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Messages - ESB Cancel

Sorry to bring up non-related fighting games into a KOF/SNK centered forum. But I have a suggestion for the wiki's.

I was wondering if Dreamcancel can do something similar to the Dustloop forums and their character wiki's and combine character moves/move name/move description/frame data "all in one" for KOF characters? For example: http://www.dustloop.com/wiki/index.php?title=Sol_Badguy_%28GGAC%29

Another example: http://www.dustloop.com/wiki/index.php?title=Yu_Narukami_%28P4Arena%29

If you look at the move description for the characters, they have:
1) a still image of the sprite to show what the moves look like with button notation/move names
2) frame data right next to it in a chart format
3) and below that, a description of the moves, its properties, and it's different versions (for specials/supers A, B, C, D, EX, etc.)

After looking at some of the kof character wiki's, I thought that this format would help make reading a whole lot easier and convenient.

For example: Claw Iori's DP is called Nueuchi. The problem though is that: Newer players and/or players not familiar with Japanese might look at the frame data chart and not know what move that name is referring to unless they scroll back up to the top of the page to look at the movelist and then back down to compare frame data again. Same situation can be applied to other vaguely named attacks.

But with this new format the movelist, move names, move description and frame data are combined into one and it would save kof players the trouble of scrolling up and down the wiki pages to compare and look up info.

Again, just a suggestion.

Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
March 29, 2013, 11:18:37 AM
@The K1 Effect: Have you tried to use "far. C" after a blockstring? It's the forward stepping chop. The speed is pretty good, the distance is "very" good. Since she steps forward, it keeps Leona close to the opponent for more rushdown. (Use them sparingly of course.)

Also if you're afraid you can't hold a charge but got them cornered/or you have control of stage space and they want to jump out, you can do "neutral jump. D" for air to air encounters against "some" jump attacks. It has a good vertical hitbox and should keep them in the space you want them to be.

Leona is a very momentum based character. When she has the life lead it's going to be tricky for the opponent to get it back. But if she's the one falling behind, then it'll be difficult for her.

I hope this helps.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
March 22, 2013, 06:20:08 AM
@sammy5m1th: ^ Not to take anything away from the first combo in that combo video, but you can just do: far.C, HD, d.C, Moonslash A Should be way easier than two far.C's in a row. Since you would have to charge for the Moonslash A just do d.C instead. Here's a combo you can try out: (2 Meter Version of Near Corner HD Combo # 8 from wiki http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Leona_Heidern_%28XIII%29)

far.C, HD, d.C, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x4, d~u+P [HDC] qcb~hcf+AC = 908 dmg

NOTE: This combo doesn't have to be near corner either. (Just makes it easier) It can be also done at the starting position distance at the start of the round or the starting position everytime when you restart the training mode. Hope this helped. Good luck! ;)

Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
March 20, 2013, 07:51:28 AM
^ I agree, having an HD starter list would be great. But also, I think that adding the description/tactics of each starters afterwards can help players alot as well.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
March 20, 2013, 05:06:08 AM
^ Have you looked through the Leona Wiki page? The HD combos section has been updated numerous times recently and is still in the process for future updates, so there is a chance you might find an HD combo/starter you'll like.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern Wiki Thread
March 08, 2013, 07:54:29 AM
Also on the "Gameplay Notes" section where it discusses Leona's special moves. I think the names of the special moves (at the beginning of each paragraph in that section) should be bolded and/or underlined so its easier to read and easier to know what you are reading about basically.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern Wiki Thread
March 08, 2013, 07:10:41 AM
Alright, I copy/pasted the Legend from the other character wiki's I've seen but changed, took out, and/or added stuff (if that's ok?) so it reflected Leona's combos and Leona herself. What I'm curious about, is when I typed out the notations for the "charge motions", are they typed out properly? Or should they be written out in some other different way?


qcf = Quarter Circle Forward
qcb = Quarter Circle Backward
hcf = Half Circle Forward
hcb = Half Circle Backward
d~u = Charge Down then Up
b~f = Charge Back then Forward
f. = Forward
d. = Crouching or down
s. = Standing close attack
j. = Jumping
nj. = Neutral Jump
(3) = The number of hits needed to Drive Cancel
DC = Drive Cancel
HD = HD Activate
HDC = Hyper Drive Cancel
SC = Super Cancel
CH = Counter Hit
MC = Max Cancel
P = A or C
K = B or D
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern Wiki Thread
March 07, 2013, 08:18:28 AM
I'm still typing out the comments for the HD combos. But I have a suggestion, I was wondering if it was possible to put a Legend or Key of the notations (similar to the Kim wiki) in the Leona wiki so that it helps newer people understand them and makes it easier to read combos?

