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Information for "The King of Fighters XV/Whip"

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Display titleThe King of Fighters XV/Whip
Default sort keyThe King of Fighters XV/Whip
Page length (in bytes)31,641
Namespace ID0
Page ID7699
Page content languageen - English
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes
Number of subpages of this page3 (0 redirects; 3 non-redirects)
Page imageKOFXV Whip Profile.png

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Edit history

Page creatorAmedoS310 (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation17:21, 25 November 2021
Latest editorSalsaInABowl (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit04:51, 10 March 2025
Total number of edits168
Total number of distinct authors21
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)25
Recent number of distinct authors3

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Whip is a mid-range specialist who has some of the best range in the entire game. She's an excellent character to outpoke the opponent with and can use her Strength Shot to mix up the opponent from far away. Not only that, but she herself also has a very threatening approach game with moves like j.CD, j.C, and Hook Shot, making her a tricky character to defend against. Moves like these and her 2C sweep ensure that her opponents are never comfortable on wakeup, even when she's far away. Whip can be very rewarding, but equally demanding to play. Playing as Whip requires more spatial awareness than most, if not all, other characters in the game. Most of her moves can go from being safe to unsafe just from bad spacing alone. However, the inverse also applies: Whip's moveset will reward you for your good spacing by making some moves much safer than their frame data numbers would have you think. Making the wrong move as Whip can be punishing due to her relatively slow frame data, and most of her moveset requires that you are very deliberate with your movement and actions. If you are looking for a character that can control a large amount of space and harass opponents from mid-range, Whip is here for you as long as you are willing to be extra conscious about your spacing and remain selective about when you commit to risky options, such as Boomerang Shot. Whip works in every position on a team, but arguably does best in the second slot. Whip does not ask for too much meter to run her offense, and her combos are very meter-efficient. However, starting with at least 1 bar allows her access to EX Hook Shot as an approach option, and her 1-bar combos can deal some serious damage.
Article image: (image)
This attribute controls the content of the og:image element. This image is mostly displayed as a thumbnail on social media.
KOFXV Whip Profile.png
Information from Extension:WikiSEO