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[NORCAL] KOF XIII Ranking Battles @ Southtown Arcade | July 10th 2011

Started by Reiki.Kito, June 12, 2011, 08:34:13 AM

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Location: Southtown Arcade; 447 Stockton Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
Pre-registration is possible and encouraged! $7 each game; this includes the house fee ($2) and your pot contribution ($5). NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES FOR ANY REASON.


First place winner gets a shirt and sticker of their choosing AND a special prize!
Second place winner gets a t-shirt of their choosing!
Third place winner gets a sticker of their choosing!

Game: King of Fighters XIII
Platform: Arcade
Start Date: Sunday, July 24th
Start Time: 12pm Registration, 1pm Start time
End Time: 6-7pm (+/- an Hour)
Entry Fee: $7 pre-registration per person (You still need to pay .50 cents per play!); $2 to the house, $5 to the pot
Max Entries: 32
Prizes: 70/20/10% of the pot for 1st/2nd/3rd Place (Pots paid at end of Season)

Game will be set to Event mode (game will end/reset after each match has concluded)

All characters are allowed:

* Glitches are allowed, provided they do not crash the game.

* Infinities are allowed.

*Double Elimination. Best of 3 matches

* Grand Finals will be Three out of Five matches.

* Coin toss determines 1P/2P side.

*Losing player may reselect characters. DO NOT put the game in Training Mode.

* Double-blind character selection available upon request for the first game per match ONLY.

* Sudden Death: In the event of a tie, BOTH players will take a loss. If it comes down to the final match for both players, then a Sudden Death blind-pick single game will determine the outcome.

* Controller Failure: If you suspect a control malfunction or failure, immediately raise your hands to halt the match. You may not retroactively call control failure after a round or match has finished. This will be penalized as a Forfeiture if abused to gain an advantage in a match.

* DQ/Forfeiture: If you cause interference during a match for any reason, you are subject to forfeiture of the round. If it is deemed intentional, you may be subject to a two-round forfeiture or outright disqualification.

* In case of a dispute that is not covered by this rule set, final decision will be made by a judge; all decisions made by judges are final. All participants will be made aware of who the judges are during registration.

Round 1: July 10th ENDED (Results in results section)

Round 2: July 24th

Round 3: August 7th

Round 4: August 21st

Round 5: September 4th

Round 6 (Finals): September 23rd


Results page:
This post lists the results of the tournaments held for the first season of the Southtown Arcade KoF ranbats. Top 8 gain points that day and are listed. Players with no points are not listed but the brackets will be listed for them as well.

July 10th Ranking Battles:

1. Geo.YUC (Kula, Terry, Robert): 10
2. Isaiah (Shen, Vice, Maxima or Ralf, Shen, Maxima): 7
3. CharREX (Iori, Clark, Kyo): 5
4. Renzo (Andy, Raiden, K' or Andy, Shen, K'): 3
5. Paul (Andy, Elisabeth, K'): 2
6. Fatacon (Leona, Duolon, King or Vice, Duolon, King): 2
7. Hotpockets (Joe, Kim, Terry): 1
8. D' (Iori, K', Athena or Kyo, K', Athena): 1

July 24th Ranking Battles:
1. CMD.DUC (Ash) (Predominant Teams: K', Ash, Shen or Iori, Ash, Shen): 10
2. Kane317 (Duolon, Shen, Chin): 7
3. Renzo (Andy, Raiden, K' or Andy, Shen, K'): 5
4. DemonNinja (Andy, Kula, Raiden): 3
5. 4leaf (Mature, Leona, Athena or Shen, Leona, Mature):2
6. Fixel (Ralf, Shen, Ryo): 2
7. Fatacon (Duolon, Leona, King): 1
8. Hotpockets (Joe, Kim, Terry or Ryo, Joe, Terry): 1

August 7th Ranking Battles:
1. Geo.YUC(Terry, Robert, Kula): 10
2. CharREX (Iori, Clark, Kyo): 7
3. DemoNinja (Andy, Raiden, Kula): 5
4. Fixel (Ryo, Shen, Kyo): 3
5. Reiki (K', Terry, Maxima): 2
6. Haunts (K', Kim, Kyo): 2
7. N4US (Terry, Leona, Benimaru): 1
8. TastyLumpia (K', Elisabeth, Raiden): 1

