-Happy New Year 2025!

The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Vanessa

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Dynamite Puncher - b/f + C close

Clinch Puncher - b/f + D close

Command Moves

One-Two Puncher - f + A

Sliding Puncher - df + B

Special Attacks

Machine Gun Puncher - hcf + A/C (press rapidly for more hits)

Dash Puncher - charge b, f + A/C

Puncher Vision (forward) - qcf + B/D

┣ Upper - f + A

┣Straight - f + C

┗Weaving - b + A/C

Puncher Vision (backward) - qcb + B/D

┣ Upper - f + A

┣Straight - f + C

┗Weaving - B + A/C

Puncher Weaving - qcb + A/C

┣ Dash Puncher - f + A/C

┣Parrying Puncher - b + A/C

┣Puncher Vision (forward) - f + B/D

┗Puncher Vision (backward) - b + B/D

Forbidden Eagle - dp + A

Parrying Puncher - dp + C


Crazy Puncher - qcb, hcf + A/C

Champion Puncher - qcf x 2 + A/C close

Super DM

Crazy Puncher - qcf x 2 + A/C


Gaia Gear - f, hcf + AC



Training Mode Videos

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6553393 (copy and paste here, http://mmcafe.com/nico.html)