Also I see Leona doesn't have a "quick combo reference" section like many of the other characters. So it would be useful if she also had one. In fact, the wiki already has combos that can be used for a section like that:

0 Stocks, No Drive

  • ANYWHERE s.C (2) / s.D (2), f+B, air qcb+A = 174 dmg
  • LOW cr.Bx2, st.B, f+B, air qcb+A = 175 dmg
  • CORNER s.C (2) / s.D (2), f+B, air qcb+C, d~u+C = 222 dmg
  • ANYWHERE nj.D, (air) qcb+A = 127 dmg

1 Stock, No Drive

  • LOW cr.B, st.B, f+B, (air) qcf hcb+P = 290 dmg
  • ANYWHERE st.C, f+B, air qcf,hcb+P = 310 dmg
  • ANYWHERE nj.D, (air) qcf hcb+P = 279 dmg

1 Stock, 1 Drive

  • CORNER s.C, f.B, air qcb+C, d~u+C, [DC] b~f+D, qcf,hcb+P = 428 dmg

Again just a suggestion.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern Wiki Thread
February 28, 2013, 09:28:08 PM
Thanks Desmond and Ryujin, apologies for not posting sooner. I will be sure to have comments for them to try and help people along the way. As for her staple HD Combos for beginner I would say: (listed on the wiki) Near Corner Combo 3 and Combo 6. These are the ones I think are the basic HD combos imo

Also, I agree that there are a too many HD combos. But that is because of different Starters and Enders but the Middle is mainly the same for some of them. The reason I still listed them is because I thought it would help players know which attack to start HD from and that the damage numbers were different enough that that was enough for them to be listed. But if anyone feels that the HD list is excessive or cluttered, I apologize and I'll try to write a cleaned up/reorganized version of the HD list.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern Wiki Thread
February 16, 2013, 03:40:52 AM
Hello again, after having some time to try stuff out and type them, here are more HD combos for Leona I wanted to share for her wiki:


  • 3 Meters HD [895 Dmg]:
    s.D, HD, d.C, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x4, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb hcf+AC

  • (corner only) 3 Meters HD [916 Dmg]:
    (corner only) far.C, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb+C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x3, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb hcf+AC

  • 3 Meters HD [935 Dmg]:
    far.C,  HD, d.C, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x4, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb hcf+AC

  • 3 Meters HD [951 Dmg]:
    far.C,  HD, d.C, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x4, b~f+B [HDC] qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb hcf+AC

  • 3 Meters HD [968 Dmg]:
    far.C,  HD, d.C, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x4, d~u+P [HDC] qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb hcf+AC


  • 3 Meters HD [895 Dmg]:
    s.D, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x2, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb hcf+AC

  • 3 Meters HD [935 Dmg]:
    far.C, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x2, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb hcf+AC


  • 3 Meters HD [783 Dmg]:
    s.D, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+AC [HDC] b~f+D, b~f+B [HDC] qcb hcf+AC

  • 4 Meters HD [913 Dmg]:
    s.D, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+AC [HDC] b~f+D, b~f+B [HDC] qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb hcf+AC

  • 4 Meters HD [991 Dmg]:
    far.C, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+AC [HDC] b~f+D, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb hcf+AC
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern Wiki Thread
February 10, 2013, 06:27:05 AM
Hello, I was wondering if these HD combos could be added to Leona's wiki:

