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The King of Fighters XIII 3rd |OT| Thread:Console Edition (UPDATE 8/26 1st page)

Started by Kane317, July 29, 2011, 06:17:26 AM

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Enjoyed the solid Maxima we saw every once in a while on stream tonight. Everyone seems to be level'n up: we saw moments of real brilliance at points tonight. Gio is giving them a good point to aim at, he's gotten really accustomed to the movement and combos in many ways.

Watching Vice fight is also always fun. More of her than Mature (was there even a Mature?) today.

Always fun to see each community grown their own favorite characters and teams.


Quote from: Kane317 on August 21, 2011, 11:12:59 PM
SouthTown ranbats are starting.  Let's give our mod fatacon some support!


Quote from: Xxenace on August 22, 2011, 04:46:59 AM
awesome stream once again

Thanks for watching, guys. Hopefully the game keeps on picking up steam in NorCal. The next ranbat is also the last in the series, so hopefully we get to put on a good show.

Quote from: SAB-CA on August 22, 2011, 05:02:47 AM
Watching Vice fight is also always fun. More of her than Mature (was there even a Mature?) today.

Sadly, no Mature today. I brought it up during commentary with RogerDodger that we rarely get to see a Mature, save for 4leaf's :(


oh and fat i dunno if you know this but you sound kinda like michael cera bro


Great Stream Guys! Enjoyed it all. Looked like yall were having to much fun. Great to see Vice gameplay. Also good gameplay FataCon!


Aaaahhhh I dogged it out there today lol. GG's to Fatacon and Isaiah. Thanks to everyone for watching, was a good time as usual, I hardly slept the night before cause I was super hype for the tourney (so hype I made this video!: Kim Goes in Combo vid).


Quote from: FataCon on August 22, 2011, 07:09:57 AM
Sadly, no Mature today. I brought it up during commentary with RogerDodger that we rarely get to see a Mature, save for 4leaf's :(

It is pretty weird, you think she'd be like... a second chance for Iori players to play someone similiar to how he is now. Just with some nice perks like a fireball, and a screen-traveling aerial move.

Haha, HaxMurdurer, was that you talking about people snubbin moves from your Kim Combo Vid?


Quote from: SAB-CA on August 22, 2011, 09:17:01 AM
Quote from: FataCon on August 22, 2011, 07:09:57 AM
Sadly, no Mature today. I brought it up during commentary with RogerDodger that we rarely get to see a Mature, save for 4leaf's :(

It is pretty weird, you think she'd be like... a second chance for Iori players to play someone similiar to how he is now. Just with some nice perks like a fireball, and a screen-traveling aerial move.

I think Duo Lon fits that void better than Mature.  Good Stuff HaxMurderer and good stuff on the stream and matches as usual.


XIII Mature players make me face palm every time I see them.



The turney was ok but too many dropped combos and most times i got annoyed because a lot of players got away with some risky random stuff and weren't punished.Still good job in getting the game out there to newer players.After the console port drops i hope people will learn their combos and how to punish with maximum damage :)


It seems someone at SpekSNK said there are going to be only 6 extra characters. 3 already been announced and that the other 3 aren't that "special" or surprising.

Base on the forum members reactions, it seems his words do have some weight. At least we have a number now for the total of new characters in the game. I still hope it goes up to 8 though... lol


Quote from: DarKaoZ on August 23, 2011, 01:52:05 AM
It seems someone at SpekSNK said there are going to be only 6 extra characters. 3 already been announced and that the other 3 aren't that "special" or surprising.

Base on the forum members reactions, it seems his words do have some weight. At least we have a number now for the total of new characters in the game. I still hope it goes up to 8 though... lol

They based that rumour from the other rumour started here which said that there will be 6 characters, but overall, isn't something that clear

still link

Waifu Material


Here is the link: http://www.speksnk.org/foro/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=73836&start=20

The guy who started saying the stuff is name Eien, and based on the others reaction, it seems he knows more stuff and he can't say.


"only 3", lol. So nice how so much work can be marginalized so swiftly! :(

Even if so, I just hope the game grows enough to possibly get even more. If there's any game I'd LIKE to see expanded after getting months of playtime out of it, it's KoF XIII ^_^


Oh I know who is him already, better leave it just there

Waifu Material