August 21st Ranking Battles:
1. Geo.YUC (Terry, Robert, Kula): 10
2. Isaiah (Ryo, Elizabeth, Vice, Maxima): 7
3. Fatacon (Duolon, King, Andy): 5
4. Fixel (Ryo, Shen, Kyo): 3
5. CharREX (Iori, Kyo, Clark): 2
6. Reiki (K', Terry, Maxima): 2
7. N4US (Terry, Leona, Benimaru): 1
8. Hotpockets (Joe, Kim, Terry): 1

September 4th Ranking Battles:
1. BBZ (Elizabeth, Shen, K'): 10
2. Jose (Iori, Robert, Terry): 7
3. Fixel (Ryo, Shen, Ralf): 5
4. Fatacon (Duolon, King, Leona, Andy): 3
5. DemoNinja (Kyo, Andy, Kula): 2
5. Christian (Yuri, Kula, Athena): 2
7. Haunts (K', Kyo, Kim): 1
7. RogerDodger (Shen, Mai, Kim): 1

September 11th Ranking Battles:
1. BBZ (Elizabeth, Shen, K', Kula): 10
2. CharRex (Iori, Clark, Kyo): 7
3. Fixel (Ryo, Shen, Ralf): 5
4. RogerDoger (Mai, Shen, Kim): 3
5. Haunts (Kyo, K', Kim): 2
5. Christian (Yuri, Kula, Athena): 2
7. Reiki (K', Terry, Maxima): 1
7. Alex M. (Leona, Maxima, Kula): 1

Current Standings:
1. Geo.YUC = 30
2. CharREX = 21
3. BBZ = 20
4. Fixel= 18
5. Isaiah = 14
6. Fatacon = 11
7. CMD.DUC = 10
7. DemoNinja = 10
9. Renzo = 8
10. Kane317 = 7
10. Jose = 7
12. Reiki = 5
12. Haunts = 5
14. RogerDodger = 4
14. Christian = 4
16. Hotpockets = 3
17. Paul = 2
17. 4leaf = 2
17. N4US = 2
20. D' = 1
20. TastyLumpia = 1
20. Alex M. = 1


@Kof peeps: If you guys are cool with it, there's space on Sundays to run the ranbats. It might be possible to get the stream on iPlayWinner just like AE and MvC3. If you're not okay with Sunday, please let me know otherwise I will change it to Sunday. As it stands, it's still going to be Friday the 8th.


Sorry, dude. If we have it on sunday, watch it on the stream at iPlayWinner :-D


If you guys are streaming next week, let me know. I'll make the trip up north.


how will you do the standings?

this is interesting and would like to start somethin like this in MEXICO DF when i get back...


Results are posted for the Top 8 of July 10th! Please check the second post. There are 5 more rounds till the end of the season!

Ranking battles are done by points. Top 8 participants get points ranging from 10 to 1. The people with the most points at the end of the season (which is 6 weeks biweekly), are ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd respectively. Just a note, we were an hour late, but had consistent stream of matches so delays weren't that bad! I figure it would be nightmarish with more though!

In any case, congrats to all participants!


"Top 8 participants get points ranging from 10 to 1"

How do you decide how much points?


1st gets 10
2nd gets 7
3rd gets 5
4th gets 3
5th and 6th get 2
7th and 8th get 1

You can do it any way you want. In other tournaments I run, I usually give them even numbers so the math comes out simple. However, Southtown prefers odd numbers so it's okay.


Didn't notice until now, but, you should put the timer at 60 seconds per match, not 99....


Quote from: elrosa on July 13, 2011, 06:59:17 AM
Didn't notice until now, but, you should put the timer at 60 seconds per match, not 99....

After testing it recently, I can see your point and I'll bring it up to Southtown to see if that can be changed for the tournament.


Do we get punished if we put it in training mode. I'm just asking is it cool if I put it in training mode but pick the same team? I autopilot and set it to training mode 90% of the time.


It takes more effort to put INTO training mode than out of it. It's just a common courtesy for me because I have to run it and if someone complains that you switched characters or something; I have to mediate it. It makes it that much easier for problems to start. So if you could please do that, it'd make things run smoothly and give no one a reason to complain.

If something goes wrong, I'd rather it be something I can control like a 3 vs. 5 goof up than having to reset the game because someone accused you of cheating.


Yeah I'll try to remember to not put it in training mode. Like I said though I do it automatically.