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KeremK (talk | contribs)
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KeremK (talk | contribs)
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(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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poly 268 0 212 25 213 87 266 115 320 90 322 29 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Kyo_Kusanagi]]
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poly 482 116 482 173 532 199 583 173 583 115 532 91 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Nameless]]
poly 202 52 221 40 244 52 245 78 223 90 201 81 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Nameless]]
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poly 91 89 114 77 132 86 136 114 112 127 92 117 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Sie_Kensou]]
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poly 135 90 157 80 178 91 179 117 157 128 136 118 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Bao]]
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poly 268 91 290 80 309 88 310 117 286 131 266 118 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Vanessa]]
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poly 24 159 45 168 47 193 23 203 2 194 2 166 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/K']]
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poly 67 159 88 167 90 191 69 203 48 190 48 168 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Maxima]]
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poly 137 166 158 155 178 166 178 189 155 201 136 194 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Krizalid]]
poly 744 433 695 454 692 514 744 541 791 515 795 460 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Jhun_Hoon]]
poly 181 164 199 154 222 167 222 190 200 203 181 192 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Clone_Zero]]
poly 852 435 801 459 798 516 849 543 901 516 901 456 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Lin]]
poly 245 157 267 166 267 190 244 205 224 194 225 165 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Zero]]
poly 957 435 906 457 904 514 954 538 1008 514 1009 462[[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Shingo_Yabuki]]
poly 288 154 311 166 310 190 290 201 269 193 268 164 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Igniz]]
poly 160 519 111 544 108 599 162 626 210 602 216 549 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Ryuji_Yamazaki]]
poly 334 155 354 166 355 193 333 205 312 194 312 165 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Kula_Diamond]]
poly 267 520 217 544 216 600 268 627 316 603 318 547 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Blue_Mary]]
poly 375 156 398 166 398 190 376 202 357 193 355 166 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Foxy]]
poly 374 519 325 546 319 601 371 626 425 599 425 547 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Billy_Kane]]
poly 420 156 442 166 444 192 422 202 401 193 400 167 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Angel]]
poly 689 516 638 544 638 598 689 628 738 603 744 546 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Heidern]]
poly 46 197 67 206 69 231 45 241 24 232 24 204 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Kim_Kaphwan]]
poly 798 519 747 544 747 601 798 628 849 601 849 546 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Takuma_Sakazaki]]
poly 87 197 108 205 110 229 89 241 68 228 68 206 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Chang_Koehan]]
poly 904 519 854 543 855 602 904 623 951 602 957 544 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Chin_Gentsai]]
poly 114 204 135 193 154 202 154 228 134 241 112 230 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Choi_Bounge]]
poly 214 606 163 631 163 688 211 712 264 687 267 631 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Li_Xiangfei]]
poly 157 205 178 194 198 205 198 228 175 240 156 233 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Orochi_Yashiro]]
poly 324 606 273 630 268 684 318 712 368 687 373 633 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Hinako_Shijou]]
poly 202 204 220 194 243 207 243 230 221 243 202 232 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Orochi_Shermie]]
poly 428 606 377 628 376 690 425 710 475 687 478 633 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/May_Lee]]
poly 267 193 289 202 289 226 266 241 246 230 247 201 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Orochi_Chris]]
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poly 587 691 535 715 532 772 586 800 636 775 636 715 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Kyo-2]]
poly 396 196 419 206 419 230 397 242 378 233 376 206 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Shingo_Yabuki]]
poly 638 604 589 631 587 682 638 712 689 685 690 631 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/King]]
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poly 746 604 695 632 695 689 746 713 795 686 798 634 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Mai_Shiranui]]
poly 111 233 132 241 134 265 113 277 92 264 92 242 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Blue_Mary]]
poly 851 603 801 629 801 683 849 710 901 689 903 631 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Kasumi_Todoh]]
poly 135 243 156 232 175 241 175 267 155 280 133 269 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Billy_Kane]]
poly 213 780 162 802 162 859 213 887 267 864 267 805 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Goenitz]]
poly 179 243 200 232 220 243 220 266 197 278 178 271 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Geese]]
poly 322 776 270 800 271 862 321 884 370 859 371 805 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Krizalid]]
poly 224 241 242 231 265 244 265 267 243 280 224 269 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Nightmare_Geese]]
poly 425 778 376 802 376 859 428 886 478 859 481 802 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Clone_Zero]]
poly 288 231 310 240 310 264 287 279 267 268 268 239 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Heidern]]
poly 536 778 482 800 478 856 533 886 581 857 584 809 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Omega_Rugal]]
poly 331 230 354 242 353 266 333 277 312 269 311 240 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Takuma_Sakazaki]]
poly 641 778 589 802 587 859 638 883 686 858 695 804 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Zero]]
poly 376 231 396 242 397 269 375 281 354 270 354 241 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Chin_Gentsai]]
poly 746 782 698 803 695 859 744 884 797 859 795 806 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Igniz]]
poly 89 270 110 279 112 304 88 314 67 305 67 277 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Li_Xiangfei]]
poly 851 778 800 801 801 858 854 887 901 862 904 805 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Geese]]
poly 134 272 155 280 157 304 136 316 115 303 115 281 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Hinako_Shijou]]
poly 158 279 179 268 198 277 198 303 178 316 156 305 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/May_Lee]]
poly 205 280 226 269 246 280 246 303 223 315 204 308 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Kusanagi]]
poly 248 278 266 268 289 281 289 304 267 317 248 306 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/King]]
poly 311 269 333 278 333 302 310 317 290 306 291 277 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Mai_Shiranui]]
poly 355 269 378 281 377 305 357 316 336 308 335 279 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Kasumi_Todoh]]
poly 201 310 222 319 224 344 200 354 179 345 179 317 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Kyo-1]]
poly 244 312 265 320 267 344 246 356 225 343 225 321 [[The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/Kyo-2]]

desc none
desc none
[[Category:The King of Fighters 2k2UM]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 19:36, 28 October 2023

The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Kyo KusanagiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Benimaru NikaidoThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Goro DaimonThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Iori YagamiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/MatureThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/ViceThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Terry BogardThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Andy BogardThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Joe HigashiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/NamelessThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Ryo SakazakiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Robert GarciaThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Yuri SakazakiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Athena AsamiyaThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Sie KensouThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/BaoThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/EX RobertThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/EX TakumaThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/VanessaThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/SethThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/RamonThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Leona HeidernThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/RalfThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Clark StillThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/EX KensouThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Omega RugalThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/GoenitzThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Yashiro NanakaseThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/ShermieThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/ChrisThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/K'The King of Fighters 2002 UM/MaximaThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/WhipThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/KrizalidThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Clone ZeroThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/ZeroThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/IgnizThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Kula DiamondThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/FoxyThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/AngelThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Kim KaphwanThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Chang KoehanThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Choi BoungeThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Orochi YashiroThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Orochi ShermieThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Orochi ChrisThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Jhun HoonThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/LinThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Shingo YabukiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Ryuji YamazakiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Blue MaryThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Billy KaneThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/GeeseThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Nightmare GeeseThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/HeidernThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Takuma SakazakiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Chin GentsaiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Li XiangfeiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Hinako ShijouThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/May LeeThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/KusanagiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/KingThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Mai ShiranuiThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Kasumi TodohThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Kyo-1The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Kyo-2