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Topics - marchefelix

General Discussion / The fate of KOF XIII
February 17, 2016, 07:11:00 PM
As is with any video game franchise, older games will have to make way for the newer ones. All the attention will shift towards the new thing, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the older games will fade away. Even within the KOF franchise there's games that have lasted despite being outdated (for lack of a better word). My question is if interest in KOF XIII will remain even after it has left the spotlight.

I find it hard to believe this community will simply forget about the game that broke ground for its competitive scene and I will be heartbroken if it happens. I believe KOF XIII has the same "staying power" as '98 and '02.
Ever since King of the Iron Fist Tournanent 2015, I've been very hyped about Tekken 7. And that update, Fated Retribution, with freaking Akuma! I can't wait for this to finally hit consoles! Whenever that is... Harada likes to troll us  :)
General Fighting Game Discussion / Street Fighter V
August 28, 2015, 01:45:08 AM
I wasn't terribly excited when this was first announced, but with the flow of news that's been coming in, I'm more interested than before.

So far we've had Ryu, Chun-Li, Charlie, M. Bison, Cammy, Birdie, Ken and Vega announced. There's also a new character called Necalli. And today at PAX Prime, R. Mika was announced.

I'm curious to see how the game will turn out. Did anyone get the SFV beta, by any chance?
Whenever I log in, this always happens:

I put in my correct password and it tells me I put an incorrect password. On the second try, it logs me in.

So weird...
SNK Games / The Rhythm of Fighters
July 02, 2014, 07:03:40 AM
Anyone play this game yet?

I've always been a fan of rhythm games, and when I heard that SNKP was going to make one featuring music from their games, I became interested. However, from watching gameplay videos of it, it doesn't look that good. Seems like you have to pay a lot of money if you want to fully experience the game.

I have a feeling this will turn out to be a flop...
Samurai Shodown / Samurai Shodown VII coming out in 2014?
November 14, 2013, 06:14:06 AM
While I was browsing the Internet, I stumbled upon this:

Yes, I know this is Wikipedia, and yes, I know how inaccurate they tend to be. But I think it's still worth talking about this. After all, wasn't SNK hiring people to work on new games, one of them being a new SamSho game? Maybe there was an announcement somewhere that said a new SamSho game would come out next year. Also, that same list in Wikipedia said nothing about another KOF game for next year (something else that SNK was hiring people for).
I wanted to make it tomorrow when Pokemon X/Y is going to be released, but I can't wait anymore.

After having followed any information released about this game, I must say I'M SO FUCKING HYPED! Mega Evolutions are looking to be the shit! And Sylveon is my new favorite Pokemon.

Hopefully some of you guys are planning to get it as well.

Discuss all Pokemon things here.  :)

Oh and, for good measure, this is my favorite Mega Pokemon:

General Discussion / KOF XIII Fanaticism
April 27, 2013, 11:50:02 PM
So I'm conducting this poll to see how much you guys like KOF XIII.

Personally, I am like the last option. I do think it's the best KOF made up to date. I spend my days looking for videos of matches and combos. I even think I may be a fanboy. But I didn't put that option for the same reason I didn't put something along the lines of "I fucking hate this game."

Vote away my people!
With all the recent news surrounding this game, I felt it was appropriate to make a thread for this game.

I myself didn't get into this game until recently, when I found out about its crossover with KOF. Now I'm willing to pay more attention to this game.

Hopefully, I'll be able to play it someday.  :)

EDIT: How to play Xuandou Zhiwang (guide courtesy of AmedoS310).

How to sign-up and play XDZW

Things needed:
QQ Account
Beta Key
Chinese ID
Chinese Name

1. Make a QQ account by going here: http://zc.qq.com/en/
You can put your regular information. An email address will be needed to sign up. After finishing signups and email verification, you'll get your QQ number. Make sure that you remember your QQ number and password.

2. Get beta key(s) and activate it: Either get them from an outside source or buy them from this site: http://www.yoybuy.com/en/Show/16525568484 There's is a 5.53 service for buying something from this site, so the price for beta key(s) is $0.16(x)+$5.53. It'll take a few days for the beta key(s) to arrive and the beta key(s) will only be sent to you through the actually site. Go here to activate the key(s): http://xd.qq.com/web201303/cdkey.shtml When you activate the key, a log in screen will pop up, use your QQ number and password to log in and then re-activate your beta key.

