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Real Bout Fatal Fury 2/Wolfgang Krauser

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Gameplay Overview

Wolfgang Krauser is a highly versatile character with good ways to break his opponent's defence, yet also has a strong long range game.

Gameplay Notes

- Krauser can input BC when dashing to do a sliding version of his standing B. This version cannot chain into C.


  • Has good overheads and special throws.
  • Great damage output.
  • Good at controlling space.


  • Slow movement.
  • No reliable reversals.
  • Big hurtbox.



Close A

Krauser's fastest normal along with crouching A. Only useful for following up with C into specials. Crouching A is a better choice always.

Far A

A medium-ranged, slow punch attack. Can be followed up with C which is only cancellable on block. Standing B is usually a better choice since it has better reach.

Close B

A short knee attack. Can be followed by C. Use crouching A instead.

Far B

A decent poke. Has good range and can be followed by C for ok damage.

Close C

Krauser's main move for doing punishing combos. All his most powerful combos start with this move. Horrible startup makes this hard to use except when it is guaranteed. If you intend to combo into this from the air, the air move must hit very deep.

Far C

A very slow, yet very useful poke. Great range and a very big hitbox means this move will beat out a lot at long range. Any trade will usually be beneficial to Krauser because of his higher damage output.


Jump A

Krauser's best air-to-air move. Horizontal hitbox and decent speed.

Jump B

A decent air move with good range, but a hitbox that will often miss against a jumping opponent.

Jump C

Very slow and short range. The timing to hit with this move is a bit trickier than most air moves. Has the ability to cross up, but this is extremely hard to do on purpose and usually happens rarely and usually unintentionally.

Jump d+C

Can only be done from a high jump and has huge startup. Damage is also lower than the C, but this move can crossup without switching directions with D. Not very useful because of its slow speed.