*= can "also" be done "near" corner

  • 3 Meters HD [866 Dmg]:
    s.C, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb+C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x3, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • *3 Meters HD [880 Dmg]:
    d.B, d.B, d~u+BC (HD bypass), b~f+D, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x3, d~u+P [HDC] qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • *3 Meters HD [894 Dmg]:
    d.B, d.B, d~u+BC (HD bypass), b~f+D, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x4, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • *3 Meters HD [925 Dmg]:
    d.C, HD, d.C, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x4, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • *3 Meters HD [941 Dmg]:
    d.C, HD, d.C, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x4, b~f+B [HDC] qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • *3 Meters HD [958 Dmg]:
    d.C, HD, d.C, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x4, d~u+P [HDC] qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC


  • 3 Meters HD [835 Dmg]:
    d.B, d.B, d~u+BC (HD bypass) [HDC]  b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x2, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • 3 Meters HD [838 Dmg]:
    d.B, d.B, d~u+BC (HD bypass) [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D, d~u+P [HDC] qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • 3 Meters HD [913 Dmg]:
    d.C, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, (d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D) x2, qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • 3 Meters HD [916 Dmg]:
    d.C, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, d~u+A [HDC] b~f+D, d~u+P [HDC] qcb hcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

NOTE: all of these combos are based off Leona's Trial 8 in Mission Mode

  • 3 Meters HD [751 Dmg]:
    d.B, d.B, d~u+BC (HD bypass) [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+AC [HDC] b~f+D, b~f+B, qcb qcf+AC

  • 3 Meters HD [829 Dmg]:
    d.C, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+AC [HDC] b~f+D, b~f+B, qcb qcf+AC

  • 3 Meters HD [873 Dmg]:
    (jump attack required), d.C, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+AC [HDC] b~f+D, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, qcb qcf+AC

  • 4 Meters HD [888 Dmg]:
    d.B, d.B, d~u+BC (HD bypass) [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+AC [HDC] b~f+D, b~f+B [HDC] qcb qcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • 4 Meters HD [966 Dmg]:
    d.C, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+AC [HDC] b~f+D, b~f+B [HDC] qcb qcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

  • 4 Meters HD [1007 Dmg]:
    (jump attack required), d.C, HD, d.C, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D [HDC] d~u+AC [HDC] b~f+D, d~u+C [HDC] b~f+D, qcb qcf+K [MC] qcb qcf+AC

Sorry to ask Kane, but what console will be used PS3 or 360? Since I only have a PS3 stick.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: SoCal KoF
October 08, 2011, 11:02:57 AM
GGS to MrKOF and Answer at Alexs Arcade. Although my skill wasn't great, I fortunately learned a lot today. Thanks for the pointers guys. Sorry if I asked a bit too many questions though.

Let's just hope I can quickly apply them to my gameplay before I forget them and have to start over again lol jk But again, thanks guys! :)

And to Kane, if I'd have known you were stopping by, I would have came earlier. Would have been great to play you again. Oh well, there's always a next time. Hopefully, we can play each other real soon when console version drops! ;)
- ;e ;s ;b
Offline Matchmaking / Re: SoCal KoF
August 27, 2011, 08:23:37 AM
Hooray!!! The KOF 13 cab at Alex's is up and running again! Was playing almost all night Thursday and a little today but hardly anyone showed up :( Anyways, the main point is that the cab is working now! ;)
Offline Matchmaking / Re: SoCal KoF
July 04, 2011, 09:52:17 AM
Hey everyone. I spent the entire weekend at Anime Expo. But more notibly the arcade room at the con. When I got there, I found a crowded KOF13 machine in the back with lots of people. (The cabinet looks like the big MVC2 that AA has, only with japanese buttons and sticks.)

I decided that I wanted to play people of different skills and see if I can still do ok as a begginer. I'm not trying to sound elitist or brag, but no one but 2 or 3 people knew how to play. Everyone else just chose to button mash so much that one of the buttons stopped responding on the player one side :(

But aside from that, this experience gave me the time needed to get "comfortable" and used to the game while playing the game at my own pace and test it against others that are equal to my level. (You guys were right, for beginners, playing people of equal skills does help alot.) I'm not saying that I got advanced, but just that I got used to the controls and the normal attacks of the characters I chose, probably some mechanics of the system too.

Sorry if this post is too long and/or doesn't mean much. I still have a long way to go, but I haven't given up wanting to have fun and get good with KOF13. Hope to play everyone at Alex's Arcade real soon! ;)
;e ;s ;b