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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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I respect your opinion, but I don't see anything wrong with sexualizing a fictional character. I'm sorry that it bothers you, but a lot of people like Mai that way (I know I do, but I can promise you I respect the woman behind the boobies).


Quote from: Xxenace on September 08, 2011, 05:26:32 PM
so im guessing you want mai to be a classy lady instead of a sex object?
I like how Mai is and how she looks like (if i prefer a classy lady, probably I would like Elisabeth), but I don't like fanservice.

Quote from: MetalThrashingMadman on September 08, 2011, 05:55:16 PM
I respect your opinion, but I don't see anything wrong with sexualizing a fictional character. I'm sorry that it bothers you, but a lot of people like Mai that way (I know I do, but I can promise you I respect the woman behind the boobies).
To put you an example I love Mai in PS3 cover, but I don't feel absolutely anything about that Mai in swimsuit and yes, it bothers me a bit. But, hey, no big deal... I know people like it, I assumed Mai is famous for this and I can understand it. It was just my personal opinion as Mai fan and player, because of DarKaoz comment  :)
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature




Quote from: Chipymax on September 08, 2011, 02:21:34 AM
In other Random news: SFIII Released First Costume Color DLC. 7 colors for each chara, $3.

That is so SAD is Evil... You have KOF XIII and VF5US with Free Color edit and Customization... SoulCalibur 5 will probably have free customization too, but that's Capcom.  

you know its really not Capcom's fault. when you got fans as stupid as they have them, willing to pay anything for the most retarded shit you get, you exploit that so you can squeeze every possible penny out of them.  if i had a company making fighters and fans soo stupid that they would pay 40 for every new edition with only 1 new character added with some balance changes, fuck yeah i would abuse that and pluck them. its only natural for capcom to do that shit cause the fans ask for it, no they demand it. when your fans bend over for you and demand you fuck them with no lube and get paid for it, goddamnit you do that shit.

Edit: There's no reason to name call Capcom. Be respectful. Consider this a warning.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


mmm, for me mai stopped to look like a fighter since FF died, I think that KOF ruined the character for me

Plus, I don't like the swimsuit mai since honestly, is nothing knew, I think that she shows more with her original costume that with the swimsuit

We need betty and leona on swimsuit dammit

Waifu Material


I thought it'd be less about name calling Capcom, and more about calling their fan's stupid, haha. There's a fine line between critiques, and simply slander...


Anywho, so, the P4U (Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayanaka Arena) fighter showed a trailer today. Yeah... hype for KoF XIII remains totally safe, lol. It's like they animated the game choppy, to make KoF XIII look better by comparision! It didn't help that I watched it in between watching some Skullgirls; say what you want about that games designs (I'll say some stuff with you!), but they've got some solid animation work going on.

The way this related to XIII, is that I wonder if the quality of things from the competetion, makes XIII look even better, to anyone else? SNKP is probably the fighter publisher/developer that makes decisions I can most easly agree with, when it comes to character creation and balance, game modes, art styles, etc. Every time another game makes me wonder "Why would they do that?!?!", my next thought is a "Well, at least SNKP got it right!", lol. (Yes, netcode is probably the biggest exception.)

This why even XII didn't mess with my liking of SNK(P) games, also. I liked the used of clashing + comboable CDs, within the real of widescreen fighting. Especially at the time, when the SF players all found wider screens to equal "more boring fireball wars!". I had a proactive solution to fireball spammers, even if my character DIDN'T have a fireball.

It's just one example, but I find these quite often, when looking at other fighters. It's one of the main reasons I'm hype for XIII; it has so much stuff, gameplay, and design wise, that just doesn't feel the same in any other current fighter! It makes the others a little less satisfying, by comparision.


Nice, KOF-i got updated and it has a new stage:

@SAB-CA: What? SkullGirls artstyle is the shit! Don't say bad things about it! >:(
lol Seriously, I really dig SkullGirls artstyle, it's a fresh take on the genre and I really like what they have done.


Quote from: SAB-CA on September 08, 2011, 08:42:16 PM
I thought it'd be less about name calling Capcom, and more about calling their fan's stupid, haha. There's a fine line between critiques, and simply slander...

When it's in print it is called libel.  ;)

Putting stupid jokes aside, I liked some of the things XII did as well. Comboable CD moves would probably be the thing I liked most.

Edit: That new stage looks cool. In any case I think we can bet on seeing that stage in XIII console version as well.


Quote from: MetalThrashingMadman on September 08, 2011, 09:24:44 PM
When it's in print it is called libel.  ;)

LoL, libel, then!

Quote from: DarKaoZ on September 08, 2011, 09:17:12 PM
Nice, KOF-i got updated and it has a new stage:

@SAB-CA: What? SkullGirls artstyle is the shit! Don't say bad things about it! >:(
lol Seriously, I really dig SkullGirls artstyle, it's a fresh take on the genre and I really like what they have done.

Please note, that's Takuma's stage from AoF1! WHAT DOES IT MEANNNNNNNNNN!?!?!

And I like most of Skullgirls artstyle (I'm a fan of dark, strong outlines, and even their very american use of stuff like squash and stretch for animating), my grievences have more to do with their immature brand of fanservice, and some other details. Even FrameTrap episode 1 had to address some of those issues, lol, and the biggest fans of the game on NeoGAF have reservations over some elements.

I'll not deny anything about them being among the best at marrying Animation and High Resolutions, though! It's a strong attempt to put every other HD 2D animated game on blast.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on September 08, 2011, 09:17:12 PM
Nice, KOF-i got updated and it has a new stage:

It looks ok, although I hope the console version has a little more going on in the background. That's what, 23 stages we know of now?


So Ex Kyo and Mr. Karate are those green silouttes... Well, it's ok I think.

Nice stage!

EDIT: Shiki is not alone on that stage :D
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


We already have a Mr. Karate costume, so there'd have to be an EX Takuma mode in that case. Only other thing i can think of is characters from the games the stages are based of (AOF 1, KOF 96)


I think this stage is there for remade purpose like pao pao cafe and Mickey alley stage.


I don't know, since ex kyo and ex iori seems to came along with DLC stages, is pretty obvious that the third character will be related with the stage

Still, I don't know which version of takuma could be, there is the one based on 2002og which I really don't like, and there's it the SVC version which was a sort of mix of takuma and marco rodriguez

And I still think that Eiji will be the third one, I don't care if he appears in the kyokugen stage, it seems more probable than another version of takuma

Waifu Material