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Topics - choysauce

General Discussion / KOFXIII:UM Character Wishlists
August 01, 2012, 03:15:43 AM
I wanted to see what characters people would totally want if there is another iteration of kofxiii but with more characters.

but let's just not leave it at picking characters. let's categorize/theorize!

category 1: characters that would fit the system really well!
- think of the characters you'd like who would make sense with the drive cancel/hd combo system
- theoretical combos they could have
- possible ex moves

category 2: character's you'd just want to be in there cuz they're dope
- possible changes needed to make them fit?

all mine would probably be for category 2 because i'm not familiar enough with character's moves from previous kofs:

but my picks are
blue mary (probably would be like clark)
vanessa (i could imagine DC'ing into her dashes into followups?)


General Discussion / Bad Matchup/Counterpick Thread
July 27, 2012, 09:30:09 PM
Wanted to compile a list of every character's bad matchups. through this we might be able to determine very effective teams that cover all match ups. also to see who else you may want to consider picking up to cover the bad match ups for your main team.

these are the characters i think so far are counterpicks (i'll only list ones i'm confident in, will update based on what ppl discuss and i agree with)
also correct me if you feel like any of my picks are totally wrong (probably will be alot with all these athena picks lol)

Post up the bad matchups that your characters have and why you feel they are bad matchups!


=EX Kyo
worst: Athena
bad: Kensou, Kim, Mr. Karate


worst: King


worst: Kim
bad: Beni,


worst: Ryo
bad: Yuri, K'


=Duo Lon
worst: Beni
bad: Yuri, Elisabeth, King

worst: Karate
bad: Ash

worst: kensou
bad: vice

bad: King, Kim

worst: Yuri

worst: Kyo
bad: Ex Kyo

worst: Beni
bad: Mai

bad: Kensou

bad: everyone

worst: Kyo
bad: Ex Kyo

worst: Athena
bad: King

worst: Athena
bad: Kensou, King, Iori

bad: Kensou, Shen, Athena


=EX Iori

worst: Athena

worst: Shen

worst: kensou
bad: shen

worst: Yuri
bad: Daimon, Mai, Duo Lon

worst: Kyo
bad: Ex Kyo

bad: Kyo, Iori,


worst: Kensou
bad: Athena, King, Karate

bad: Duo lon,

worst: Athena

worst: Yuri
bad: Kim, Mai

worst: Ralf
bad: Shen
I wanted to make this thread to discuss strats about helping to grow the KOF scene locally and globally.

With EVO 2k12 and how much hype was shown at the KOF finals, (easily the hypest finals this year) now is the time to push the game even harder since it's there is so much momentum for it.

These are some things off the top of my head that we need to ACTIVELY do in order to get more people to play this game.

1. Exposure

We need to keep streaming, talking about the game, having tournaments. Anything to put the game into the public eye. People will eventually think, "let's give it a try" or "this game looks awesome!".
With this exposure also it will give more opportunities for hype moments that can reel people in. The daigo parry probably has brought in tons of players, so we need to have more opportunities to make those kinds of moments

2. Positive reinforcement

Like we've been doing so far, we need to keep saying how good the game is, how balanced it is, how it helps you grow as a player, how FUN it is. This will help with people who are on the fence about picking it up, they will agree and realize they are making a good decision by picking up this game. We also need to mention more that this game isn't as hard as people make it out to be. (Although the game is difficult, it's not the hardest game in the world)

3. Educate

We need to teach people about this game in easy and accessible ways, so people don't feel like it's impossible to improve. Also we need to sacrifice some of our session time to teach/guide new players. As much as we'd like to constantly play good high level matches to improve, spending time with newcomers is important to make them feel welcome and also to give them the feeling that they can succeed with our help. (Eventually these guys can come up to your own level and increase the competitive pool size)

4. Accessibility

We need to provide players with places/sessions to play. If you can even only have 3 people at your house at max, do it! bring in someone new if you can. band together, find a venue you can all split a cost for or something. people need to PLAY the game with the community to get into it.
(People like superfx on the WC opens his house up to let anyone who wants to play come. DJ Houshen on the EC holding it down with sessions in his own apartment as well)

5. Everyone/Anyone can contribute

Nobody in the community is too small to contribute. Ranging from streaming, providing setups/sticks, even just being there. Figure out something you're willing and able to sacrifice to help the community grow. No matter how small it may be, it makes a difference.

