for his normal throw ( ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a spaced to miss). With tick throws, he would also do be able to do his feint loops into tick throws. The high risk in going for a tech rather than block would make his offence even scarier than it already is.

Characters that have command throws already can use some limited tick throw setups. With a throw button, you could be able to do dashing throws, there's no risk of getting a throw as an accident, and finally characters that mash C would not get automatic techs like in Garou.

Throw button + miss animation > throw with normal attack button IMO. Always.

Personally I don't like guard meters. I don't see why a player should be rewarded for not mixing up well and get blocked. Blocking is a skill just as much as attacking is a skill and should not be punished when done well.

Also, about Sokaku.
Sokaku's damage is not that bad actually. He can do a fast and easy combo with ;a , ;c , ;fd ;bk ;fd + ;c for ok damage, and he can also deal very high damage from a far ;b , ;c , mash ;a (3 hits), ;fd + ;c -> ;dn + ;c .

His chain mixups are so-so, and rely on the shadow dance mixups, which are ok. His 360 is pretty good however, dealing around 25% with the guaranteed pursuit attack.