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Kyo Kusanagi (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 04:55:50 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

Issetsu Seoi Nage - ;bk / ;fd + ;c / ;d

Command Normals
Goufu You - ;fd + ;b

88 Shiki - ;df + ;d

Naraku Otoshi - ;db / ;dn / ;df + ;c in air

Special Moves
Yamibarai - ;qcf + ;a / ;c *

Oniyaki - ;dp + ;a / ;c *

Kotokskio - ;hcb + ;b / ;d *

Oborogurma - ;rdp + ;b / ;d *

Kai - ;qcf + ;b / ;d *

Desperation Moves
Orochinagi - ;dn ;db ;hcf + ;a / ;c *

Air Orochinagi - ;dn ;db ;hcf + ;a / ;c in air

Ama No Murakumo - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Kyo's Wiki entry.

Console changes:
- (shown in video) 88 Shiki (df+D) moves forward more. As a result, stand C, df+D, QCF+K now does the full four hits.
- Kototsuki You (HCB+K) has more lag on block
- (shown in video) B version of 75 Shiki Kai (QCF+K) can now be followed up with other attacks. On the ground you can only follow up with an uppercut, but on a mid-air hit you can do more interesting things.
- (shown in video) Added an EX version for his mid-air Orochinagi. It does 3 hits and 300 damage. Unlike the ground version it has no invincibility but is very fast, so you can use it in combos or in air-to-air battles.
- far D has less lag.

Yamamoto: The air Orochinagi which he learned in KOF Sky Stage (laughs) and now the EX version on top of that has made him a master of the move. It’s now possible to do high damage combos off of a hit confirm with his df.HK>fb+HK {df.D > qcf+D}combo. Please try him out now that he has so many more attack options.






couple questions on him so far;

I've seen his HyperDrive corner to be something along the line of  ;fd ;dn ;df ;c (or  ;a, not sure which works better),  ;bk ;dn ;db ;b... does he have anything a little looser? like maybe using Kai instead of that RDP kick? and is his NEOMAX motion really that easy? I was under the impression it was  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;a ;c

keep playing and keep thinking


Quote from: HalfEmpty on December 15, 2011, 05:33:15 PM
couple questions on him so far;

I've seen his HyperDrive corner to be something along the line of  ;fd ;dn ;df ;c (or  ;a, not sure which works better),  ;bk ;dn ;db ;b... does he have anything a little looser? like maybe using Kai instead of that RDP kick? and is his NEOMAX motion really that easy? I was under the impression it was  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;a ;c

when i was first getting used to HD mode i used qcf d, rpd b, qcf b, dp a, qcf x2 into hcb d into neo max it does decent damage.

and yes his neo max is really qcf x2 ac
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'

Dark Chaotix


I made a couple of videos showing some console only combos awhile ago if anyone cares shrug....

KOF XIII Kyo Console example combos..
KOF XIII more console idea scraps/left overs... Iori, Kim, Kyo, K' Combo video

Kyos kinda funny in this game I think. Almost to the point of being silly how easy these combos are too. The only thing to take note of I think when going for these dizzy combos is if you hit a opponent back turned they tend to not work. Although of course being in this sort of situation is rare anyway. But yea most his combos are pretty mashable in terms of ease I think shrug...


i never would of thought after doing counter hit CD into a EX super you could get a neo max good job.  ;)
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


I'm super duper frustrated. I spent a good half of the day trying to get this combo out and I just can't seem to do it consistently. I just purchased a joystick so I've been trying to make the transition but its things like this that are really making it hard for me to stay away from my control pad.

I've been trying to consistently do Kai into Oborogurma into Air Orchinagi.  Kai into Oborogurma is Np. I've been trying to pay close attention to my inputs this is what I've gotten so far for a successful Oborogurma into Air Orchinagi:

;bk ;dn ;db ;bk  ;l ;k   into  ;dn ;df ;fd  ;lP  

This hasn't really given me a consistent outcome whether its due to a certain timing I don't know but it doesn't come out for me all the time when I do it.

Another successful attempt on my joystick looked like this:
;bk ;dn ;db ;bk  ;l  ;k (was right beside it in the input data) into  ;dn ;fd LP

The next one I did on my control pad  just to see what I may not be doing or doing differently.  I got this:
;bk ;db  ;dn ;db ;bk  ;l ;k  into  ;dn  ;df ;fd HP

Another variation I pulled off on control pad was:
;bk ;db ;dn ;db ;bk   ;l ;k   ;dn  ;df ;fd HP

I don't know what I'm not doing ; I really felt like I made a lot of head way today but the fact that I can't get this to activate consistently after practicing so many hours is really taking away my motivation to master him and he's probably the strongest person I have on my team right now.  

Dark Chaotix

You should actually do rdp+B, hcf+A. Don't try to skip the hcf by just doing qcf


Quote from: Dark Chaotix on December 25, 2011, 08:20:15 AM
You should actually do rdp+B, hcf+A. Don't try to skip the hcf by just doing qcf

There is no reason to do hcf+A as the game engine wants  ;bk  ;dn  ;fd for a half circle forward and you already have the  ;bk after your rdp, you just need to do  ;dn  ;fd  ;a to have the orochinagi.

for thec0r3, check if you do your rdp with the  ;db inside because for qcf/qcb motions the game needs the diagonals

Dark Chaotix

Quote from: Shaman on December 25, 2011, 12:50:08 PM
Quote from: Dark Chaotix on December 25, 2011, 08:20:15 AM
You should actually do rdp+B, hcf+A. Don't try to skip the hcf by just doing qcf

There is no reason to do hcf+A as the game engine wants  ;bk  ;dn  ;fd for a half circle forward and you already have the  ;bk after your rdp, you just need to do  ;dn  ;fd  ;a to have the orochinagi.

for thec0r3, check if you do your rdp with the  ;db inside because for qcf/qcb motions the game needs the diagonals

Im aware of that, but I think its bad practice to do so IMO.


I tried out what shaman suggested but its not working I also tried rdp into HCF but that was not coming out either. I think I've figured it out. When I first posted, I was pretty much out of it and just plain tired. Now that I've returned I know the most consistent thing coming out for me at least playing with the joy stick is:

rdp+ LK  into  qcf+LP

So far its come out when I've done it EXACTLY that way. I've been paying attention to my reverse dp inputs and they haven't been coming out  ;bk ;dn ;db;bk all of the time sigh. So, I think once I get the hang of doing the rdp properly then it will work consistently.


My solution for rdp B into Air Orochinagi is to do b+qcb B since it ends with a back motion I can do the Air Orochinagi. Problem is I'm uncomfortable to the pad and I don't have a stick yet. My problem is dp+P into rdp B drive cancel. :(

Silver Shadow

Hey Guys

Anyone found out an easy way to do a weak DP into air orochinagi?