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Messages - mightfo

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
January 09, 2013, 03:57:34 AM

I am hosting friday, 3pm-10pm.

Sunfish is hosting saturday, 3pm-midnight.

Please give me a heads up in some form if you think you'll come. Need to know how many setups to get. Please bring your own controller as useful.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
January 04, 2013, 02:19:34 AM
jet is hosting saturday

blackjack i hope you can come

also, metal/blackjack/yeti: will any of you enter GG at d-town beatdown on february 9th? i want to tell them how many people are interested in GG since they're going to run SFxT and they offered to run MK9 if it gets more than 10. if they're going to run those games they need to give GG a chance since we can easily outnumber those games. we will also probably have a post-tourney meetup
wanna get GG at this tourney to help guarantee it at TBF/UCC since certain capcom hosts seem to assume GG isnt going to be played for some reason!
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
December 17, 2012, 07:34:07 AM
it was great seeing all of you at the meetup. :3 i made shoutouts on dustloop. also now that you've got some gg offline matches in you should watch vids of your charas playing, youll be able to learn better from the vids

ps blackjack do you have facebook or a dustloop account? was gonna get you in contact with sunfish so he can give you advice on venom like how to work his pressure
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
November 01, 2012, 02:57:34 AM
Sunfish confirmed he will host saturday, noon to midnight. Contact him about parking, his number is 805-674-0262.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
October 29, 2012, 07:19:42 AM
made shoutouts on dustloop

yeti your costume was intense as fuck lmao

was nice seeing metal again too :)

even if we dont play the same games i look forward to seeing ya'll at absolute battle or the next meetup i get to go to(probably not this saturday)
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
October 22, 2012, 08:55:46 AM
Quote from: MetalThrashingMadman on October 22, 2012, 07:02:07 AM
I'll be there. Sucks that I haven't been around lately. The amount of overtime I have been doing has been killing me. On the bright side I just discovered the Plano Super Bowl has a KOF XI cab.
omg really???!! that's fucking awesome
also ttt2 is fun as fuck have any of y'all been playing it any
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
October 22, 2012, 01:51:06 AM
yo i know ive neglected this place but i really wanna encourage y'all to come to the meetup this saturday!!
noon to midnight, ill be there as early as i can, there's gonna be halloween food and some people will be wearing stupid costumes(me) and stuff
ill bring cheesecake DONT YOU WANT SOME

kristina will be hosting, she lives really close to transient, text me or pm transient if you need the address(its in plano iirc)
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
October 05, 2012, 08:24:08 AM
yo transient is hosting saturday, noon to midnight
text me if you still need his address

btw metal/blackjack i wanna get into sc5 more so i have a game to play besides bb, i hope i get to play with ya'll/edge/whoever saturday in sc5! i hope blackjack brings his setup~~
i want both bb and sc5 to be consistent things at meetups
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
September 21, 2012, 09:32:13 AM
just fyi transient is hosting saturday, text him at 4695832257 if you need info! his place is apparently bigger than mine and jet's combined omg, i gotta go next time i get a chance
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
September 11, 2012, 03:09:36 AM
Alright, this week we have three things going on:

Friday-I'm hosting a meetup, 3pm to about 11pm. I live at University of Texas at Dallas if you haven't been to one of my meetups before, PM me for directions/my number. BB and persona confirmed.
Eric and Ro already confirmed for coming so there will be hungry blazblue play there.

Saturday-D-town beatdown! Go for persona since that's the only thing that got decent turnout last time.http://www.facebook.com/events/461879200511435/
There will be post-DTB casuals at Sunfish's. PM him on dustloop(or me here) or ask around the persona players at DTB for directions/his number/etc.

Weekdays-I dont know if you noticed, but "Random Naoto"(AKA "TXscrub" on srk) posted about how he's up for people coming over on weekdays for Persona. We've done that a bit in the past so hopefully maybe 3-6 of ya'll can do that one of the days this week. time to lazily quote:

Quote from: PureYetiThere is a guy at Richardson by the 75/635 intersection or Spring Valley Rd. He can host up some meetups on the weekdays at his apartment after 8 pm though. His phone number is (972)971-8600.

Quote from: Random NaotoThat'd be me. I'm trying to get some people over for tomorrow (Sunday) night just for some casuals, no real time frame. Send me a text message if you want to come hang out.

So yeah, text him or PM him on dustloop for info!!

And once again, please give me a heads up in post/text/pm if you're coming so I can plan needed setups.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
September 05, 2012, 04:07:02 AM
Sunfish will host a meetup this saturday instead of jet/me, starting at noon and ending at 11pm. Text him regarding address and guest parking passes at 805-674-0262. He lives about 10 minutes away from jet.

Also, he says: " I've got 3 moniters + 1 xbox (possibly one more I can borrow from my roommate) + 1 ps3. If anyone can bring consoles / games it would be appreciated. I need some chairs too, my living room is pretty vacant at the moment, but I've got enough for like 8 people to actually sit down."
So yeah! Chairs, setups, copies of games appreciated. Please post or text me or whatever so we can keep track of number of people coming!

Sunfish posted some nice news and close-by directions for those who dont want to bother texting him again or wanted more details regarding bringing setups:
"Towing is turned off for guest parking for the meetup. I won't need to get you guys passes, so for anyone who sees this that is coming tomorrow. Guest parking is in the shopping district towards the Coit and spring valley intersection. If you're heading towards Coit, it's two turn-ins past my place, if you're heading towards the 75, it's the first turn in you can take. You'll see a big building that runs perpendicular to spring valley, guest parking is behind that. Not the best directions, so if you can't find it, just call/text me(805-674-0262) and I'll try and get you to the right place.

For the people bringing setups, you might wanna stop by my place first and drop off your stuff cause the walk is kinda far, or get in touch with me and I'll drive over and help you load stuff up.

Once you've made it to the parking lot, walk towards the apartment complex and turn left. Walk a little more, then go inside the gate and head that way until you've get to the second gate next to the pool. I'm the first apartment once you get through the second gate, it's right next to a pool, so if you don't see one you're in the wrong area. Good luck travelers!

Also, towing goes back into effect at 10, so plan on packing up before that so your car isn't towed. It's like $200 to get your car back."
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
August 22, 2012, 04:32:26 AM
Meetup saturday at jet's confirmed, 3pm-about midnight like usual, bring setups/chairs please.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
August 16, 2012, 02:22:02 AM
We're doing D-town Beatdown this saturday instead a normal meetup. There will be casuals! Bring a casuals setup, especially if you brought one to jet's! Signup and casuals start at 1PM and tourneys start at 2pm I think.
$5 venue fee, $10 entry fee per game. There's KOF, SC5, and Persona among the games.

Location is at The End Zone,
3033 W Parker Rd, Plano, Texas 75023
More info http://www.dustloop.com/forums/showthread.php?14627-D-Town-Beatdown-%28Plano-TX%29-Aug-18-2012
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
August 12, 2012, 11:45:19 PM
Was nice to see Yeti, Blackjack and Metal again. Hope to see ya'll again next saturday, and demondiz too!
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
July 31, 2012, 09:57:40 PM
If you want to save $5 registering for UCC extra early, sign up TODAY at: http://uppercutcircuit.com/UCC/ucc-registration/