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Messages - Light13

General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 28, 2016, 09:38:49 PM
Really loving that theme in my top 2 with Neo Esaka. Still mad about K's new theme.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 19, 2016, 01:27:42 AM
For some reason I though CD only caused a wall splat on counter hit but it always does it. Also I like how the character portrait flashes when you are about to get stunned.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 18, 2016, 11:28:31 PM
Downloading now been dying to try this.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 18, 2016, 08:31:05 AM
Glad there is a story mode for those interested. Personally I don't care fighting cpu's is boring.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 15, 2016, 10:54:34 PM
I like kensou's look better in 14 than 13 guess I'm in the minority. Glad I got to see Love Heart can't wait for the game. Really wish the game had a bmg selection.
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / Re: KOF 2002UM - Angel
February 04, 2015, 09:34:14 PM
Does anyone know of any good Angel players in UM I can look up on youtube? Having a hard time finding any thanks for any help.
Man Madkof Duo Lon so fun to watch.
Got this annoying graphic glitch where I can't see characters in the character/order select been living with it for months but its starting to annoy me. Anyone know a fix for this? I tried some things posted on the steam forum but didn't work.
Quote from: Lok N Ki on December 25, 2013, 10:27:02 AM
Regular Kyo
Claw Iori

Already found a few players such as Dune and Lacid.

For other characters such as King, Benimaru and Duo Lon i don't have to look far...

Ssong and Kei both play K' and claw
Koukou uses claw
Shoki, Reynald and Kei use Benimaru
For Duo lon I can only think of Madkof and Tenkawa
Terry look up Yukichi and Zeroblack

BALA in Peru looks like its just casuals for now.
They are not up yet he said he might start uploading in a month I'm just watching the whole thing on nico http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv145836201
Thanks for the response re watching the tourney now and I can recognize the versus guys. Dune also mentioned on his twitter he might upload to youtube if that's of any interest to anyone.
Anyone know where I can get the results for KCE Cup 6 that happened last weekend already translated? I know top 2 but would like to see the rest.
Nemo always seems to crack in tourneys even in Japan. From what little I saw of Woo before EVO I never saw him play as defensive as he did at EVO. I though Haregoro was playing the best out of the JP players when I was watching him in pools but lost to Fox and KouKou.
Ren's consistency with the infinite dropped quite a bit compared to SEA something Frionel attributed to the PS3 timing during the 3v3. It could have also just been nerves.