3. Download XDZW Installation:
The actually webpage to download the client/ game: http://xd.qq.com/web201303/download.shtml

(For the time being)
Web Client: http://down.qq.com/cof/dltools/XD_V1.9.35.1_DL_signed.exe
Full Game (for the current Update only): http://down.qq.com/cof/full/XD_V1.9.35.1.exe

4. Get generated Chinese ID and Chinese name:
Go here: http://idgen.larskort.org/p/main/
The information needed will be on the top right.

5. You have to use the above info here: http://jkyx.qq.com/
Log in on the left where the light blue box is located with your QQ info. Three boxes will pop on the right. The first box needs the Chinese name. The second box needs the Chinese ID. Just copy both generated information to their corresponding boxes. If a red exclamation point in a yellow box pops up on the right of the second box, then go back to step 4 and get a new generated Chinese ID. The third row of boxes can be left blank. Save the info by clicking on one of the blue boxes under the third row of white boxes. I think it's the left one and that should be everything.

6. Now when you log in at the XDZW log-in screen and this pop-ups: http://gyazo.com/0684ac197c36cea98855e16749941d91 close the game and wait a few hours to log back on. That screen should not pop up again.
I heard about this in GameFAQs. It caught my attention because former SNK employees helped work on this.

Site Suggestions and Troubleshooting / Glitch
December 14, 2012, 03:20:23 AM
Nothing you post in any of the sub-forums in the Fatal Fury section shows up as the most recent post in the front page. I tested to see if this applied to any of the other sub-forums under "SNK games" but everything was all right in those boards.

I found this out after my brother sebbyQ posted something in the Garou video thread and I posted something right after.
Pro-Gear / Hit Box Fight Pad
December 07, 2012, 01:15:00 AM

This is a fight pad where the directions are buttons instead of a joystick. They have some videos of them doing combos in several games using their fight pad:


From what I've seen, using this pad is like playing on a keyboard without the stiffness of a keyboard. It seems really cool. What do you guys think of this pad?

Also, I find the placement of the up arrow a bit odd. Anyone know what are the advantages of having the up arrow where it is?
"I only play as female characters because I'm a girl."

I haven't ran into a lot of female FG players, but the few ones that I've seen have either told me this or demonstrated it to me in a match. My question is: why do girls feel they have to play characters that are the same gender as they?

I'd like it if some of the female FG players could come in this thread and answer this for me, but I know DreamCancel doesn't have a lot of female members (and none of them are active posters). So I guess I'll ask you guys: why do you think female FG players think that way?
In this thread, you make win quotes for yourself if you were in the game. If you want, you can also do pre-battle dialogue, but that'll probably take a lot.

Preferably, use language that would be used in the game (that means no rated R stuff), but if you can't help it, then go ahead and do that. Never mind the text limitations of the game (whatever they may be).

Here we go!

vs. Ash: Are you sure you're not a girl? Because you look and fight like one!

vs. Billy: What's with the stick, bro? Are you trying to compensate for something?

vs. Saiki: I can turn time into ashes too. See? I just set my watch on fire!

vs. Elisabeth: You're not gonna beat my just by constantly trying to blind me.

vs. Duo Lon: Are you really an assassin? You seem much too kind for that...

vs. Shen: Only dumb brutes use brute strength, and you prove that!

vs. Kyo: I’m sure there’s a word for someone who can dish out heat but can’t take it… but ‘loser’ suits you fine!

vs. Benimaru: You pretty boys are never the hot stuff you claim to be.

vs. Daimon: You’re not gonna beat me with a lame, stale, and generic art like judo!

vs. Terry: Legendary Wolf? You fight more like a newborn cub to me!

vs. Andy: My, what big hands you have! It’s a shame they only serve you to feel better.

vs. Joe: Worst. Hurricane. Ever! Where’s the mass destruction?

vs. Athena: Thank goodness! I thought your face would shatter if I punched it!

vs. Kensou: You can change your duds all you want, but you’re still the same dork you’ve always been!

vs. Chin: When you sober up, remember to look in to a retirement home.

vs. Ralf: You’re not fit to even lead a squad of Army Men toys!

vs. Clark: Look at the bright side: those shades of yours can be used to hide your shame.

