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Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports

Started by Nocturnal, November 22, 2011, 08:14:15 PM

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Quote from: Sabin on November 24, 2011, 11:30:06 PM
Quote from: pablofsi on November 24, 2011, 09:20:50 PM
You guys can express your disagreement without royally shitting over the game's name, creating bad fame for it's netcode. Complain but don't exaggerate with your negativity.

Umm the netcode deserves to be trashed on. Game is great otherwise.

Which has to be shown at NEC to get people to really push this game.  Which reminds me, you entering the XIII tourney at NEC?
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Sabin is right. There is nothing wrong with honesty about a game's netcode. The more you push an issue aside, the less likely it is to be addressed either now or in future installments. I can't speak for others since I hardly go on (and the netplay experience has been bad for me also), but the majority for now seem to state that the netplay experience is unsatisfactory. This, of course, does not discredit KOF13 for being a great game regardless, and I don't think anyone is stating that.


I managed to play some games yesterday... 1 bar is awful..
then i got some 2 bars matches... some were really bad , too much delayed, other were pretty smooth.
luckily i found a chinese and i got really smooth matches both with 2 and 3 bars... looked like offline to me, i managed to pull out everything i wanted.

KOF XIII: billy, ralf, clark
KOF XII: ralf,kyo,ryo


People here need to learn to deal with it and do something..... and for the love of god and jesus and zeus stop defending this trash of a netcode!

I do not know if the people that said they had a good experience with the netcode have played other games like AH3, BB , UMVC3 or even SSF4(i have a wired decent connexion and i have great experiences online with those titles).XIII's netcode is way below those games and lastly atlus and playmore promised a better than SSF4 netcode - or they were just trolling?
In 2 to 3 months this game will be dead because of SFXT and SC5 which i have no doubt they will have a good netcode.
I will never buy playmore or atlus releases if they don't fix this mess


Namco hasn't put out a good netcode yet this gen, and I suspect we'll just get a SF4-quality effort this time with SC5.

That said, 3d games are more lag-friendly then 2d.


Quote from: KBlackNoah on November 25, 2011, 02:47:58 AM
People here need to learn to deal with it and do something..... and for the love of god and jesus and zeus stop defending this trash of a netcode!

I do not know if the people that said they had a good experience with the netcode have played other games like AH3, BB , UMVC3 or even SSF4(i have a wired decent connexion and i have great experiences online with those titles).XIII's netcode is way below those games and lastly atlus and playmore promised a better than SSF4 netcode - or they were just trolling?
In 2 to 3 months this game will be dead because of SFXT and SC5 which i have no doubt they will have a good netcode.
I will never buy playmore or atlus releases if they don't fix this mess

LOL, you cannot be serious with that post.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Just the fact that some people report that they have been able to have 3 and even 2 bar games with very little to ok delay means that the game is capable of that. Everything beyond that line of "good" is the player's fault.

It's like people that don't know anything about optimizing their connections to not have problems online bitching about ggpo games being too choppy, if you don't know when it starts to get choppy, or you are streaming and your connection doesn't allow you to not suffer an effect by doing that, it's your problem, but the game should always run smooth as long as you are within the ping limits with the person you play with to prevent it.


Okay, I did upgrade my internet to this: http://www.speedtest.net/result/1611249416.png

The big difference is in upload speed which was 250kbs previously.

Had a decent time believe it or not. Found I think 3-4 green connections tonight, they were pretty good. Only thing is that I wasn't able to DC into Clark's Grab Super after an EX SAB, but this might've been an execution error.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Remember that it's more about latency than speed when upgrading.


Namco has created a new 3D arcade DBZ fighting game that will utilize GGPO for it's home console releases. So they're using good netcode in a new fighting game. It's not Tekken or SCV, but they're the first company to take GGPO to a more serious level than the others. There's also a decent number of titles supposedly using GGPO that haven't been revealed yet/shown to use it.

Quote from: arstal on November 25, 2011, 02:53:12 AM
Namco hasn't put out a good netcode yet this gen, and I suspect we'll just get a SF4-quality effort this time with SC5.

That said, 3d games are more lag-friendly then 2d.


Quote from: steamwolf on November 25, 2011, 09:32:25 AM
Namco has created a new 3D arcade DBZ fighting game that will utilize GGPO for it's home console releases. So they're using good netcode in a new fighting game. It's not Tekken or SCV, but they're the first company to take GGPO to a more serious level than the others. There's also a decent number of titles supposedly using GGPO that haven't been revealed yet/shown to use it.

Quote from: arstal on November 25, 2011, 02:53:12 AM
Namco hasn't put out a good netcode yet this gen, and I suspect we'll just get a SF4-quality effort this time with SC5.

That said, 3d games are more lag-friendly then 2d.

I thought that Namco wasn't releasing that DBZ game for home consoles.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


still no news from snkp bout that netcode? what i dont get is why the fuck didn't they use rollback in the first place. also wrf they doing with gss? somebody swnd a copy of the latest BB game to show them how an almost competent netcode looks compared to the utter crap they used. i still can't get over the fact this bs isn't even on ssf4 level, that shits just straight up gay.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


I've said it before, I'll say it again as I will probably end up saying it forever now.