All these things are EXTRA WORK for all of us. But I believe if we can follow through, we can become the best subsect of all the FGC and a shining example for other communities to follow. We do this for the love of the game and the community!

Please join in the discussion, give us more ideas we can use. Or tell us what you can contribute to your local scene (Posting it here can help you to GET UP AND ACTUALLY DO IT). Feel free to ask questions on how to grow your local scene or start one.
Wanted to consolidate a list of common blockstrings/moves that can and should be punished by namely Guard Cancel Rolling and character specific moves.


cr.B, cr.A, df.D, fireball (GC Roll)
Upkicks (Hit btw) (1f punish after 2nd kick)

=EX Kyo
cr.B, cr.B, st.B, rekka (Fast Reversal)
Upkicks (Hit btw) (1f punish after 2nd kick)


cl.C/df.C, D Crackshoot (Hit Btw)
cl.C/df.C, Powerwave (GC Roll)

cr.Bx3, Zeineken (Hit Btw) (Fast Reversal)
hcf+K, -4 (hcf B) and -6 (brake)

st.C, f.B, Hurricane Upper (GC Roll)

explosion stick+followup (GC Roll)


cr.D, fireball (GC Roll)

st.D, fireball (GC Roll)

Target Combo, fireball (GC Roll)



cl.C, f.A, Underclaw (GC Roll)

=EX Iori
cl.C, f.A, fireball (GC Roll)


cl.D, f.A, sleeve (GC Roll)

cl.C, f.B, A DP (GC Roll back) (Fast Reversal)

=Duo Lon
cl.C, fireball (Jump/Hop)
rekkax3, teleport (Fast, far reaching reversal)



df.B, axe kick (Hit btw)

Shoulder Charge (-4)

cr.D, fanthrow (GC Roll)

slide, fireball (GC Roll)

cl.C, fireball (GC Roll)
cr.B, st.B, demonflip (Jumpback C, roll)

ein trigger, fireball (Hit Btw)
ein trigger, followup (GC Roll)

cl.C, f.A, icebreath (Jump[C] GC Roll [A])
Rayspin (Hit Btw)

Target Combo, Repulsion (GC Roll)

cr.C, fireball (GC Roll)
B Phoenix Arrow (1f punish)
st.C, f.B (Hit btw)

cr.D, fireball (GC Roll)




st.CD, Grand Sabre (Hit Btw)

obv i don't know all the good punishes, and did not list things that are super obvious (like DP's)
Please help out if you can.

also of course people can decide to not do the full string making it safe from GC rolls.
Hey guys,

Wanted to just let people know about a regular livecast i'm trying to start up with Metaphysics and anyone else who wants to participate

The premise of the cast is match analysis, but with a small twist. We are going to include the players of the match (or at least one of them) as a part of the cast. We want to look into the mental processes of players and discuss things of the mind (good decision making, mental strength, assessment of situations)

The format is to provide 3 matches with some criteria.
1. you have to have felt that you played well/normally
2. matches provided have to be fairly recent
3. cannot be a blowout match (where one guy is completely bodied)
4. must be available to be on the cast (at least one player)
5. be honest with with the analysts

the reasoning behind the criteria is
1. so that we don't assess a match where you say "i dont normally play this bad, etc". it's difficult to assess matches if it's not what you would normally do. we can't help you then
2. you have to be able to remember what you were thinking at the time, and direction as to where you need to improve will be more relevant to you
3. we need to see how you interact in a match, if you bodied someone, or got bodied. there isn't alot of information to work off of.
4. we gotta know what you're thinking (also you need a microphone and headphones)
5. we gotta know if that's what you're really thinking. (admit to faults, take criticism, get better)

we did one cast so far posted here, www.elive.pro/en/watch/6uCiy2OMvK8R
3 matches between myself and blandwolf

please give us suggestions on how we can improve the content of the discussion (any topics/bases we should cover when analyzing the matches)

we're hoping this can level up the community as a whole, and improve our game, not just in kof but fighters in general.

I've heard people had trouble listening into the cast last time we had one, so please go and register an account just to make sure there are no complications at www.elive.pro