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The King of Fighters XIII/Kyo Kusanagi: Difference between revisions

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Krazykone123 (talk | contribs)
Krazykone123 (talk | contribs)
Line 58: Line 58:

(EX) hcb+BD close - Changes properties to an instant command grab
(EX) = hcb+BD close - Changes properties to an instant command grab

Line 64: Line 64:

(EX) rdp+BD - Mimics the strong version except with more invincibility at start-up, comes out quicker  
(EX) = rdp+BD - Mimics the strong version except with more invincibility at start-up, comes out quicker  

Line 70: Line 70:

(EX) qcf+BD - Comes out much quicker making it easier to connect after his df+D
(EX) = qcf+BD - Comes out much quicker making it easier to connect after his df+D

==Desperation Moves==
==Desperation Moves==

Revision as of 10:31, 25 August 2010


st. A: Standard punch attack, fast and stops short-hops too, cancel-able

st. B: Quick low kick attack (hits low), quick and cancel-able

st. C:Strong punch that's aimed slightly upward, good range and an okay AA, has pretty good hitstun so it may end up starting a few combos, whiff cancel-able

cl. C: Up close strong punch, because of how quick it is it's gonna be your main bnb/combo starter of choice, cancel-able

st. D: Jumping turn kick, great reach and can be used to avoid some attacks aimed low as well

cr. A: Crouching punch attack, qucik and can be canceled, preferred to be chained to his df+D

cr. B: A quick crouching kick, a great poke that's good for chaining into combos, excellent range, can be chained

cr. C: Crouch uppercut attack, good reach, great priority, very fast, good as an AA, cancel-able, this move got it all

cr. D: Crouch sweep attack, knocks standing opponents down when hit, good reach but it's rather slow, whiff cancel-able

j. A: Jumping elbow attack, it comes out fast but the range is mediocre

j. B: Jumping knee attack, good priority and stays out for a bit, crosses-up

j. C: Jumping punch attack, a great jump-in move and does good damage as well, crosses-up

j. D: Good priority, useful in air-to-air and should be used earlier than later because of it's range

CD: Shoulder tackle, fast and whiff cancel-able

j. CD: Air shoulder tackle, comes out pretty quick, delivers a chunk of hitstun like many other CD attacks


Issetsu Seoi Nage = b/f + C/D - A slam to elbow drop, nothing much else

Command Moves

Goufu You = (f+B) - Overhead kick, works well with after moves with a lot of hitstun, cancel-able

88 Shiki = (df+D) - 2 low sweep kicks, good range and connects after crouch normals fairly well, first hit is free cancel-able

Naraku Otoshi = (db/d/df+C in air) - Two-handed downward haymaker attack, when successfully used air-to-air it slams the opponent to the ground, has a lot of hitstun so it can be used to jump-in and start a combo, can cross up

Special Moves

Yamibarai = (qcf+P) - A flame projectile that goes across the ground towards the other side of the screen, weak version slowly goes across the ground, the strong version goes much faster, all versions can be super canceled up close upon release

(EX) = qcf+AC - Comes out very quickly making it very easy to combo into, knocks opponent down

Oniyaki = (dp+P) - An uppercut imbued with flames, has a wide hitbox so it punishes a lot of jump-ins (and some pokes) easily, weak version does one hit while the strong version does 3 hits, both versions make him rise into the air in a diagonal fashion, both versions can be drive/super canceled on the first hit

(EX) = dp+AC - Rises into the air vertically instead of diagonally, also has a vacuum effect on hit pulling them into the uppercut, has more invincibility/auto-guard and does 4 hits

Kotokskio = (hcb+K) - Rushing elbow to grab attack, very quick and has lower body invincibility at start-up, works well after most normals and juggle attacks, weak version goes about 75% of the screen and has good recovery, strong version goes full-screen, can be drive/super canceled as soon as the elbow hits the opponent

(EX) = hcb+BD close - Changes properties to an instant command grab

Oborogurma = (rdp+K) - Quick jump kick(s), weak version does one hit and juggles the opponent, strong version does three hits slamming the opponent down on the third hit, both versions are unsafe when whiffed, weak version can be drive/super canceled on the first hit while the strong/EX version can be super canceled on the second hit

(EX) = rdp+BD - Mimics the strong version except with more invincibility at start-up, comes out quicker

Kai = (qcf+K) - 2 jumping kick attacks, weak version simply knocks the opponent down but it's pretty safe, strong version launches the opponent higher into the air for a possible folow-up, can be super canceled upon second hit

(EX) = qcf+BD - Comes out much quicker making it easier to connect after his df+D

Desperation Moves

Orochinagi = (qcf hcb+P) -

(EX) -

Air Orochinagi = (qcf hcb+P in air) -


Ama No Murakumo (qcfx2 +AC) -


No Drive/No Meter

- cr. Bx1~2, st. B, hcb+K

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), hcb+K

- cr. B, st. C, df+D (1), hcb+K

50% Drive/No Meter

- cr. Bx1~2, st. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, hcb+D

- cr. Bx1~2, st. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, rdp+D

- st. C, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, hcb+D

- st. C, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, rdp+D

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), hcb+K, (DC) qcf+K, hcb+K

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), hcb+K, (DC) qcf+K, rdp+D

100% Drive/No Meter

- cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, (dash forward) dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, hcb+K

- cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, (dash forward) dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+D

- st. C, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, (dash forward) dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, hcb+K

- st. C, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, (dash forward) dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+D

No Drive/1 Meter

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), qcb hcf+P

- st. C, qcf+K, qcb hcf+P

- st. C, qcf+K, rdp+B, rdp+BD

50% Drive/1 Meter

- cr. Bx1~2, st. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+P

- st. C, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+P

- st. C, qcf+D, rdp+Bx2, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P

- st. C, qcf+D, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P

No Drive/2 Meters

- qcf+D, rdp+B, qcb hcf+AC

50% Drive/2 Meters

- cr. Bx1~2, st. B, dp+C (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcb hcf+AC

- st. C, dp+C (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcb hcf+AC

100%/2 Meters

- corner: qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, hcb+K

No Drive/3 Meters

-corner: qcf+D, qcb hcf+P (in air), qcb hcf+AC

50% Drive/3 Meters

- corner: qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, (rdp+B), qcb hcf+AC

100% Drive/4 Meters

- qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, qcb hcf+AC

HD Combos

***All combos below start with either standard HD activation, or combo HD activation***

- st. C, df+D (2), hcb+K, [HDC] dp+C (1), qcf+D, hcb+K, [HDC] rdp+B, dp+A, [HDC] rdp+B, dp+A, [HDC] rdp+B, dp+C, [HDC] rdp+B, dp+A, [HDC] qcf+D

- st. C, df+D (2), hcb+K, [HDC] dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, (hcb+K, [HDC] rdp+B, dp+A, [HDC] qcf+D]xn

- corner: [dp+C (1), rdp+A]xn

- coner: [rdp+B, dp+C (1)]xn

- [rdp+B, dp+A, qcf+D]xn

- st. C, df+D (2), ([HDC] hcb+K, [HDC] dp+C)x4, qcf+D, hcb+K

- st. C, df+D (2), ([HDC] hcb+K, [HDC] dp+C)x4, qcf+D, rdp+D

1 Meter Additions

- qcb hcf+P

- [rdp+B, dp+AC]

- [rdp+B, rdp+BD]

- st. C, dp+C (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B)x3, dp+A, [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, rdp+D

2 Meter Additions

- qcb hcf+AC

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B]x2, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+C

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, hcb+K, [HDC] dp+A, [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, hcb+K, [HDC] dp+A, [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, rdp+D

3 Meter Additions

- qcb hcf+P (in air), qcb hcf+AC

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B]x2, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, [SC in air] qcb hcf+P, qcb hcf+P

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, hcb+K, [HDC] dp+A, [HDC] qcf+D, qcb hcf+P (in air), rdp+B, dp+A

4 Meter Additions

- st. C, df+D (2), [(HDC) hcb+K, (HDC) dp+C (1)]x3, hcb+K, (SC) qcb hcf+P, (MC) qcfx2+AC

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, (dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B)x2, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, qcb hcf+AC

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, hcb+K, [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+BD

5 Meter Additions

- st. C, df+D (2), [(HDC) hcb+K, (HDC) dp+C (1)]x3, hcb+K, (SC) qcb hcf+AC, qcfx2+AC

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, qcb hcf+AC

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, hcb+K, (HDC) dp+A, (HDC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+P (in air), qcb hcf+AC

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, hcb+K, (HDC) dp+A, (HDC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+P (in air), qcb hcf+AC

- st. C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, hcb+K, (MC) qcfx2+AC


- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), qcf+K, rdp+B, dp+C

- st. C, df+D (1), qcf+K, rdp+B, dp+C

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), qcf+K, rdp+B, dp+C (1), (DC) rdp+B, dp+C

- st. C, df+D (1), qcf+K, rdp+B, dp+C (1), (DC) rdp+B, dp+C

- cr. Bx2, st. B, df+D (1), qcf+K, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (DC) rdp+B]x2, dp+C

- st. C, df+D (1) dp+C (1) qcf+K, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (DC) rdp+B]x2, dp+C

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), qcf+K, rdp+B, qcb hcf+P

- st. C, df+D (1), qcf+K, rdp+B, qcb hcf+P

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+C

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, hcb+D

- st. C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+C

- st. C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, hcb+D

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), qcf+D, qcb hcf+P (in air), rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C

- cr. B, cr. A, df+D (1), qcf+D, qcb hcf+P (in air), rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+D

- st. C, df+D (1), qcf+D, qcb hcf+P (in air), rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C

- st. C, df+D (1), qcf+D, qcb hcf+P (in air), rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+D

- qcf+D, rdp+Bx2, (SC) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+AC

- qcf+D, rdp+Bx2, (SC) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, qcb hcf+P