There is absolutely no way to add GGPO onto a game engine if the engine cannot support it. When building a video game, one must create a gaming engine. It's exactly as it sounds, like a car engine. It makes the car move. You tack things onto the engine when you want to add things into your game. With a software engine like a video game, there is only so much room to work with and things you can add to it. Now think about everything going on in current gen fighting games. Every possible thing you can do in KoF XII. This is allowed by the game engine. When SNKPlaymore built this engine, they did so with certain things in mind. They built it to be able to handle the gameplay mechanics and what not for KoF XII (Yes I said XII as in 12). They took into account wanting online play for their home console releases of KoF XII and with that in mind, they allowed a certain amount of room within the game engine for a specific netcode. This being GSS. Now after the failure of XII, they tweaked everything inside the game engine around to create XIII. Japanese companies more often than not, build their own game engines when constructing a game. However, this would cost a very large amount of money to do for EVERY SINGLE TITLE. As such, what do you think happens? The game engine is recycled. So the same game engine is being used in KoF XIII as XII. This is probably because when designing the new sprites and engine, they probably did so with a long-term plan in mind. Basically, because SNKP did not take into account good netplay, it was impossible for them to use anything much different than GSS due to that is what the game engine was designed around to use. There's no more room in the engine for GGPO. They goofed.


I had the above issue months back with different game around here, so forgive me if anyone takes offense to it. It's just the sad truth. Looking at the two games, and based on the lack of funding XII brought them, it seems most likely they had no choice but to use the same engine they had planned to do so. A game engine can allow people to do virtually anything so tweaking gameplay mechanics to make XII play like XIII is totally possible as well as gameplay balancing. But tacking on a completely new, process heavy, netcode? Not possible without rebuilding the engine and that is a LOT of money. Probably costs the most out of everything when it comes to game design, especially if you want it to do something complex like use GGPO (which is something Japanese developers have little to no experience in coding with). The problems plaguing KoF XIII is the same reason SSFIV: AE, UMvC3, etc don't use GGPO. It's too little too late without building the game from the ground up now.

The best thing for all of us to do in the entire FGC, is let these companies know and hound them over and over that WE WANT GGPO. You have to keep telling them so they will put it in the next game they build. As it stands, the Japanese industry does not take online serious. According to Seth Killian, Capcom LITERALLY thinks as community manager, he is not telling them what is really important to Americans. They flat out do not believe him about GGPO. The American office does, but the Japanese developers do not. This is Japanese mentality on online gaming when it comes to fighters. They look at it from offline/arcade experience with online being a fun little casual thing. That is how they see it. They literally do not think the rest of the world cares so much about it. They also do not fathom just how large countries like the USA are, or how our internet is. So when they put GSS in, they think "It'll be okay" because they all have the best internet in the world and their country is about the size of the American east coast. Granted, all this is based on knowledge about Capcom but this is also just how the Japanese industry thinks. At the end of the day, they think about making games for Japan first. The only way to convince them is to tell them otherwise that "Hey, we REALLY want this it will make us buy your games more and tell others to!" They don't think it will make a difference in sales.


I'm no expert but how is it that the previous engines,all of them built differently, can run through GGPO with no problem? Isn't it more impart due to the system in which there running on? Like the fact that GGPO and other places like it run on FBA.

Lets just say in the future, we get an xbox360 emulator and they offer netplay doesn't it work the same way in theory? Like I said I honestly don't no how the GGPO code works but I tend to hear people tell me how everything isn't possible and then one day I look up and it is. I understand from a financial and production standpoint it may not be feasible, maybe japanese companies don't understand how important netcode is to game sales but I doubt that. 

I'm new to the whole game creation seen. I'm actually going to school for game art but I haven't really delved deep into game engines as yet. This month will be my second time working in one. Now if today's game engines are different then the one's from yester year and would never allow the type of things that GGPO and other emulators can do without those things being built in from day one then I see where your coming from but a lot of times it seems like its just an excuse not to try its all theory until someone actually does it and says its not possible.  


Quote from: thec0re3 on November 25, 2011, 09:15:16 PM
I'm no expert but how is it that the previous engines,all of them built differently, can run through GGPO with no problem? Isn't it more impart due to the system in which there running on? Like the fact that GGPO and other places like it run on FBA.

Lets just say in the future, we get an xbox360 emulator and they offer netplay doesn't it work the same way in theory? Like I said I honestly don't no how the GGPO code works but I tend to hear people tell me how everything isn't possible and then one day I look up and it is.

I'm new to the whole game creation seen. I'm actually going to school so for game art but I haven't really delved deep into game engines as yet. This month will be my second time working in one. Now if today's game engines are different then the one from yester year and would never allow the type of things that GGPO and other emulators can do then I see where your coming from but a lot of times it seems like its an excuse. 

Because the game is rendered in 2D, not 3D. 3D games don't work on GGPO.