vs. Leona: And here I thought you only looked like a fresh recruit…

vs. Mai: I’ll admit it: they almost succeeded in hypnotizing me.

vs. King: How do you hope to win fights against others when you haven’t won the battle within yourself?

vs. Yuri: Of everyone I know, you’re the one who overrates their own skill the most.

vs. Iori: It’s a shame to see what you’ve become… and to think I used to admire you…

vs. Mature: Hey, wait a minute. Didn’t Uma Thurman take out your other eye in Kill Bill 2?

vs. Vice: Nice tattoo. Where can I get one just like it?

vs. Ryo: Even dragons can be slain. Remember that.

vs. Robert: Fancy dress may help you out in life, but fancy fighting is a waste of energy in combat.

vs. Takuma: You’re way past your prime, gramps. You should settle down already.

vs. Kim: I would never pick someone as weak as you to represent the forces of justice.

vs. Hwa Jai: I really enjoyed this match, Joe… I mean, Hwa.

vs. Raiden: Of course there’s no script! This right here is the real thing!

vs. K’: I know street lamps with more personality than you.

vs. Kula: The ice cream was a lie. Now go back to the sidelines with Mommy and Daddy.

vs. Maxima: If you’re a bad fighter, all the technology in the world isn’t gonna fix that.

vs. EX Iori: I think you’re really cool and all, but as I’ve just proved, I’m much better.

vs. EX Kyo: You can enhance your half-assed punches with fire, but in the end, they’re still half-assed punches.

vs. Mr. Karate: Can I have your mask? I just got an idea for a really great Halloween costume.

vs. Boss Saiki: You thought you could control the Orochi? How delusional are you?

vs. Dark Ash: So you turned your flames black… big deal! You still suck!
General Discussion / NeoMAX Coolness Tier List
June 06, 2012, 02:34:41 AM
In this topic, you get to rank NMs in terms of how cool they look. You can make up your own way of classification, but I'll use this way of ranking:

Badass Tier
Awesome Tier
Cool Tier
Okay Tier
Meh Tier
Lame Tier

Here's my tier list:

Badass Tier

EX Kyo
EX Iori

Awesome Tier

Duo Lon
Hwa Jai

Cool Tier


Okay Tier

Mr. Karate

Meh Tier


Lame Tier


If you want explanations as to why I placed which NM where, I'll be happy to give you my opinion.
King of Fighters XI / *sigh* My brothers...
May 24, 2012, 06:50:38 PM
They think this game is whack from watching a few matches. I keep telling them to play the game first, then form an opinion, but they insist that they've watched enough to know that they don't like it. Apparently, they don't like some of the shenanigans of this game, mostly how some people have moves that juggle opponents to ridiculous heights... I think one of them said that that reminded them of games from the Vs. series.

I wish I could find a KOF XI cabinet already, so I can know how great this game truly is!
Classic King of Fighters / KOF '95 Combo Video
May 21, 2012, 12:21:36 AM
So cool, I had to post it.

KoF 95 : Combo Compilation (Vanira)
SNK Games / Wait... what? This game was made by SNK?
March 12, 2012, 09:20:56 PM

Never played this game, but I've heard from many people and on some websites that it was one of the best games for the NES. I had no idea SNK made this game, though. Makes me wonder why they didn't expand this series more so that they could have a well-known RPG series under their wing.
A thread to discuss all KOF:MI games.

I recognize that these games are very hit or miss: you'll either love them or hate them. There seems to be no middle ground when it comes to this :P

I fell in love with the first MI game when I was in Mexico for this last Christmas break. I came to love the combo system in this game (kinda made me feel like a pro :P). And while not all the new characters had really great designs, I will say this: dat Mignon.  ;)

When I get the chance, I will definitely try out MI2.
General Fighting Game Discussion / Ougon Musou Kyoku
February 03, 2012, 09:08:51 PM
I've been getting a lot into Umineko no naku koro ni lately. While trying to find gameplay vids for the VN, I came across this. And I loved watching this game in action. Probably the doujin FG I like best right now.

Not entirely unrelated, but this is what got me into Umineko in the first place.
General Fighting Game Discussion / Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
February 01, 2012, 08:34:13 PM
The only current-gen Vs. series game I like playing.

I hope I'm not the only one who liked this game... it'll get really lonely in this topic if that was the case.

