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What is general opinion about Kof XI anyway?

Started by XI, July 30, 2010, 05:59:56 PM

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Quote from: solidshark on October 14, 2010, 07:49:56 PM
Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on September 20, 2010, 07:42:16 PM
playing vanessa is a pain in the ass... so freaken hard... but fun if you can learn her...

Got back into XI recently. You're dead-on about Vanessa; I've seriously got to learn her again. Should be as fun as the first time.

Youtube is a usefull tool for learning sometimes (when ppl have guts to done huge work for community)

Vanessa tutorial by Shinkensou


can some one explain y theres MOTW charaters in KOFXI
KOF Teams


Because why the fuck not. Seriously it's not important why they're their really. And story wise it looked like they were trying move things on a bit further, still kind of miffed they dropped Terry's MotW look.


KOF XIII: billy, ralf, clark
KOF XII: ralf,kyo,ryo


Quote from: Dr.Faust on December 12, 2010, 07:10:42 AM
can some one explain y theres MOTW charaters in KOFXI

That's like asking why is there AoF characters in any KoF... I'm just glad there's new characters period...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: Dr.Faust on December 12, 2010, 07:10:42 AM
can some one explain y theres MOTW charaters in KOFXI
KOF is a series that takes characters from other SNK games.  They have been doing this all the time.  Why you are questioning it now is beyond me.
-K'/EX Kyo/EX Iori
-Benimaru(Duo Lon)/Robert/Takuma(Iori)

Might controls everything.


Quote from: TYRANNICAL on December 27, 2010, 01:11:00 AM
Quote from: Dr.Faust on December 12, 2010, 07:10:42 AM
can some one explain y theres MOTW charaters in KOFXI
KOF is a series that takes characters from other SNK games.  They have been doing this all the time.  Why you are questioning it now is beyond me.
I think hes qustioning the age of the charaters and their age in MOTW and how do they comangel
KOF Teams


SNK tossed ages away.  Kyo was in HS when KOF 94 was out.  It's KOF XIII and he look pretty much the same save for being a bit bigger.  SNK stopped caring about ages and I think(gotta confirm) they screwed around with the timeline as well.
-K'/EX Kyo/EX Iori
-Benimaru(Duo Lon)/Robert/Takuma(Iori)

Might controls everything.


Hello I'm new. I finally found SNK community so I decided to join here then.

I love KOF XI. I also have 98UM and 2002, but they just don't feel as good as XI.

My only problem with this game is that I just can't find suitable team. I play against CPU all the the time (I live in Finland and there is zero arcades here and not good fighting game community. To make things even worse, I live in little place and its population is 3828) and my friends played fighting last time in PlayStation era (or Smash Bros. Brawl... yuck).

So my problem is finding a good team. Main problem is the third character and choosing a leader. My preferred team is Kyo, Iori (leader) and Terry. Kyo rocks in this game, Iori is simple, but Terry's moveset isn't that good as in 2002. So I must choose another character to replace Terry. I'm a bit aggressive player that relies on simple combos. Kensou, Athena, Shingo or Shen are strong canditades, so what do you think about them?
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

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Hi, welcome Custle :)
the L on that four character, is without a doubt (judging on what you write here) Shingo! he is quite simple to use, and LDM is a pain, connect from c.b too (so blocking low) combo, and from the command throw so the mixup is right here to do huge damage in simple way, the BnB are quite standard too so why not? Shen is a very cool character too with nice option and pretty good leader, so give a try with him too but shingo is without a doubt more "simple" to use.

kensou and athena isn't really good for 3rd and leader... both leader sucks (athena seems scary but at least not so good to connect, kensou is simple garbage), so skip that option, athena in this game is quite low :\ instead of kensou, him is quite good at battery, can zooning pretty well, and a very nice special from air safe on block (or just the dm almost instant can punish) and free to combo with c.a if connect, the rdp wanna be shoryuken move is not so good but ok on predictable jump it works.


Thanks for the info!

I played XI yesterday and played arcade mode with Kyo, Iori, Shingo (leader). I was so surprised how much damage Shingo does. And also how easy is to do quick switch to some other character.
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

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btw it's a shame to play only on arcade :\ force a friend to play with you, the kof xi / ps2 era is really cheap now to join into the scene. 2er it's the only way to really enjoy the game of course and become better player (cpu is pretty dumb, at high difficult too of course).

i swear if kof xi get his xbl/psn version the 2011 will be better.


I had a friend who played XI with me. He is such an Smash Bros Brawl fan and he actually liked how fast and smooth the game was. He got bit angry to when I started to win him almost every and I told how to improve your gameplay (he jumped a lot and used only stron attacks). Because of that, he said "I never play KOF with you ever! Brawl is the only fighter I need ever!" Sigh... Such an shame.
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

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Quote from: Custle on January 05, 2011, 07:37:15 PM
Hello I'm new. I finally found SNK community so I decided to join here then.

I love KOF XI. I also have 98UM and 2002, but they just don't feel as good as XI.

My only problem with this game is that I just can't find suitable team. I play against CPU all the the time (I live in Finland and there is zero arcades here and not good fighting game community. To make things even worse, I live in little place and its population is 3828) and my friends played fighting last time in PlayStation era (or Smash Bros. Brawl... yuck).

So my problem is finding a good team. Main problem is the third character and choosing a leader. My preferred team is Kyo, Iori (leader) and Terry. Kyo rocks in this game, Iori is simple, but Terry's moveset isn't that good as in 2002. So I must choose another character to replace Terry. I'm a bit aggressive player that relies on simple combos. Kensou, Athena, Shingo or Shen are strong canditades, so what do you think about them?

I got to tell you, Terry is a MONSTER.
People don´t usually play him very well, but he is AMAZING. I kick epic ass with him. He is full of really terrible weapons.
Unfortunatelly I cannot record matches from my PS2, otherwise I would show you how frustrating he can be.


^You can buy a cheap capture card off Amazon for around $30 or so.

Gonna work on the Ash/Kim/Kyo (XI) pages since we have a XI wiki now, may post up a few clips while I'm at it.