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Topics - m1x4h

So I have a few combos that I can do into various Neo Max combos... that part's fine... SOMETIMES though... I do the NeoMax and nothing happens. It ONLY requires 3 bars, right? I mean... I'll do it, and miss, saying, "hey, execution, no big deal" but then I'll take a step back and try just the Neo Max several times, and nothing. It's not my execution on that, as I have a solid foundation in fighting games... or am I missing something? Do I need full HD meter to do it also? I haven't figured out when I can or can't consistently do it.
Offline Matchmaking / NEPA / Southern Tier NY
December 14, 2011, 04:22:41 PM
Hey, just wondering if there are any players in the Northeast, PA area (Scranton, Wilkes, Poconos, etc.) and the Southern Tier, NY area (Binghamton up through Cortland). I just got into KoF, and love it. It's a nice filler to the void that's been around me since 2k7 or so when the good Capcom games sorta died out.

I live in Binghamton and am part of the Northeast, PA fighting game players group. I'm game for meeting up around the Binghamton area, or the NEPA area.


Check us out.
Meet & Greet / Upstate NY player
December 14, 2011, 04:09:08 PM

I'm from Binghamton, NY and I travel to North East PA a bit as well. Just got into KoF, long time Street Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom 2 player. The influx of awful Capcom fighters and influence of my peers made me try KoF 13, and WOW, I'm just blown away. I want to learn as much as I can about this game. It's fantastic.