I only play the arcade version though, but it's all good. I play mostly as Batsu and Casshan, but I also try out everyone else.
This guy's got footage from a lot of SNK games. Check out his channel, you guys!


EDIT: Hey everyone, let's improve this video page by listing good youtube, youku, nicovideo and twitch.tv streams that feature KOFXIII (or any other KOF games). It can be tournament matches, casuals, tutorials, or even podcasts.

You can also link up streams that featured tournament archives of KOFXIII matches that aren't KOF focused, like a teamspooky stream, a Level-UP live stream, etc.

When you post up a channel or archive, let us know what games are featured (if its not only KOFXIII). - Desmond Delaghetto

Here is the link for the Dream Cancel videos page. All the relevant channels posted in this thread can be found here:

Social Club / The Stand-Up Comedy Thread
January 26, 2012, 06:45:00 PM
I've been getting into stand-up comedy lately, mostly because there's a comedy radio station where I live, and that's all I listen to while I'm in the car (because there aren't any good radio stations anymore). Post some of your favorite comedians.

Ralphie May is quickly becoming one of my favorites:

Ralphie May - Cuba Diving

Ralphie May - Prime Cut - 2007 - part 6/6
SNK Games / SNK Puzzle Games Thread
January 17, 2012, 06:47:19 PM
Puzzle Bobble, Magical Drop 3, Pochi and Nyaa, etc... they all are discussed here.

-Puzzle Bobble has to be my all-time favorite puzzle game. It's so addicting, especially so with the multiplayer!
-Pochi and Nyaa is very hard. At least it is for me. It's something I'd like to improve upon, though.
-I've only recently started to play Magical Drop 3 and I found it very fun. I need to get it for GGPO, but I don't know if people play that game there.
Social Club / The Seiyuu Thread
December 17, 2011, 10:58:58 PM
Soon to be called "The Norio Wakamoto Thread", coz he's the only one that matters.

Discuss your favorite seiyuus and stuff here.

Some of Wakamoto's voices:

Rugal ('02)
M. Bison (SVC and SF4)
Cell (all DB media)
Dracula (All Castlevania games)

...and many more awesome voices.
Social Club / The Everything Mario Thread
November 13, 2011, 11:58:44 PM
Today marks the NA release of Super Mario 3D Land. I thought I would take this as an
opportunity to make a topic dedicated to him alone.

Let's face it: without him, there would not be any of the video games we have today.
And for all that, we thank him by constantly ignoring him. Even within the community of
the fans of Mario games he isn't all that liked anymore. People are liking more than ever
characters like Luigi, Daisy, and for some reason I can't figure out, Waluigi.

So let's take a chance to talk about the legend that is Mr. Video Game.

My favorite Mario games (including spinoffs) are: Super Mario 64, Super Mario World,
Super Mario Bros. 3, Mario Party 3, Paper Mario, Mario Kart 64, and Mario & Luigi Superstar
Saga. I also main Mario in SSB64.

Super Mario 64 has a special place in my heart. It was the first game I ever owned. I
remember taking forever in getting the first star =P but I eventually figured it out.
All sub-forums have twice the amount of pages they actually have.

Here's an example: as of now, the Social Club has 15 pages when in fact, it only has seven. Page 8 has nothing in it. Then from page 9 and on, it is a repeat of all the topics it has. And this is how it is with all sub-forums (or at least the ones that have many pages on them; the ones with little pages don't have this weird glitch).
Site Suggestions and Troubleshooting / Page rederecting
October 27, 2011, 09:41:55 PM
I noticed that whenever I log out, I am always taken to the forum home page. Sometimes I want to log out of DC and continue reading what I was reading. Is it possible to make it so that I stay on the page I was before I logged out?
Social Club / Check out this wiki I found
October 21, 2011, 07:10:03 PM

It's a wiki for doujinshi fighting games and other lesser known fighting games. Apparently, SamSho5SP is one of those "lesser known" games because they have a wiki for that game. Also, Vampire Savior.
And now, so will you guys <_<

Doki Doki Majo Shinpan (Nintendo DS) Trailer

They are listed in as a possible rivalry in their next contest bracket.

I know this is a meaningless poll, but it would be nice if we showed support for our favorite fighting game franchise even in this way. Vote for them, please! You don't need an account to do so!
General Discussion / 1P Mode Discussion
September 27, 2011, 08:54:46 PM
It is almost universally agreed that a good fighting game lies in how good the vs. mode is. I myself agree with this. However, that doesn't mean that the 1P mode should never be talked about. Some people like myself like playing fighting games for the 1P mode. I like the challenge of being able to beat all the opponents to get to the end of the game, where I fight the powerful boss.

So, since I have never played KOF XIII ( :(), what can you tell me about the 1P mode? How hard is the AI? The bosses? Tell me everything.
Social Club / Dance/rhythm games thread.
September 19, 2011, 07:26:42 AM
Today I was at Gameworks and I played two games of DDR Extreme. I was exhausted at the end, but I had fun.

I LOVE playing dance rhythm games! I may not be the best at it (hell, my physique doesn't fit this game at all), but I really enjoy the movement, the challenge, the (usually) girly songs these games have.

DDR is what I play most, but that's because it's what I see most. I think ITG is better than it though because it's harder and it lets you play custom songs (I wish I could find a machine). PIU is not my cup of tea, but there are some people who like it (mainly Mexicans)

Stepmania is different from all the games I listed. It's a game downloaded for the computer and is played on keyboard (though you can play it on a dance pad if you can find one and connect it to your computer). You can play any song on it, and I mean ANY song, so long as you can find it. And if you can't find it, you can make it yourself.

Here's a Stepmania chart of Kula's 2000 theme:

Stepmania - Ice Palace - Kula Diamond KOF 2000

Also, this (it definitely belongs in the funny video thread):

Iori Doesn't DDR
Social Club / Japan: The Videogame
August 19, 2011, 01:06:44 AM
For those of you left without a reason to own a 3DS after the cancellation of Megaman Legends 3, you now have a reason to own one again:

Senran Kagura ~Shoujotachi no Shinei~ Trailer

Am I right about calling it Japan: The Videogame or what?
General Fighting Game Discussion / AquaPazza
July 24, 2011, 10:51:54 PM
I just discovered that this game exists, and I must say that I'm intrigued.

Anyone else heard of this game?
SNK Games / Rage of the Dragons
July 04, 2011, 11:29:02 PM
Without a doubt the hardest fighting game I've ever played. I sometimes have difficulty beating the first stage! Even my little brother, who is better than me, usually can't get a grade above an E!

Pepe is my favorite character. I use whoever for my second character.
SNK Games / Wacky Wacky 7 (a.k.a. Waku Waku 7)
July 01, 2011, 10:53:14 PM
That game is just... wacky. A lot of fun too, even though it looks kinda childish.

I play mostly Arina, while my bro plays Mauru.

Anyone else play this game?
SNK Games / Kizuna Encounter
May 03, 2011, 04:24:59 AM
Another fun game I've been getting into.

Question: is this the first fighting game ever to implement tag battles?

Also, I saw some videos of Dark Geese playing this. You play a bit of everything, don't ya?
SNK Games / World Heroes 2
April 18, 2011, 06:07:30 AM
Really hard, but fun at the same time.

I actually found a way to get to Neo Geegus without having to fight all opponents. I don't know if anyone knows about it, or if it's just a glitch only I have, but if you fight the opponent you got in Arcade Mode in Vs. Mode, you advance to the next round in Arcade Mode once you beat him in Vs. Mode. Pretty cheap, huh? xD
Social Club / Who in DC also has a GameFAQs account?
April 12, 2011, 07:18:51 PM
I already knew Kane had one, and I just found out nilcam has one as well.

Now I'm curious about who else has one.

I have one too BTW.
Social Club / I would like a KOF XIII Cameo Thread
January 31, 2011, 08:25:18 PM
Yeah, I know there's not much point in this, but I know that SNKP slipped in some really cool ones, and I would like to see them listed. Pictures of them would be nice, too.

I know I'm not the only one interested in this.

If possible, make a general KOF Cameo thread. I know that other KOF games have them, too.
Meet & Greet / Hi there!
October 27, 2010, 09:09:45 PM
The name's marchefelix. You can call me marche for short. I'm a huge fan of KOF. I do all I can to play if, even if it means downloading emulators.

I've played KOF '94-2003. I want to play the other games that I haven't played yet, but I can't find them anywhere. Perhaps someday I will.